Playing With Genetic Algorithms in Python A Genetic Algorithm (GA) is an AI technique where random code is mutated and tested for fitness iteratively until a solution is found. This article shows you a couple of problems solved using GAs in Python. Associated HN discussion. JOSEP RUBIÓ PIQUÉ
Generate Beautiful QR Codes With Python In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to use Python to generate QR codes, from your standard black-and-white QR codes to beautiful ones with your favorite colors. You’ll learn how to format QR codes, rotate them, and even replace the static background with moving images. REAL PYTHON
Finally—Pandas Practice That Isn’t Boring You won’t get fluent with Pandas doing boring, irrelevant, toy exercises. Bamboo Weekly poses questions about current events, using real-world data sets—and offers clear, comprehensive solutions in Jupyter notebooks. Challenge yourself, and level up your Pandas skills every Wednesday → BAMBOO WEEKLYsponsor
I’m Mr. Null. My Name Makes Me Invisible to Computers NULL is a magic word in many computer languages. This article is by someone who has Null as a last name, and the consequences that entails. See also this Radiolab Podcast Episode for a similar topic. CHRISTOHPER NULL
2023 Django Developers Survey DJANGO SOFTWARE FOUNDATION
Python 3.12.0 Release Candidate 2 Available CPYTHON DEV BLOG
Pandas 2.1.0 Released PYDATA.ORG
Discussions Why Prefer Indentation Over Block Markers? STACKEXCHANGE.COM
Articles & Tutorials Launching an HTTP Server in One Line of Python Code In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to host files with a single command using an HTTP server built into Python. You’ll also extend it by making a miniature web framework able to serve dynamic content from HTML templates. Along the way, you’ll run CGI scripts and use encryption over HTTPS. REAL PYTHON
Introducing flake8-logging The Python standard library’s logging module is a go-to for adding observability to applications, but there are right and wrong ways to use it. This article is about a new linter that explicitly looks for problems with your logging calls. ADAM JOHNSON
Fully Managed Postgres + Great Support Crunchy Bridge is a different support experience. Our team is passionate about Postgres education giving you all the information and tools to make informed choices. If you’re a developer starting out or a more seasoned expert in databases, you’ll appreciate thorough, timely, and in-depth responses → CRUNCHY DATAsponsor
Apple Vision Framework via PyObjC for Text Recognition Learn how to use PyObjC to interface with the Apple Vision Framework and create a script to detect text in images. Become familiar with how PyObjC works and how it maps functions and methods from Objective C to Python. YASOOB KHALID • Shared by Yasoob Khalid
Class Concepts: Object-Oriented Programming in Python Python uses object-oriented programming to group data and associated operations together into classes. In this video course, you’ll learn how to write object-oriented code with classes, attributes, and methods. REAL PYTHON course
Switching to Hatch Oliver used Poetry for most of his projects, but recently tried out Hatch instead. This blog post covers what it took to get things going and what features he used, including how he ditched tox. OLIVER ANDRICH
The Python Dictionary Dispatch Pattern The dictionary dispatch pattern is when you keep references to functions in a dictionary and change code behavior based on keys. Learn how to use this pattern in practice. JAMES GALLAGHER
Analysing and Parsing the Contents of PyPI High-level statistics gathered from PyPI, including how popular language features are, project sizes (tensorflow accounts for 16% of the data on PyPI!) and growth. TOM FORBES • Shared by Tom Forbes
Writing a C Compiler in 500 Lines of Python This post details how to build a C compiler, step-by-step, using Python. A great intro to compilers. The target source is WASM, so learn a bit about that too. THEIA VOGEL
Filters in Django: filter(A, B) vsfilter(A).filter(B) An advanced dive into the Django ORM, how it handles joins, and what that means for your code. APIROBOT.ME • Shared by Denis
My Favorite Python Tricks for LeetCode Questions A collection of intermediate-level Python tricks and tools. Write more Pythonic code! JJ BEHRENS
What Is Wrong With TOML? Some YAML people talk about why TOML is too limited. HITCHDEV.COM
Projects & Code Brought to you by Real Python for Teamssponsor Online Python training created by a community of experts. Give your team the real-world Python skills they need to succeed → StrictYAML: Type-Safe, Restricted Subset of the YAML HITCHDEV.COM
dara: Create Interactive Web Apps in Pure Python GITHUB.COM/CAUSALENS
JobSpy: Scraper for LinkedIn, Indeed & ZipRecruiter GITHUB.COM/CULLENWATSON
krypton: Data Encryption at Rest and IAM for Python GITHUB.COM/KRPTN
iommi: Your First Pick for a Django Power Chord GITHUB.COM/IOMMIROCKS
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