Issue #647

NumPy where(), Python & R, HTTP Clients, and More

Sept. 17, 2024

NumPy where(), Python & R, HTTP Clients, and More
The PyCoder’s Weekly Logo
How to Use Conditional Expressions With NumPy where()
This tutorial teaches you how to use the where() function to select elements from your NumPy arrays based on a condition. You’ll learn how to perform various operations on those elements and even replace them with elements from a separate array or arrays.

PythonistR: A Match Made in Data Heaven
In data science you’ll sometimes hear a debate between R and Python. Cosima says ‘why not choose both?’ She outlines a data pipeline that uses the best tool for each job.

Transcribe Audio in 5 Lines of Code
Build AI apps that understand speech with insanely accurate speech-to-text models. Sign up for a free account and get $50 in credits to try AssemblyAI’s speech recognition models →

Python HTTP Clients: Requests vs. HTTPX vs. AIOHTTP
Learn about the differences between Requests, HTTPX, and AIOHTTP, and when to use each library for your Python projects.

Quiz: Generate Images With DALL·E and the OpenAI API
In this quiz, you’ll test your understanding of generating images with DALL·E by OpenAI using Python. You’ll revisit concepts such as using the OpenAI Python library, making API calls for image generation, creating images from text prompts, and converting Base64 strings to PNG image files.

Quiz: The Walrus Operator: Python’s Assignment Expressions
In this quiz, you’ll test your understanding of the Python Walrus Operator. This operator was introduced in Python 3.8, and understanding it can help you write more concise and efficient code.

Python Releases 3.12.6, 3.11.10, 3.10.15, 3.9.20, and 3.8.20

Python Release Python 3.13.0rc2

Articles & Tutorials

Python Community Divided Over CoC Enforcement
Over the last few months there has been a lot of back and forth in the Python community, especially on the forums, around changes to bylaws and how the Code of Conduct is enforced. This article covers the history and context of the events.

Django: Rotate Your Secret Key, Fast or Slow
Django’s SECRET_KEY setting is used for cryptographic signing in various places, such as for session storage and password reset tokens. If you need to rotate it you can allow read-only use of the old key to smooth the transition.

Posit Connect - Help Your Analytics Team Share and Collaborate
Tired of tediously send files and trying to use general-purpose collaboration tools? Posit Connect makes it easy to share, collaborate, and get feedback on your data science work including Jupyter notebooks, Plotly dashboards, Streamlit, Quarto, Shiny or other interactive analytics applications →

Multiversion Python Thoughts
Armin has played around with enabling multiple versions of a library to be installed for the same instance of Python in the past, and recent feature additions to uv are making it come closer to fruition.

How We Made Notebooks Load 10 Times Faster
“When we received feedback our Notebooks UI was taking too long too load, our engineers dove into ways to improve the developer experience — bringing some load times from 30 seconds down to less than one.”

When to Use .__repr__() vs .__str__() in Python
In this video course, you’ll learn the difference between the string representations returned by .__repr__() vs .__str__() and understand how to use them effectively in classes that you define.

Python Bytes Episode #400
The Python Bytes podcast just delivered show #400. This is a huge accomplishment. This episode celebrates the achievement, and also covers: Python 3.13RC, Docker with uv, the humanize project, and more.

Improved print Readability With pprint
The pretty print module (pprint) provides more readable output for complex data structures and this post shows you how to use the library and what you can get out of it.

“Next Level Python” Humble Bundle for Charity
Make mastering Python your mission: This mix of online courses, books, exercises, and productivity tools is here to help you succeed—whether you’re a beginner or a skilled Python pro. Support Girls Who Code and get Python books, software, and video courses collectively valued at $1,882 for a pay-what-you-want price →

Switching From pyenv to uv
Will has recently switched from using a variety of packaging tools to just using uv. This post is a summary of what needed to change when going from pyenv to uv.

uv Under Discussion on Mastodon
There is a deep conversation going on about the longevity of uv on Mastodon and for those not on the platform, Simon has summarized it.

Why Not Comments
This post talks about why you might want to include information in your code comments about why you didn’t take a particular approach.

How to Build a Perfect Docker Image for a Poetry Project
This article describes how to build a secure, fast to build, and lightweight Docker image for your Poetry-based project
CODEMAGEDDON • Shared by Sergey

Python macOS Framework Builds
Glyph explains just what a Framework is on macOS and why CPython on macOS should be built that way.

Projects & Code

Brought to you by Real Python for Teamssponsor
Online Python training created by a community of experts. Give your team the real-world Python skills they need to succeed →

PSP (Python Scaffolding Projects)
GITHUB.COM/MATTEOGUADRINI • Shared by Matteo Guadrini

pocketpy: Portable Python 3.x Interpreter in Modern C

graphiti: Build Dynamic, Temporally-Aware Knowledge Graphs

picows: Ultra-Fast Websocket Client and Server for Asyncio

django-cotton: Component Based Design to Django Templates

📆🐍 Upcoming Python Events

PyData Amsterdam 2024
September 18 to September 21, 2024

Weekly Real Python Office Hours Q&A (Virtual)
September 18, 2024

PyCon India 2024
September 20 to September 24, 2024

PyCon TW 2024
September 21 to September 23, 2024

DjangoCon US 2024
September 22 to September 27, 2024

PyBay 2024
September 23 to September 24, 2024

PyCon Africa 2024
September 24 to September 29, 2024

PyData Paris 2024
September 25 to September 27, 2024

PyCon JP 2024
September 27 to September 30, 2024

Python Norte 2024
September 27 to September 29, 2024

PyCon Niger 2024
September 28 to September 30, 2024
Happy Pythoning!
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