| | Python and the James Webb Space Telescope Python is used extensively in the data pipeline for the James Web Space Telescope. Michael Kennedy interviews Megan Sosey and Mike Swarm from the project and they talk all about it. TALK PYTHON podcast
Processing Large JSON Files Without Running Out of Memory Loading complete JSON files into Python can use too much memory, leading to slowness or crashes. The solution: process JSON data one chunk at a time. ITAMAR TURNER-TRAURING
Data Elixir: Data Science Newsletter Data Elixir is an email newsletter that keeps you on top of the latest tools and trends in Data Science. Covers machine learning, data visualization, analytics, and strategy. Curated weekly with top picks from around the web → DATA ELIXIRsponsor
Image Processing With the Python Pillow Library Learn how to use the Python Pillow library to deal with images. Combine this with some NumPy for image processing and to creating animations. REAL PYTHON
Python 3.10.4 and 3.9.12 Available Out of Schedule PYTHON.ORG
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Articles & Tutorials Becoming More Effective at Manipulating Data With Pandas Do you wonder if you’re taking the right approach when shaping data in pandas? Is your Jupyter workflow getting out of hand? This week on the show, Matt Harrison talks about his new book, “Effective Pandas: Patterns for Data Manipulation.” REAL PYTHON podcast
How To Classify Text With Python, Transformers & scikit-learn Natural Language Processing is a powerful tool for gaining semantic knowledge about text based data. Text classification is about categorizing such data and scikit-learn is popular toolkit that does this and more. NEWSCATCHERAPI.COM
Scout APM: Find and Fix Performance Issues with Ease Scout’s APM tool pinpoints and prioritizes performance and stability issues in Python applications. With Scout’s tracing logic, developers can detect the exact line of code causing the performance abnormality, and with detailed backtraces, you can fix the issue before customers ever notice → SCOUT APMsponsor
Validating JSON Documents Using Pydantic Pydantic is a popular Python library for doing data validation. This article introduces you to how to use it to specify and validate against a schema for your JSON encoded data. NITHISH RAGHUNANDANAN • Shared by Nithish Raghunandanan
Deploying a Django Application to Elastic Beanstalk Elastic Beanstalk is an AWS service that wraps hosting and deploying inside of the AWS environment. Learn how to deploy production-ready Django to Elastic Beanstalk. TESTDRIVEN.IO • Shared by Nik Tomazic
How to run uWSGI uWSGI has loads of options to choose from, how do you know which ones to choose? This article talks about the more common settings and how to pick good values. IONEL CRISTIAN MĂRIEȘ
Python Class Constructors: Control Your Object Instantiation Learn how class constructors work in Python and explore the two steps of Python’s instantiation process: instance creation and instance initialization. REAL PYTHON
Setting Up a Basic Django Project With Poetry Poetry is a package dependency management tool. In this article you’ll learn the step-by-step process for setting up a Django project using Poetry. RASUL KIREEV
Up Your Coding Game and Discover Python Issues Early SonarLint is a free & Open Source IDE extension that helps you find & fix bugs and security issues from the moment you start writing Python code. Simply install from your IDE marketplace. Learn More. SONARLINTsponsor
The Right Way to Compare Floats in Python Floating-point numbers are prone to errors. Learn why floating-point errors are common, why they make sense, and how to deal with them in Python. DAVID AMOS
Python Virtual Environments and Package Management Modern Python projects need a bit more than venv and pip. Learn about the best tools for package management and environment isolation. BAS STEINS
Projects & Code Brought to you by Real Python for Teamssponsor Online Python training created by a community of experts. Give your team the real-world Python skills they need to succeed → pointers.py: Bringing the Hell of Pointers to Python GITHUB.COM/ZEROINTENSITY
UltraDict: Shared, Streaming Python Dict GITHUB.COM/RONNY-RENTNER
awesome-python: Awesome Python Libraries and Resources GITHUB.COM/VINTA
perflint: Pylint Extension for Performance Anti Patterns GITHUB.COM/TONYBALONEY
py-dynacli: Convert Python Functions Into Shell Commands GITHUB.COM/BSTLABS
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