Issue #67


May 24, 2013

PEP438, Storm, Django email tricks and much more. 

Issue #67: Redux
Friday,  May 24th, 2013


Hi Pythonistas!


Little over a year now and we think its time to revamp the site and newsletter. We have been working on something for a couple of weeks now and will be launching a new design sometime next month so stay tune for that! On to the news!


As always, if you have any questions, comments, gripes or suggestions just hit reply to this email and let us know.

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Mahdi and Mike

News and Developments.


Continuum Analytics Launches, In-Browser Data Analytics Environment (

Releasing Wakari version 1.0, an easy-to-use, cloud-based, collaborative Python environment for analyzing, exploring and visualizing large data sets .

From our sponsors:
There's a lot to worry about when building your application, your database shouldn't have to be part of that. Let Heroku Postgres take care of that for you .


What Python questions should I be prepared to be asked by Java programmers? (





whit (

This is pretty neat. Whit is a SMS service which allows you to query popular services like Wikipedia, Crunchbase, and other api’s via SMS. Click through for more details and screenshots.


storm (

Manage your SSH connections “Like a Boss” with Storm’s command line interface. Pretty useful!


gitfiti (

This is a fun project. Craft graffiti with your git commits to show in your contribution calendar on github. Check out the project to see screenshots and instructions.


phantompy (

Currently this is experimental but Phantompy is a headless scriptable Webkit engine with a clean pythonic api. This is useful for things like accessing and manipulating pages with the dom programmatically as well as scraping pages or doing anything that might require you to programmatically interact with a fully rendered webpage.


commandr (

Commandr allows you to make python functions accessible simply from the command line. Essentially you add a command decorator and you are off to the races. Check out the README for more details.  


folium (

Like maps? love python? Folium lets you manipulate your data in Python, then visualize it in on a Leaflet map.


wtforms-alchemy (


Python Jobs.



Python Software Developer (San Francisco, CA)

at Cyan Inc.


Python Software Developer (Petaluma, CA)

at Cyan Inc.


>>> More Python Jobs



Speed up python package installs now! (

Do you maintain a Python package? If so you should click through and see how you can speed up your Python package downloads with the newly live PEP438.


Porting to Python 3 redux (

In this post, Armin Ronacher revisits porting existing Python apps to Python 3. He gives some tips and tricks that he came up with while making Jinja2 work on Python 2.6, 2.7 and 3.3.

Using Python's gzip and StringIO to compress data in memory (

Salty Crane shows how he dove into understanding gzip and cStringIO modules in the standard library. Complete with all the steps he took to the final solution.

Django Email Tricks Part 1 (

Sending emails. Almost every app has to do it eventually(or immediately), these two articles contain some good tips for sending emails from your app with Django. Part 2 is out too.


Using riemann to monitor python apps (

Riemann is a network event stream processing system written in clojure. In this post the author demonstrates how to use it to monitor your Python apps. Check out the packaged up code here.


An introduction to the RPython language (

Have you ever wondered about RPython, the language that PyPy and Topaz Ruby are implemented in? If so, check out this introduction and learn a little bit about it.


Accelerating Python Libraries with Numba (Part 2) (


Segmenting Images In Parallel With Python & Jug (


How and why we switched from Erlang to Python (



Pycoder's Weekly Issue # 68
May 31st, 2013


This mailing list has been hand picked by Mahdi Yusuf and Mike Grouchy

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