Issue #473

Land a Starship With Python, Async in Flask 2.0, Gaming on the BBC micro:bit, and More

May 18, 2021

Land a Starship With Python, Async in Flask 2.0, Gaming on the BBC micro:bit, and More
#473 – MAY 18, 2021 VIEW IN BROWSER
The PyCoder’s Weekly Logo
How SpaceX Lands Starship (Sort Of)
While waiting for SN15 to launch, Thomas Goddard set out to pull together a 2-dimensional simulation of the Starship landing. Tying together knowledge of trajectory optimization, Thomas modeled the landing in Python with the CasADI library and used Matplotlib to generate an animation which, when played side-by-side with the footage of the landing, results in remarkable similarity to the actual landing dynamics.

Async in Flask 2.0
This article looks at Flask 2.0’s new async functionality and how to leverage it in your Flask projects. You’ll learn how Flask processes requests asynchronously using a traditional WSGI server, instead of the ASGI server used by many other async web frameworks. You’ll also learn how to simulate Flask 2.0 async in Flask 1.X applications.
PATRICK KENNEDY • Shared by Patrick Kennedy

See for Yourself Why Scout’s a Dev’s Best Friend With a Free 14-Day Trial, No Credit Card Needed
Scout uses tracing logic to tie bottlenecks to source code so developers can get back to building great products instead of wasting time fixing performance issues. Real-time alerting gives you the insights you need in 4 min or less! Deploy today and we’ll donate $5 to the OSS project of your choice →
SCOUT APMsponsor

Embedded Python: Build a Game on the BBC micro:bit
Learn about embedded development, an exciting area of programming that allows you to bring your code into the physical world. You’ll learn about your options for writing embedded Python code and build a basic game using the BBC micro:bit.

EuroPython 2021 Talk Voting Is Open
Planning on attending EuroPython this year? If you’re registered and have paid for a ticket, or if you’ve attended any of the past conferences, you can vote on talk submissions until May 23.

New Major Versions of All Pallets Projects Released
Flask 2.0, Werkzeug 2.0, Jinja 3.0, Click 8.0, ItsDangerous 2.0, and MarkupSafe 2.0

PyCon US 2024 and 2025 Will Be in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania


What Is the Most Efficient Way of Getting the Intersection of k Sorted Arrays?
For algorithm enthusiasts, this question-and-answer thread shows some interesting ways to approach a relatively simple-looking problem. The thread even got a nod from Python core developer Raymond Hettinger on Twitter.

Python Jobs

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Articles & Tutorials

The 2021 Python Language Summit
Every year the Python Software foundation hosts the Python Language Summit where a small group of core developers discusses the current state and future direction of the Python language. Check back regularly on this announcement to find links to writeups about the events from the summit, penned this year by Real Python’s Joanna Jablonski.

Powering the Python Package Index in 2021
What does it take to power PyPI in this current day and age? Learn what technologies PyPI uses, who is involved, how much it costs, and how you can help support the package index.

Be the Winner of the Ubiq Ramen Challenge
Hello PyCoders! You have one more week to get busy and enter the Ubiq Ramen Challenge. A year’s worth of Ramen and a $500 Amazon gift card to be won and you’ll feel good knowing that you’re safeguarding the data in the applications you’re building →

Building a Platform Game With Arcade and Covering Python News Monthly
Did you know the Python Software Foundation is hiring! With the recent support of three Visionary Sponsors, the PSF has been able to open positions for a developer-in-residence and a Python packaging project manager. Real Python now has a monthly Python news article. Frequent guest of the show, David Amos compiles and summarizes the biggest Python news from the past month.

Efficient SQL on Pandas with DuckDB
pandas is an indispensable tool for Python data analysis. It’s also a standard for data transfer between elements of the Python data ecosystem. But sometimes you need some good ol’ SQL in your data workflow. With DuckDB, you can perform SQL queries directly against pandas data frames. DuckDB is faster than pandas in some cases and can even handle larger-than-memory data.

Unravelling the pass Statement
When you need to indicate that a bit of code intentionally does nothing, then you need to reach for Python’s pass statement. In the latest installment of Brett’s “Syntactic Sugar” series, you’ll learn how pass works, when to use it, and why it’s a uniquely Python concept.

Design and Distribute Your Python Notifications With Courier’s Omni-Channel API
Centralized Notification Strategies are much wow| Scale your Python app’s notification capabilities| Keep your codebase clean of HTML templates| Plugin Sendgrid, Mailgun, Firebase, Twilio, etc, and manage all of your notifications with one API and UI

Write Pythonic and Clean Code With namedtuple
In this step-by-step tutorial, you’ll learn what Python’s namedtuple is and how to use it in your code. You’ll also learn about the main differences between named tuples and other data structures, such as dictionaries, data classes, and typed named tuples.

Using the Python or Operator
In this step-by-step course, you’ll learn about how the Python or operator works and how to use it. You’ll get to know its special features and see what kind of programming problems you can solve by using or in Python.

Projects & Code

Brought to you by Real Python for Teamssponsor
Online Python training created by a community of experts. Give your team the real-world Python skills they need to succeed →

telepath: A Library for Exchanging Data Between Python and JavaScript

spacestills: A NASA TV Still Frame Viewer

strongtyping: Decorator for Runtime Typing Checks

ward: A Modern Test Framework for Python With a Focus on Productivity and Readability

pymc3: Bayesian Modeling and Probabilistic Machine Learning With Aesara

duckdb: An in-Process SQL OLAP Database Management System

python-typing-koans: Examples for Learning Optional Static Typing in Python
GITHUB.COM/KRACEKUMAR • Shared by Kracekumar

djenv: Load Django Settings From Environmental Variables

📆🐍 Upcoming Python Events

Real Python Office Hours (Virtual)
May 19, 2021

Conf42 Python 2021
May 27 to May 28, 2021

DjangoCon Europe 2021 (Virtual)
June 2 – 6, 2021

EuroPython 2021 (Virtual)
July 26 – August 1, 2021

PyCon India 2021 (Virtual)
September 17 – 20, 2021
Happy Pythoning!
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