Issue #632

Hashables, PyCon US Recap, Circular Imports, and More

June 4, 2024

Hashables, PyCon US Recap, Circular Imports, and More
#632 – JUNE 4, 2024 VIEW IN BROWSER
The PyCoder’s Weekly Logo
What’s a Python Hashable Object?
You can ignore reading about hashable objects for quite a bit. But eventually, it’s worth having an idea of what they are. This post follows Winston on his first day at work to understand hashable objects
THEPYTHONCODINGSTACK.COM • Shared by Stephen Gruppetta

PyCon US 2024 Recap
Part travelogue, part conference diary, Katherine writes about her experience at PyCon US 2024 held in Pittsburgh, PA.

[Video] Saga Pattern Simplified: Building Sagas with Temporal
In this on-demand webinar, we give an overview of Sagas, including challenges and benefits. Then, we introduce Temporal and demonstrate how easy it is to build, test, and run Sagas using our platform and coding in your preferred language. No prior knowledge of Temporal is needed to follow along →

One Way to Fix Python Circular Imports
Python circular imports can be confusing. Simply using a different form of import can sometimes fix the problem.

Guido Withdraws Ownership From Core Interpreter
Associated HN Discussion

Django Day Copenhagen 2024 Call for Proposals


What Would You Spend Time on if You Didn’t Need Money?

Articles & Tutorials

Three Laws of Software Complexity
Mahesh states that most software engineers (particularly those working on infrastructural systems) are destined to wallow in unnecessary complexity due to three fundamental laws. Associated HN Discussion.

Efficient Iterations With Python Iterators and Iterables
In this video course, you’ll learn what iterators and iterables are in Python. You’ll learn how they differ and when to use them in your code. You’ll also learn how to create your own iterators and iterables to make data processing more efficient.

Authentication Your Whole Team Will Love
“With PropelAuth, I think I’ve spent about a day – total – on auth over the past year.” PropelAuth is easy to integrate and provides all the tools your team needs to manage your users - dashboards, user insights, impersonation, SSO and more →

My BDFL Guiding Principles
Daniel is the Benevolent Dictator For Life of the curl library, and in this post he considers how the “dictator” part may not be the best way to run an open source project. He covers 10 principles he tries to embody when guiding the curl project.

Writing Fast String ufuncs for NumPy 2.0
NumPy 2.0 is coming shortly and has loads of big changes and new features. This article talks about NumPy’s universal functions which can be applied to the elements of a NumPy array, and how to write good ones when dealing with strings.

How Python Compares Floats and Integers
Floating point isn’t a precise representation, this can mean that when you compare a float with an int, something that looks like it should be the same, might not be. This article deep dives on how that works in Python.

Thinking About Running for the PSF Board of Directors?
The Python Software Foundation runs office hours and this year they’ve set aside two times for asking questions of current board members. If you’re thinking of running, this is a perfect place to get more information.

How EuroPython Proposals Are Selected
This post from the folks at EuroPython walks you through how their conference selection process works. Although EuroPython specific, it contains lots of good general advice for getting accepted at any conference.

Django Enhancement Proposal 14: Background Workers
A DEP is like a PEP, but for Django. There are many libraries out there for dealing with background tasks when writing Django code, DEP 14 proposes an interface for such systems as well as a default backend.

How to Create Pivot Tables With pandas
In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to create pivot tables using pandas. You’ll explore the key features of DataFrame’s pivot_table() method and practice using them to aggregate your data in different ways.

Essays on Programming I Think About a Lot
A collection of essays on software from a variety of sources. Content includes how to choose your tech stack, products, abstractions, and more.

Projects & Code

Brought to you by Real Python for Teamssponsor
Online Python training created by a community of experts. Give your team the real-world Python skills they need to succeed →

django-auditlog: Log of Changes to an Object

Python Resources for Working With Excel

Pytest Plugin to Disable Tests in One or More Files
GITHUB.COM/POMPONCHIK • Shared by Evgeniy Blinov (pomponchik)

UXsim: Vehicular Traffic Flow Simulator in Road Network

Python Finite State Machines Made Easy
GITHUB.COM/FGMACEDO • Shared by Fernando Macedo

📆🐍 Upcoming Python Events

Weekly Real Python Office Hours Q&A (Virtual)
June 5, 2024

DjangoCon Europe 2024
June 5 to June 10, 2024

Canberra Python Meetup
June 6, 2024

PyCon Colombia 2024
June 7 to June 10, 2024

IndyPy Hosts “AI Powered by Python Panel”
June 11, 2024

Wagtail Space NL
June 12 to June 15, 2024
Happy Pythoning!
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