Issue #89


Oct. 25, 2013

 Pip in Python 3.4, Django Releases, A letter to a young programmer and much more.

Issue #89: Mavericks
Friday,  October 25th, 2013


Hi Pythonistas!


Its been a very full week, lots of  new things happening in the Python community.

And of course, as always, if you have any questions, comments, gripes or suggestions just hit reply to this email.


To the  keep up with all the breaking Python news follow @pycoders.


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Mahdi and Mike

News and Developments.

PEP 453 Has Been Accepted! (

This means that pip will be included in Python 3.4.


Django 1.4.9 and 1.5.5 Bugfix Releases Issued (

These are not security releases, but they do provide improvements that deal with the last security release.


New Subreddit for Statistics With Python (

This is super exciting, we are hoping to see tons of content and discussion here.


Python 3 to be the New Default in Fedora (

Fedora has made the jump to Python3, although it will still provide Python 2.


Flatten Django Migrations Coming (

Hate having to manage all those little migrations you made along the way while you wrote code? Well, there will soon be a way to merge them all into one migration.


Django Dash and WSGI War Results ( |

Been wondering about the results of Django Dash and Wsgi War? Check ‘em out now!


From our sponsors:


Python 3 to be the New Default in Fedora (

Hear what people have to say about this development.




HTPC-Manager (

For those HTPC lovers out there, this project is a fully responsive interface to manage all the software on your home media machine..


trequests (

A Tornado asynchronous HTTP(S) adaptor for the Requests HTTP library.


crochet (

This allows you to make it easier for blocking threaded applications like Django or Flask to use Twisted.


geopandas (

This adds support for dealing with geographic data in pandas objects. Implements new objects `GeoSeries` and `GeoDataFrame`.


clay (

This is a wrapper around Flask that allows you to easily build RESTful backend services. Full documentation here.



Python Jobs.


Sr. Python Developer (Los Angeles, CA)

at Keypr.

Back End Developer (New York, NY)

at Datadog.

Open-Source System Developer (New York, NY)

at Datadog.

Python/Django Developer (London, UK)

at Tangent Labs.

>>> More Python Jobs



A Letter to a Young Programmer by Guido Van Rossum (

Argument Binding in Python (

Nice laid out description of shortcomings when dealing with partials and lambdas for argument binding.

Guido Van Rossum on why Python uses 0-based indexing (

If you ever wondered why Python uses 0-based indexing, hear it from the man who started it all.

Tango With Django (

Tango with Django is a beginner’s guide to web development with Django 1.5.4. This guide is very detailed and will guide you from starting your first project straight through to deployment.

So You'd Like To Make a Map Using Python (

This is a great in-depth tutorial for creating beautiful thematic maps in Python. This guides you through the entire process with detailed code examples.

Dawn of the Thread (

As a follow up to his post last week, Night of the Living Thread, the author gives a solution to the problem of Zombie threads with an easily implemented `SafeThread` class.



Pycoder's Weekly Issue #90
Nov 1st, 2013


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