Issue #49


Jan. 18, 2013

 2Scoops of Django, Baboon Project, and much more. 

Issue #49: Braces*


Friday,  January 18th, 2013

Hi Pythonistas!

Not a whole lot going on this week, so short and sweet is the motto this issue. We were glad to get tons of feedback on the job board. Be sure to check out all the jobs at

We are extending a launch coupon code "pycodersweekly" to interested parties on checkout for 20% discount. 
As always, if you have any questions, comments, gripes or suggestions just hit reply to this email and let us know. 

To keep up with all the breaking Python news follow @pycoders.

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*If you are confused about this week's title click here

Mahdi and Mike 
News and Developments.

Two Scoops of Django (
Brought you by Django sweethearts Daniel Greenfeld and Audrey Roy. This book contains insights for new to intermediate Django developer as well as best practices for Django 1.5.

From our sponsors:


How do we convince our boss to send us to PyCon? (


doko (
Interesting command line tool for determining location with various different strategies.

pypush (
Cool little project for handling remote file async in real time. This program monitor specific folders for changes and uploads them remotely for backup.

sublime-snake (
Need a break on those long coding marathons. Check out this simple

baboon project (
Ever been working a super late night to get that super secret project and as you are about to call it a night, you are greeted by the beautiful merge conflict message. This project aims to let you know as soon as conflict occur in real time. (
Implementation of of the missing “batteries” when it comes to functional programming in Python.  Those of you interested functional programming in python should check this out.

simpleai (


Looking for an awesome employer? Looking to hire incredible python development talent? You will definitely want to checkout the Pycoder's Job Board.


Hacking Super Mario Bros. with Python (
This is pretty amazing article on how versatile python really is. With a few hours to kill Jake decided to scrape super mario roms to make some gifs with actual super mario images with numpy and matplotlib.

An introduction to pytest (
There are plenty of Python Testing frameworks out there and pytest is another one that seems to be picking up some steam. This is a pretty exhaustive introduction to pytest, so definitely a worthwhile read if this is something you are looking to learn about.

Realtime Django Using Node.js and Redis (
This article goes through one way to build real time apps using Django, redis, and node.js.

Implementing a Python OAuth 2 Provider - Part 2 (

Trends in Developers (


Pycoder's Weekly Issue # 50
January 25th, 2012


This mailing list has been hand picked by Mahdi Yusuf and Mike Grouchy

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