| | Doing Key-Driver Analysis in Python Take a look at how statistical knowledge plays an important role in answering business questions like “What drives the winningness of candy?” Along the way you’ll learn how to do Key-Driver analysis in Python on a problem that can’t be easily solved with a call to a machine learning library. BRYCE MACHER
Handling Missing Keys With the Python Defaultdict Type In this step-by-step course, you’ll learn how the Python defaultdict type works and how to use it for handling missing keys when you’re working with dictionaries. You’ll also learn how to use a defaultdict to solve problems like grouping or counting the items in a sequence or collection. REAL PYTHON course
Optimize Code Performance in Production, at Any Scale, All the Time, Without Impacting your Application Performance Datadog’s Continuous Profiler is an always-on, production code profiler that enables you to analyze code-level performance across your entire environment, with minimal overhead. Profiles reveal which functions (or lines of code) consume the most resources, such as CPU and memory. Try it yourself → DATADOGsponsor
Distance Metrics for Machine Learning Many machine learning algorithmns can be summarized as transforming data to n-dimensional vectors and computing similarity between points by means of some distance metric. This article explores four of these metrics—the Euclidean, Manhattan, Minkowski, and Hamming distances—and how to compute them with Python. JAIME ZORNOZA
Caching in Python Using the LRU Cache Strategy Caching is an essential optimization technique. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to use Python’s @lru_cache decorator to cache the results of your functions using the LRU cache strategy. This is a powerful technique you can use to leverage the power of caching in your implementations. REAL PYTHON
Discussions Python Is Now Officially the Second Most Popular Programming Language REDDIT
First Year as a Data Scientist Reflection REDDIT
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Articles & Tutorials Use Sentiment Analysis With Python to Classify Movie Reviews In this tutorial, you’ll learn about sentiment analysis and how it works in Python. You’ll then build your own sentiment analysis classifier with spaCy that can predict whether a movie review is positive or negative. REAL PYTHON
Law of Large Numbers and the Central Limit Theorem (With Python) Time for a Python-infused math lesson! The Law of Large Numbers and the Central Limit Theorem are fundamental concepts in statistics and machine learning. Learn how these theorems work with illustrative examples in Python. ARTI AGARWAL
Find Performance Bottlenecks in Python Code “We should forget about small efficiencies, say about 97% of the time: premature optimization is the root of all evil. Yet we should not pass up our opportunities in that critical 3%.” - Donald Knuth. Blackfire lets you find the 3%. Supports all Python versions. Quick install & appealing UI → BLACKFIREsponsor
The World Needs Women Who Code Author Seema Saharan argues that now is better than ever for women to get started in the tech industry. Learn how she got started with coding, why she enjoys it, and why women should consider learning to code. The article is full of resources to help aspiring women coders get started with Python. SEEMA SAHARAN
The Real Python Podcast – Episode #34: The Python Modulo Operator & Managing Data With SQLite and SQLAlchemy Are you ready to move beyond flat files for your data in Python? Maybe you’re not sure where to start with databases and SQL. This week on the show, David Amos returns with another batch of PyCoder’s Weekly articles and projects. We cover a Real Python article about managing data with SQLite and SQLAlchemy. REAL PYTHON podcast
Building a Lightweight Blogging CMS in 10 Lines of Code For small projects, many of the popular content manage systems, such as Wordpress or Medium, are overkill or potentially present significant downsides for authors. In this article, you’ll learn how to build a light-weight CMS in just a few lines of code! STEVEN TEY
Get Distributed Tracing in your Python Apps with OpenTelemetry Watch this on-demand webinar to learn how to get started with OpenTelemetry in Python, and how to help your organization successfully deliver value from distributed tracing. LIGHTSTEPsponsor
CSRF Protection in Flask Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) is an attack against a web application in which the attacker attempts to trick an authenticated user into performing a malicious action. Learn how to protect against CSRF attacks in Flask projects. AMAL SHAJI
Learning Python Test Automation Python is a great language for test automation. Here’s a big list of resources to help you get started! ANDY KNIGHT
A Python Interface to the Dutch Atmospheric Large-Eddy Simulation Python is playing an increasingle large role in research science. This article discusses how one group of researches used Python to create a high-level interface to a popular Fortran simulation library for atmospheric simulation. Although academic, the article is approachable and provides insight into the methodology and frameworks used to make C and Fortran libraries more accessible. SCIENCEDIRECT.COM
Monty Python and the Holy Grail: Airspeed Velocity of an Unladen Swallow It’s a question for the ages: “what is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?” Get your Monty Python kicks and do a little math. Can you come up with a Python script that answers the question? TREVOR ENGLISH
Projects & Code Brought to you by Real Python for Teamssponsor Online Python training created by a community of experts. Give your team the real-world Python skills they need to succeed → tinygrad: A Small Autograd Tensory Library You like pytorch? You like micrograd? You love tinygrad! ❤️ - geohot/tinygrad GITHUB.COM/GEOHOT
allennlp: An Open-Source NLP Research Library, Built on PyTorch GITHUB.COM/ALLENAI
pifuhd: High-Resolution 3D Human Digitization From a Single Image GITHUB.COM/FACEBOOKRESEARCH
omuse: Package for Multi-Physics and Multi-Scale Earth Science Simulations GITHUB.COM/OMUSE-GEOSCIENCE
PyAnchor: Find Your Broken Links, So Users Don’t GITHUB.COM/ENDLESSTRAX • Shared by Ricky White
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