Issue #81


Aug. 30, 2013

 Gunicorn 1.8.0, Guido Q&A on Slashdot and much more.

Issue #81: Exception
Friday,  August 30th, 2013

Hi Pythonistas!


Summer is coming to and end and as such now that the summer is over we are hoping to have something new for you all in the fall so stay tuned. Thanks for reading!


As always, if you have any questions, comments, gripes or suggestions just hit reply to this email and let us know.


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Mahdi and Mike

News and Developments.


Gunicorn 18.0 Released! (

Looks like gunicorn has revised their versioning numbers, this release contains many bug fixes and new features.

From our sponsors:
Neckbeard Republic is for the busy python developer looking to level up with weekly bite-sized screencasts on new tools, standard library, and much more. Level up here.


Starting to learn Django. Should I move from Python 2.7 to 3? (




pcode (

This is a windows based Python 3 IDE. Sports a simple UI and all the other features you would expect in a modern IDE like refactoring support, project management, etc.


python-ftfy (

Dealing with Unicode can be a pain. python-ftfy takes Unicode text and makes its representation consistent and less broken.


regexpbuilder (

Make regexes easier to read and maintain by composing them with chained methods and variables.


sixpack (

Interested in a cross-platform A/B Testing Framework all written in Python and supported almost anywhere.


moviepy (

This is a package for script-based movie editing, which enables basic operations (cuts, concatenations, title insertions) to be done in a few lines. This is pretty incredible.



Python Jobs.

Senior Software Developer (Telecommute - North America Only)

at LeadBrite.


Software Engineer - Python/JS (San Francisco, CA)

at Uber.


>>> More Python Jobs


Guido Van Rossum AMA on Slashdot (


Understanding the FFT Algorithm (

The Fast Fourier Transform is a very important algorithm in signal processing and data analysis. In this post the author gives a great breakdown of the math and the code behind implementing this algorithm with the goal of helping understanding.


Simple Text Classification with Python and TextBlob (

Nice article to accompany the TextBlob module, those of you looking to check it out, this is worth the read.


A Guide to Analyzing Python Performance (

Nice primer guide to analyzing performance in Python.


Names and Values: Making a Board Game (


Long Running Processes in Python (


Pycoder's Weekly Issue #81
Sept. 6th, 2013


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