| | News and Developments. The Great Python.org redesign (jessenoller.com) Here at Pycoders we think this looks great. As with all things you can’t please everyone but we think this is a great step forward updating Python.org and Python’s other web properties. For more details click the link! Tornado 2.4.1 Released (tornadoweb.org) Tornado 2.4.1 is now. Seemingly this is mostly a bugfix release, if these bugs were blocking you, happy days! Coverage.py 3.6 Beta 1 released (nedbatchelder.com) Coverage.py 3.6 b1 is now out, tons of fixes and changes in this release. Virtualenv 1.8.4 Released! (python.org) This version fixes a bug that was plaguing the scientific community with numpy. More details after the jump. Firebird Python driver FDB 0.9.9 is released (firebirdnews.org) Django 1.5 beta released (djangoproject.com) Django 1.5 is getting close now. Django 1.5 Beta 1 has been released, click through to see the release notes. Lots of new features and improvements inside. As always, give it a try with your app and report any bugs you find. From our sponsors:  | Tame your Infrastructure! Datadog brings together metrics and events from your python app, clouds, OSes, DBs, caches, web servers, and more so you know what to fix. Get started in minutes, for free.![]() | Discussions. python.org is getting a makeover (reddit.com) Projects. python-emailahoy (github.com) There is nothing worse then sending email to someone who signs up for your app and not have it work. This app allows you to verify the existence of an email address before you do anything with it. pyaggr3g470r (bitbucket.org) Lame name, cool app. pyaggr3g470r is a news aggregator with a CherryPy based web interface. delicious-cake (github.com) A flexible & capable API framework for Django based on the popular TastyPie hence where it gets its name, we think. This project is interesting and worth a look, contribute, competition in this space couldn’t hurt. Ninja IDE (ninja-ide.org) Ninja IDE (Ninja is not just another IDE) is a cross-platform Python integrated development environment. This IDE sports plenty of good features like built-in PEP8 checking, linting, tools for managing Plugins and an extensible plugin interface. Fake Images Please (github.com) This little web app lets you dynamically create images with text for placeholders in your apps by providing dimensions and names. Here check out this example. It makes use of pillow for image creation. heatmap (github.com) Python script for generating high quality heat maps based on any coordinate data GPS tracks, eye tracking data. Pretty cool if you want to map some data that can be mapped to a XY coordinate plane. chroma (readthedocs.org) So I am sure most of you know beets which a cli tool for organizing your music collection. Chroma is an amazing plugin for detecting music by how it sounds ala Shazam. Quite an amazing plugin. Articles. peps.io (peps.io) This isn’t so much an article but a list of articles this site contains a list of all the proposed, rejected, accepted and withdrawn PEPs with their numbers and current status. Awesome for this trying to make sense of PEPs and how many there actually are. Stay with the Django CBV defaults (pydanny.com) In this post Pydanny makes a convincing argument that when working with Django class-based views you should stick with the views defaults. This makes it easier and faster to build your own code out as well as allow other people to understand what is going on with your code. Behavior Driven Development with Python and Lettuce (fruiapps.com) Learning Python the pragmatic way (jmoz.co.uk) While Zed Shaw has done a fantastic job with his books, Learning Python the hard way is not for everyone. The author talks about his journey to learn Python the pragmatic way by just starting to code some Python. Great read! Python for Data Analysis Review (blogspot.ca) Using Configurable User Models in Django 1.5 (procrastinatingdev.com) With Django 1.5 on the horizon it’s time to get prepared to use all the great new features in your next project. One of the long awaited new features in Django 1.5 is configurable user models. This tutorial will give you all the details you need to get your started with Configurable user models in django. | | | | | |