News and Developments. DjangoCon US Call for Submissions ( Independently wealthy? Love Python? You should totally come speak at DjangoCon US. Gittip Python Community! ( Gittip recently launched community pages, Python was the second community to hit the 150 member threshold! Python 2.7.5 released / Python 3.3.2 released ( These releases were issues due to a few regressions as well as some libraries triggering antiviruses. PyPy 2.0.1 released ( PyPy 2.0.1 is a stable bugfix release so time to update your versions! Click through for more details. PyCon Singapore ( From our sponsors: | There's a lot to worry about when building your application, your database shouldn't have to be part of that. Let Heroku Postgres take care of that for you . | Discussions. Python website tutorials that don't use Django? ( Common misconceptions in Python ( Projects. django-log-request-id ( This is some experimental Django middleware and log filter to attach a unique ID to every log message generated as part of a request. deaddrop ( Deaddrop is an app that allows news organizations and others to set up an anonymous online drop box for sources. For more info about this check out the github page. prescons ( This is useful. The cardinal rule is to never live-code your presentation. If you have to, this is a great compromise. Prescons reads code from an input file and runs it line by line as you press the spacebar. Click through for more details. uritemplate ( A Python implementation of URI Templates as described in RFC 6570. boom ( Boom! A replacement for Apache Bench. Boom is a command line tool you can use to quickly smoke test your applications. PsychoPy ( Python for Psychology. PsychoPy aims to allow the presentation of stimuli and collection of data for a wide variety of psychology, neuroscience, and psychophysics experiments. moving pictures ( Moving pictures allows you to easily create a movie from a sequence of images in Python. cherrymusic ( A music streaming server written in python. Stream your own music collection to all your devices! bunny ( Cool little application, that listens to and models 802.11 noise. Then using this model, it hides small snippets of data within various fields of the 802.11 protocol. authomatic ( An authorization library for your Python web applications, out of the box it supports plenty of oauth 1.0a, 2.0 and OpenID applications. Click through to get all the details. Python Jobs. Senior/Principal Software Engineer (Venice Beach, CA) at ZEFR Software Developer III/Software Architect (Chicago, IL) at ShopLocal >>> More Python Jobs Articles. Macros in Python ( Interesting article on the creation of macros in python, and how class creation for the most part could be simplified greatly. Excellent examples to be found after the jump. Reducing Database Round Trips in Django ( Informative article on reducing round trip times in Django, touches on concepts with the use of django-debug-toolbar and the N+1 problem. Pypi Read Me Badges ( Now put the number of downloads your project has gotten from PyPi in your projects readme. Click through to see the tutorial to get setup displaying your projects stats. Steganography in Python ( Python, Enumerations and “Good Enough” ( |