Issue #629

Flattening Lists of Lists, Python 3.13, Sets, and More

May 14, 2024

Flattening Lists of Lists, Python 3.13, Sets, and More
#629 – MAY 14, 2024 VIEW IN BROWSER
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Flattening a List of Lists in Python
In this video course, you’ll learn how to flatten a list of lists in Python. You’ll use different tools and techniques to accomplish this task. First, you’ll use a loop along with the .extend() method of list. Then you’ll explore other tools, including reduce(), sum(), itertools.chain(), and more.

What’s New in Python 3.13
Python 3.13 has gone into beta, which means the feature freeze is now in place. This is the official listing of the new features in 3.13. This release includes changes to the REPL, new typing features, experimental support for disabling the GIL, dead battery removal, and more.

[Webinar] Saga Pattern Simplified: Building Sagas with Temporal
Join us on May 30th: we’ll give a brief overview of Sagas, including challenges and benefits. Then we’ll introduce you to Temporal and demonstrate how easy it is to build, test, and run Sagas using our platform and coding in your preferred language. Prior knowledge of Temporal is not required →

Sets as Dictionaries With No Values
A set is a built-in data type that provides fast lookup and insertion with characteristics similar to those of dictionary keys. This article explores the relationship between sets and dictionaries by implementing a set class.

2023 PSF Annual Impact Report

Python Software Foundation Board Election Dates for 2024

Python 3.13.0 Beta 1 Released

Articles & Tutorials

A 100x Speedup With Unsafe Python
This is a deep, in the weeds analysis of how different packages can store the same kinds of data in a different order, and how row-based vs column-based storage order can affect NumPy’s speed to process the data. The not often examined “strides” value of a NumPy array specifies how things are stored and this article shows an interesting approach to getting around this value for speed-up.

The New REPL in Python 3.13
Python 3.13 just hit feature freeze with the first beta release, and it includes a host of improvements to the REPL. Automatic indenting, block-level editing, and more make the built-in REPL more powerful and easier to use.

How to Read and Write Parquet Files With Python
Apache Parquet files are a popular columnar storage format used by data scientists and anyone using the Hadoop ecosystem. By using the pyarrow package, you can read and write Parquet files, this tutorial shows you how.

Generating Fake Django Model Instances With Factory Boy
Writing good tests means having data to test with. The factory-boy library helps you create fake data that you can use with your tests. This article shows you how to use factory-boy with Django ORM models.

Python Sequences: A Comprehensive Guide
This tutorial dives into Python sequences, which is one of the main categories of data types. You’ll learn about the properties that make an object a sequence and how to create user-defined sequences.

How LLMs Work, Explained Without Math
You’ve probably come across articles on Large Language Models (LLMs) and may have tried products like ChatGPT. This article explains how these tools work without resorting to advanced math.

Creating a Calculator With wxPython
wxPython is a GUI toolkit for the Python programming language. This article introduces you to building GUIs by creating a personal calculator.

Asyncio Run Multiple Concurrent Event Loops
Ever wanted to add concurrency to your concurrency? You can run multiple asyncio event loops by using threading. This articles shows you how.

How Python asyncio Works: Recreating It From Scratch
This article explains how asyncio works by showing you how to re-create it using generators and the __await__ method.
JACOB PADILLA • Shared by Jacob Padilla

Comments on Understanding Software
Nat responds to a presentation by C J Silverio on how software gets made at small to medium sized organizations.

Projects & Code

Brought to you by Real Python for Teamssponsor
Online Python training created by a community of experts. Give your team the real-world Python skills they need to succeed →

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