Issue #76


July 26, 2013

PyCon ES, pip and virtualenv, and much more.

Issue #76: Caremad
Friday,  July 26th, 2013

Hi Pythonistas,

Anyone interested in another shirt run? We will likely be doing another shirt run towards the end of August to coincide with our new design in the works! Let us know if you interested on Twitter.


As always, if you have any questions, comments, gripes or suggestions just hit reply to this email and let us know.


To the  keep up with all the breaking Python news follow @pycoders.

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Mahdi and Mike

News and Developments.


pip 1.4 Released (

A new version of pip is out. Click through for the release notes before you install as there are some backwards incompatible changes in the latest version.


pypy 2.1 Beta 2 Released (

The second beta for PyPy 2.1 has been released, download it, try it out and report any bugs!


virtualenv 1.10 Released (

A new version of virtualenv is out. Click through for the release notes before you install as there are some backwards incompatible changes in the latest version.


PyConES 2013: Call for Proposals (

PyCon Spain 2013 call for proposals is open! The first PyCon in Spain will take place this year, from 22nd to 24th November in Madrid.


From our sponsors:


What does your look like? (




mrjob (

Mrjob allows you to write map reduce jobs and run it on different platforms like, locally in python, your hadoop cluster and in the cloud using Amazon Elastic MapReduce.


mailbox (

Mailbox is attempting to be Python IMAP for humans. In the spirit of simplicity the author is presenting a simpler and easier to understand IMAP API.


sandman (

Sandman wants to help you expose your existing apps via a REST API. Check out the relevant blog post too.


pychef (

Python library to interact with the Chef server API.


Python Jobs.

Python Developer/MIT Neuroscience (Cambridge, MA/Anywhere)

at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.


>>> More Python Jobs

Articles. vs. requirements.txt (

There's a lot of misunderstanding between and requirements.txt and their roles. A lot of people have felt they are duplicated information and have even created tools to handle this "duplication".


First Steps with Celery: How to Not Trip (

Framework agnostic introduction to Celery, very well thought out and extensive.


Single Artifact Deployments [Slides] (

A new deployment process that makes it super easy and quick to deploy Django applications.


Image Hosting site in 30 Minutes with Django (

We love little tutorials like this fun, informative, and quick!

Why Package Signing is not the Holy Grail (




Pycoder's Weekly Issue #77
Aug 2nd, 2013


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