Issue #54


Feb. 22, 2013

More security, pudb, Python documentation and much more. 

Issue #54: Meteor


Friday,  February 22nd, 2013

Hi Pythonistas!

Jam packed issue this week. More security news so be sure to keep an eye out for things that affect you.

Be sure to check out all the jobs at If you are interested in posting a position of your own, or looking for a new gig.

As always, if you have any questions, comments, gripes or suggestions just hit reply to this email and let us know.

To keep up with all the breaking Python news follow @pycoders.

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* Title is in reference to the Meteor that lit up Russia this past week not some fancy dancy JavaScript framework.

Mahdi and Mike 
News and Developments.

Announcing defusedxml, Fixes for XML Security Issues (
Defusedxml and defusedxpat are packages to address some of the recent XML-related security issues in Python. Click through for more detailed information.

An Update on Our Trademark Issue (
Van Lindberg, Python Software Foundation Chairman gives a brief update on the EU “Python” trademark issue.

Django Security Release Issued (
There were two security releases this week for Django one dealing with the XML issues mentioned above and others. This one was to deal with the inclusion of some *.pyc files in the initial security fix release.

From our sponsors:


The Python documentation is bad and you should feel bad (


pudb (
pudb is a full screen console based debugger for Python.

Probabilistic Programming and Bayesian Methods for Hackers (
This is pretty excellent, a book which is an Introduction to Bayesian Methods and probabilistic programming for data analysis. It has downloadable iPython Notebooks for each chapter.

importd (
Interesting as a thought experiment, caution to all who proceed.

django-mailviews (
Rendering and sending emails in Django can quickly become repetitive and error-prone. By encapsulating message rendering within view classes, you can easily compose messages in a structured and clear manner. Clearly pretty awesome.

django-simplestatic (
A highly opinionated drop-in library for static file management in Django, if you share his views this likely be an awesome addon.

django-stronghold (
Tired of littering login_required decorators all over the place? Get inside your stronghold and make all your Django views default login_required.

CPython Compiler Tools (


Looking for an awesome employer? Looking to hire incredible python development talent? You will definitely want to checkout the Pycoder's Job Board.


Disambiguating BSON and msgpack (
Alex Gaynor explains in this article the strategy used to migrate stored BSON data to msgpack in place.

Face Tracking with OpenCV and a USB Missile Launcher (
This is so awesome. If you like cameras with turrets attached to them and python this will be right up your alley.

Build a news application that doesn't go down. (
Bold statements by Katie at NPR. In this article they outline how to build reliable low cost web applications with Flask, Jinja2 and some JavaScript. Read the article then check out their app template.

Why I don't feel so bad (
A rebuttal to the Python documentation is bad and you should feel bad, maybe a little more grounded in reality argument.

Tailing Celery Output to Browser (
Cool article on how to setup a like tail of a process in the browser.

Python one-liners (


Pycoder's Weekly Issue # 55
March 1st, 2012


This mailing list has been hand picked by Mahdi Yusuf and Mike Grouchy

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