| | Inheritance and Internals: Object-Oriented Coding in Python In this video course, you’ll learn about the various types of inheritance that you can use to write object-oriented code in Python. These include class inheritance, multilevel inheritance, and multiple inheritance, along with special methods and abstract base classes. REAL PYTHON course
Visualizing the CPython Release Process This blog post covers how the release process of CPython works and includes a diagram documenting each step. It also highlights supply chain threat spots. SETH LARSON
If App Signup is Giving You Headaches, Here’s Your Answer: FusionAuth’s Modern Guide to OAuth Our Modern Guide to OAuth is chock full of real-world examples, without fluffy BS. We made it, you learn it. It’s a win-win. And when you’re ready, you can spin up an instance of FusionAuth for FREE in just five minutes → FUSIONAUTHsponsor
Python and Folium to Visualize My Outdoor Activities Embark on an expedition of exploration and mapping! Learn how to breathe life into your GPX files and create interactive maps using Python and Folium. LUKAS KRIMPHOVE • Shared by Lukas Krimphove
Mojo SDK Released for Linux MODULAR.COM
PEP 713: “Callable Modules” Rejected PYTHON.ORG
Articles & Tutorials Towards a New SymPy SymPy is a Computer Algebra System, meaning it does math on symbolic concepts. This can provide for a lot more accuracy than typical floating point mathematics found in numeric based systems. This is part 1 of a multi-part article, explaining SymPy along with its recent improvements. Part 2 discusses how SymPy handles polynomials OSCAR BENJAMIN
Measuring Multiple Facets of Performance With Scalene When choosing a tool for profiling Python code performance, should it focus on the CPU, GPU, memory, or individual lines of code? What if it looked at all those factors and didn’t alter code performance while measuring it? This week on the show, we talk about Scalene with Emery Berger, Professor of Computer Science at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. REAL PYTHON podcast
How Do You Know if Your Python Code is Secure You may be a great Python developer but writing secure code can be challenging. That’s where Semgrep comes in. It works like a spellchecker but for security. You simply point your code to Semgrep and it’ll show all the issues. It’s trusted by top companies like Snowflake, Slack and Gitlab → SEMGREPsponsor
The Easy Way to Concurrency With Python Stdlib Although writing concurrent programs can be challenging, certain kinds of parallelism aren’t that bad. This article introduces you to the ThreadPoolExecutor and shows you how to deal with I/O bound processing. Associated HN discussion. BITE CODE
Python Is (Mostly) Made of Syntactic Sugar “Programming languages are often made up of a (mostly) irreducible core, with lots of sugary constructs sprinkled on top—the syntactic sugar.” This article summarizes a lot of Brett Cannon’s recent work exploring just what is sugar in Python and what is fundamental. JAKE EDGE
Altering Python Attribute Handling for Modules There have been a couple of PEPs proposing additions to how imports look for members of a module. This article discusses their meaning and why some aren’t making it into the language. Associated HN discussion. JAKE EDGE
Python Security Response Team Handles an Advisory Seth Larson is the Python Security Developer-in-Residence and he recently participated in his first publication of an advisory from end-to-end. This blog post talks about the process involved and how it gives him thoughts on what to improve. SETH LARSON
Building a Blog in Django Very little code is needed to get a blog working using the Django framework. This post highlights what you need, including each of the key code components. Associated HN discussion. SIMON WILLISON
Python’s in and not in Operators: Check for Membership In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to check if a given value is present or absent in a collection of values using Python’s in and not in operators, respectively. This type of check is known as membership test in Python. REAL PYTHON
Why Does Python Code Run Faster in a Function? Python is not necessarily known for its speed, but there are certain things that can help you squeeze out a bit more performance from your code. Surprisingly, putting your code in a function might be one of them. SCOTT ROBINSON
How-to Evaluate a Product Roadmap, for Engineers As a software developer you’re often at the whim of what features your product managers decide are next. This article gives pointers on how to evaluate whether the roadmap is on track. STEPHEN PUISSZIS
The Python Dataframe Interchange Protocol The Python Dataframe Interchange Protocol is a mechanism for switching between Dataframes in different libraries that use them. It supports Vaex, cuDF, Modin, pandas, Polars, and more. OLSON & MUKHOPADHYAY
Automate LLM Backend Deployments New GitHub project to provision, update, and destroy the cloud infrastructure for a LLM backend using infrastructure as code (Python). Deployment options include deploying Hugging Face models to Docker (local), Runpod, and Azure. PULUMIsponsor
Customizing Your Tkinter App Windows In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to tweak and customize windows and forms in your Tkinter apps. It shows you how to modify the title bar, change zoom levels, and add transparency. KHUMBO KLEIN
Signed Distance Functions in 46 Lines of Python A walkthrough of 46 lines of code that renders a 3D ASCII donut using signed distance functions. THEIA VOGEL
Projects & Code Brought to you by Real Python for Teamssponsor Online Python training created by a community of experts. Give your team the real-world Python skills they need to succeed → pysentation: CLI for Displaying Python Presentations GITHUB.COM/MIMSEYEDI
toml-bench: Which Toml Package to Use in Python? GITHUB.COM/PWWANG
Python Stateful Stream Processing OSS Framework GITHUB.COM/BYTEWAX • Shared by Oli Makhasoeva
Convert Longitude/Latitude to Timezone GITHUB.COM/RINGSATURN • Shared by ringsaturn
words-tui: A TUI App for Daily Writing GITHUB.COM/ANZE3DB
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