Issue #53


Feb. 15, 2013

PyPI Security, NumPy 1.7.0 and much more. 

Issue #53: Insecurity


Friday,  February 15th, 2013

Hi Pythonistas!

There have been a bunch of changes in the Python world in the result of the onslaught on the Ruby community. Python Foundation has taken some steps to assure our continued security.

Be sure to check out all the jobs at We If you are interested in posting a position of your own, or looking for a new gig.

As always, if you have any questions, comments, gripes or suggestions just hit reply to this email and let us know.

To  the  keep up with all the breaking Python news follow @pycoders.

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Mahdi and Mike 
News and Developments.

PyPI Security Notice Issued
You might have received an email to this effect, but just in case it ended up in your spam folder please go and change your PyPI password. In one weeks time there will be a password reset and your password will be reset if you don’t change it manually before the deadline at 2013-02-22 00:00 UTC

Python trademark at risk in Europe: We need your help! (
If you are a Python shop in the EU and you build your software in Python please read the above post and help if you can. The PSF is working to oppose a companies community trademark application claiming the exclusive right to use "Python" for software, servers, and web services - everywhere in Europe.

NumPy 1.7.0 Released (

Jython 2,7 Beta 1 Released (

From our sponsors:


Unlock Computer w/ USB Key Using Python (


usblock (

Django Unchained (
Naming of this is a little on the nose for our taste but good guide for getting started with Python and Django.

binio (
This is a pretty useful project. Binio attempts to simplify the reading and writing of binary files in your Python projects by providing a convenience layer on top of `struct`.

berrystats (
Berrystats uses flask and Jinja2 to create a web app to report on various stats of your Raspberry Pi device.

autoflake (
Nice little tool that removes unused imports reported by pyflakes.

notifico (
A replacement for the now defunkt Notifico receives messages (such as commits and issues) from services and scripts and delivers them to IRC channels


Looking for an awesome employer? Looking to hire incredible python development talent? You will definitely want to checkout the Pycoder's Job Board.


Understanding Python's Execution Model (
Lately Jeff has released a series of really great posts and this is just another one. In this post Jeff leads you through a deep dive into Python’s Execution model and explains all those questions you may be asking like “What do you mean, Everything is an object?”.

Entry point hook for Django projects (
Sometimes you want to run some code only once when your django app starts up. A good use case for this in the post is registering Django signals, with this snippet, no more need to import your signals or Sound interesting? Check out post for the details.

Start Writing More Classes (
There has been tirade against writing classes and to go functions all the way. This article hopes to calm the waters and provide excellent uses cases for classes.

Shake Your Think Thinkpad  (
Funny use of python, albeit a bit risky use of the Thinkpad’s accelerometer.

Of the implementations of Fibonacci (

(Ab)using Pandas Migrate Disqus (
Little article on migrating comments from Disqus and unconventional use of pandas.

Better Typography for iPython Notebooks (
Awesome article on improving readability and typography in iPython Notebooks with a little bit of CSS.


Pycoder's Weekly Issue # 54
February 22nd, 2012


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