| | Single and Double Underscore Naming Conventions in Python In this video course, you’ll learn a few Python naming conventions involving single and double underscores (_). You’ll learn how to use this character to differentiate between public and non-public names in APIs, write safe classes for subclassing purposes, avoid name clashes, and more. REAL PYTHON course
An Introduction to Flask-SQLAlchemy in Python This article introduces Flask-SQLAlchemy a third-party library that adds SQLAlchemy functionality to the Flask web framework. FEREICO TROTTA
Build an AI Agent in Just a few Hours With Dynamiq Build at zero cost with our free plan (no credit card needed to sign up). Avoid tedious setups with pre-integrated connections to the top LLMs. Switch between LLMs in just a few clicks. Jumpstart your projects using ready-to-go agent templates, fully customizable using Python code → DYNAMIQsponsor
Build a To-Do App With Python and Kivy “In this tutorial, you’ll go through a series of steps to build a basic To-Do app with Python, SQLite, and Kivy.” FRANCIS ALI
PyPy v7.3.19 Release PYPY.ORG
Poetry 2.0.0 Released PYTHON-POETRY.ORG
Quiz: Python Bytes REAL PYTHON
DjangoCon Africa Aug 2025, Arusha, Tanzania, (Call for Proposals) PRETALX.COM
SciPy 2025 Tocoma, Washington, July 7-13 (Call for Proposals) SCIPY.ORG
Quiz: How to Use sorted() and .sort() in Python REAL PYTHON
Articles & Tutorials Cracking the Python Monorepo “A monorepo is a single repository that contains multiple projects.” They can be quite effective if you’ve got the right tools to manage them. In this post, Daniel talks about just what those tools can be. DANIEL GAFNI
How to Work With Polars LazyFrames In this tutorial, you’ll gain an understanding of the principles behind Polars LazyFrames. You’ll also learn why using LazyFrames is often the preferred option over more traditional DataFrames. REAL PYTHON
Quiz: How to Work With Polars LazyFrames REAL PYTHON
Experience AI Innovation Live at NVIDIA GTC 2025 GTC isn’t just another conference—it’s the premier developer event at the forefront of AI and accelerated computing. With 1,000+ sessions, 300+ exhibits, hands-on workshops, and exclusive networking events, GTC has something for every technical level and interest → NVIDIAsponsor
Python 3.13 in 2025 Breakthroughs This article summarizes all the goodies in last fall’s Python 3.13 release, including No-GIL, JIT compilation, and iOS support. Find out how these changes effect Python development in 2025. TECHIEDIARIES
Rust, C++, and Python Trends in Jobs on HN Two quick graphs showing mentions of programming languages in Hacker News “Who is hiring?” and “Who wants to be hired?” posts over the past four years. MARTIN WOJTCZYK
PyPI’s New Terms of Service The Python Packaging Index has updated their Terms of Service. Changes include new community policies and changes around organization accounts. PYPI.ORG
To Type or Not to Type? Don’t let the title fool you, Jonathan is pro type-hints. This post talks about all the benefits of adapting the optional practice. JONATHAN CHUN
pytest-md and pytest-md-report : Markdown Reports This podcast discusses pytest-md and pytest-md-report , two pytest plugins for getting Markdown enabled reports on your tests. BRIAN OKKEN podcast
Launching the PyCon US 2025 Schedule This post summarizes the schedule for PyConUS, including a summary of the keynote speakers, and updates on conference swag. PYCON.BLOGSPOT.COM
Ditching Django Admin for FastHTML With HTMX This post is about building a Django Admin-like dashboard with automatic refresh using FastHTML and HTMX. SIMON MOISSELIN
The Postgres Host for Busy Developers Crunchy Bridge makes Postgres easier than ever with a better developer experience where it counts. CRUNCHY DATAsponsor
Low Overhead Allocation Sampling With VMProf in PyPy’s GC This is a very deep dive on a high performance statistical profiler tightly integrated with PyPy. CHRISTOPH JUNG
Projects & Code Brought to you by Real Python for Teamssponsor Online Python training created by a community of experts. Give your team the real-world Python skills they need to succeed → bbot: The Recursive Internet Scanner for Hackers GITHUB.COM/BLACKLANTERNSECURITY
pystructtype: Define C Structs With Typing GITHUB.COM/FCHORNEY
terminaltexteffects: Terminal Visual Effects Engine GITHUB.COM/CHRISBUILDS
stealthkit: Python Requests on Steroids GITHUB.COM/THEONLYANIL
neapolitan: Quick CRUD Views for Django GITHUB.COM/CARLTONGIBSON
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