News and Developments. PyPy 2.0 Einstein Sandwich Released! ( Newest release of PyPy support greenlets now! Follow the link for more details. PEP 435 (Enums) is Accepted! ( Follow the link for details to how the semantics will work, and another reason to make the jump to Python3. From our sponsors:  | There's a lot to worry about when building your application, your database shouldn't have to be part of that. Let Heroku Postgres take care of that for you . | Discussions. I've found my niche and I'd like to build a Python career on it. ( Projects. django-xadmin (  Drop in replacement for django-admin themed with twitter bootstrap. Comes with ability to add plugins as well as built in dashboards. s2protocol ( This cool little library allows you to take apart starcraft 2 replays into python data structures. I am just waiting for someone to make a web application that can play these back now. iSniff-GPS (  This is pretty clever, this application when run looks for ssid probes (when your phone is looking to connect to wifi network) and using the information the iOS devices sends; maps a plot of previous locations and wifi hotspots. pip-tools (  A set of tools to keep your pinned python project clean and up to date. django-timelinejs2 (  Those of you who have seen timeline.js probably thought to yourselves, maybe I should combine this with my favorite web framework. Those of you who love django. Look no further. (  Don’t get confused. This has nothing to do with Django’s This aims to be a human friendly CLI builder for Python. Python Jobs. Django Dev interested in ElasticSearch & EC2 (New York, NY) at Backstage Python Developer (Chicago, IL) at Panopta >>> More Python Jobs Articles. Performance Impact of Using dict() Instead of {} in CPython 2.7 (  If you are on CPython 2.7 should you be using dict() or {} to create dictionaries. Check out this article to find out. Wasp's Nest: A Lock-Free Concurrency Pattern In Python (  In this post the author explains the use of a lock-free concurrency pattern, read-copy-update, in PyMongo. Great deep dive into this topic where you learn about this pattern and how PyMongo handles replica set failovers. Running Supervisor on OS X. (  Nick has written a fantastic post about doing local process management on your OSX machine with Supervisor. Very useful if you do a lot of your development directly on OSX rather than in a VM. Debugging CherryPy applications with Werkzeug (  The Werkzeug debugger is fantastic and very useful for debugging python web applications. This is a simple guide to getting the Werkzeug debugger running with your CherryPy application. Monochrome font rendering with FreeType and Python ( This is pretty neat. Render 1-bit text with Freetype and Python suitable for use on low resolution displays like a Monochrome LCD. Accelerating Python Libraries with Numba (Part 1) ( |