Python Testing Style Guide Need a quick yet thorough guide to testing? This excellent resource is for you. STARGIRL FLOWERS
A 5-Point Framework For Python Performance Management “Performance testing — like sailboat racing — depends on the conditions along the racecourse.” STEVEN F. LOTT • Shared by Alex Mitelman
Spend Less Time Debugging and More Time Building with Scout APM Scout APM uses tracing logic to tie bottlenecks to source code to help developers identify and resolve performance issues. At only $39/month, Scout provides the insights you need in just 4 min! Start your free 14-day trial today and we’ll donate $5 to the OSS project of your choice when you deploy → SCOUT APMsponsor
How to Write Unit Tests in Python, Part 1: Fizz Buzz Get an introduction to unit testing in Python from the author of the Flask Megatutorial. MIGUEL GRINBERG
Build an Asteroids Game With Python and Pygame Build a clone of the Asteroids game in Python using Pygame. Step by step, you’ll add images, input handling, game logic, sounds, and text to your program. REAL PYTHON
SQLAlchemy 1.4.0 Released Patch versions 1.4.1 and 1.4.2 are also now available. SQLALCHEMY.ORG
The Python Package Index Is Now a GitHub Secret Scanning Integrator GITHUB.BLOG
Python Basics Book: Paperback Copies Now Available “Python Basics: A Practical Introduction to Python 3” is now available as a paperback book. Go from beginner to intermediate Python knowledge with a clear, concise, and practical curriculum. Print copies available at a discounted launch price until the end of the week → REAL PYTHONsponsor
Discussions If You Use Python, When Do You Plan to Adopt Mypy for Type Checking? In a recent Twitter poll, 45% of respondents said they already use Mypy, while 40% say they never plan to use it. TWITTER.COM/GLYPH
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Articles & Tutorials Python AI: How to Build a Neural Network & Make Predictions Build a neural network from scratch as an introduction to the world of artificial intelligence (AI) in Python. You’ll learn how to train your neural network and make accurate predictions based on a given dataset. REAL PYTHON
Unit Testing Python Code in Jupyter Notebooks Even if you code in Jupyter notebooks, there’s no excuse to not be testing your code! MATT WRIGHT
Performance is a Feature, Test it as Such Test performance in CI/CD. Validate production deploys. Blackfire offers a robust way to run test scenarios and validate code changes, automatically. Discover Blackfire for free for 15 days → BLACKFIREsponsor
Connecting to MongoDB and Updates on the Python Packaging Landscape Have you heard about NoSQL databases, or wondered how to use one with Python? How does MongoDB store information and what packages can you use to connect this type of database to your Python project? REAL PYTHON podcast
Want a vaccination appointment? It helps to know a Python programmer Programmers are writing scripts to help find vaccine appointments for those who are eligible. KEVIN COLLIER
Understand Django: Deploy A Live Site Learn the steps you should take to prepare your Django project for life on the web. MATT LAYMAN • Shared by Matt Layman
Instantly Refactor your Python Code From Inside your IDE Sourcery helps make all the code your work with cleaner and easier to work with. Get instant advice on where your code is too complex or too confusing and how you can actually fix it. SOURCERYsponsor
Trail of Bits Security Peeps Emit Tool to Weaponize Python’s Insecure Pickle Files “Python’s pickle pilloried with prudent premonition of poisoning.” THOMAS CLABURN
Machete Mode: Tagging Frames Sometimes you gotta write some ugly code to get some things done. NED BATCHELDER
John Cleese Has an NFT Bridge to Sell You for $69.3 Million The world has gone temporarily (?) insane. CAMERON FAULKNER
Projects & Code Brought to you by Real Python for Teamssponsor Online Python training created by a community of experts. Give your team the real-world Python skills they need to succeed → outrun: Execute a Local Command Using the Processing Power of Another Linux Machine GITHUB.COM/OVERV
scikit-survival: Survival Analysis Built on Top of Scikit-Learn GITHUB.COM/SEBP
testbook: Unit Test Your Jupyter Notebooks the Right Way GITHUB.COM/NTERACT
CHIRP: A Forensic Collection Tool Written in Python GITHUB.COM/CISAGOV
visual-automata: Wrapper for Caleb Evans’ Automata Library With More Visualization Features GITHUB.COM/LEWIUBERG
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