Issue #631

Tkinter, pyastgrep, Django 5.1, and More

May 28, 2024

Tkinter, pyastgrep, Django 5.1, and More
#631 – MAY 28, 2024 VIEW IN BROWSER
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Building a Python GUI Application With Tkinter
In this video course, you’ll learn the basics of GUI programming with Tkinter, the de facto Python GUI framework. Master GUI programming concepts such as widgets, geometry managers, and event handlers. Then, put it all together by building two applications: a temperature converter and a text editor.

pyastgrep and Custom Linting
This article from the developer of pyastgrep introduces you to the tool which can now be used as a library. The post talks about how to use it and what kind of linting it does best.

Upgrade Python Versions Without the Pain
Stop wasting 30% of your team’s sprint on maintaining legacy codebases. Automatically migrate and keep up-to-date on Python versions, so that you can focus on being productive while staying secure, without the risk of breaking changes - Get a code assessment today →

What’s New in Django 5.1
Django 5.1 has gone alpha so the list of features targeting this release has more or less solidified. This article introduces you to what is coming in Django 5.1.

Quiz: How to Create Pivot Tables With Pandas
This quiz is designed to push your knowledge of pivot tables a little bit further. You won’t find all the answers by reading the tutorial, so you’ll need to do some investigating on your own. By finding all the answers, you’re sure to learn some other interesting things along the way.

PEP 649 Re-targeted to 3.14
Python Enhancement Proposal 649: Deferred Evaluation Of Annotations Using Descriptors has been re-targeted to the Python 3.14 release

JupyterLab 4.2 and Notebook 7.2 Released

Articles & Tutorials

Testing With Python: The Different Types of Tests
This is part 5 of a deep dive into writing automated tests, but also works well as an independent article. This post talks about the taxonomy of testing, like the differences between unit and integration tests, and how nobody can quite agree on a definition of either.

Python’s Built-in Exceptions: A Walkthrough With Examples
In this tutorial, you’ll get to know some of the most commonly used built-in exceptions in Python. You’ll learn when these exceptions can appear in your code and how to handle them. Finally, you’ll learn how to raise some of these exceptions in your code.

Software Engineering Hiring and Firing
This article is a deep dive on the hiring and firing practices in the software field, and unlike most articles focuses on senior engineering roles. It isn’t a “first job” post, but a “how the decision process works” article.

Enabling Async MongoDB Operations in Streamlit
Streamlit is a wonderful tool for building dashboards with its peculiar execution model, but using asyncio data sources with it can be a real pain. This article is about how you correctly use those two technologies together.
HANDMADESOFTWARE • Shared by Thorin Schiffer

EuroPython 2024 Announces Keynote Speakers
EuroPython happens in Prague July 8-14 and as the conference approaches more and more is happening. This posting from their May newsletter highlights the keynotes and other announcements.

Writing Commit Messages
This guide admits to being “yet another”, but unlike most that are out there, spends less time discussing the cosmetic aspects of a good commit message and more time on the content.

PSF Announces 5-Year Sponsorship Commitment From Fastly
Python Software Foundation securing this sponsorship affects the entire Python ecosystem, most notably the security and reliability of the Python Package Index (PyPI).
SOCKET.DEV • Shared by Sarah Gooding

Untold Stories From 6 Years Working on Python Packaging
Sumana gave the closing keynote address at PyCon US this year and this posting shares all the links and references from the talk.

The Python calendar Module: Create Calendars With Python
Learn to use the Python calendar module to create and customize calendars in plain text, HTML or directly in your terminal.

TIL: Accessibility Resources #2
This post is a collection of accessibility resources mostly for web sites, but some tools can be used elsewhere as well.

Projects & Code

Brought to you by Real Python for Teamssponsor
Online Python training created by a community of experts. Give your team the real-world Python skills they need to succeed →

PgQueuer: Python & PostgreSQL Job Queuing Library

Tapyr: Shiny for Python Application Template
GITHUB.COM/APPSILON • Shared by Appsilon

Oven: Explore Python Packages

tkforge: Drag & Drop in Figma to Create a Python GUI

tach: Enforce a Modular, Decoupled Package Architecture

📆🐍 Upcoming Python Events

Weekly Real Python Office Hours Q&A (Virtual)
May 29, 2024

SPb Python Drinkup
May 30, 2024

Building Python Communities Yaounde
June 1 to June 3, 2024

Django Girls Medellín
June 1 to June 2, 2024

PyDelhi User Group Meetup
June 1, 2024

Melbourne Python Users Group, Australia
June 3, 2024

DjangoCon Europe 2024
June 5 to June 10, 2024

PyCon Colombia 2024
June 7 to June 10, 2024
Happy Pythoning!
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