| | Waiting in asyncio There are many ways to wait on the results of a coroutine in Python’s asyncio framework. They all have different properties and use cases. In this article, they’ve all been collected in one place to help you figure out which one you need. HYNEK SCHLAWACK
Latency in Asynchronous Python Where does latency in asynchronous programs come from? Explore some common mistakes in asyncio programming, the differences between bounded and unbounded queues, and a suggestion for some best practices for programming with asyncio . CHRTIS WELLONS
Top 10 Python Tools to Make a Developer’s Life Easier Do you ever feel like your list of sprint tasks is infinite? ActiveState has curated the top 10 Python tools to automate the most common, repetitive tasks. From web framework to code template creation, make your life easier and focus on your next big project! Check out the top 10 list → ACTIVESTATEsponsor
Creating and Modifying PDF Files in Python Explore the different ways of creating and modifying PDF files in Python. You’ll learn how to read and extract text, merge and concatenate files, crop and rotate pages, encrypt and decrypt files, and even create PDFs from scratch. REAL PYTHON
Preventing SQL Injection: A Django Author’s Perspective How do you prevent a SQL injection? Learn about best practices and tools for checking for vulnerabilities in a codebase in this post from Django creator Jacob Kaplan-Moss. JACOB KAPLAN-MOSS
Python Job Hunting in a Pandemic Do you know someone in the Python community who recently was let go from their job due to the pandemic? What does the job landscape currently look like? What are skills and techniques that will help you in your job search? This week Kyle Stratis discusses how he is managing his job search after just being let go from his data engineering job. REAL PYTHON podcast
Hypermodern Python Opinionated guide to setting up a productive Python environment, including recommendations for testing, linting, documentation, and continuous integration. CLAUDIO JOLOWICZ
Discussions Renaming Months From Number to Name in Pandas In a DataFrame indexed by month and day, how do you change the month index from numbers, like 1 , to a name, like Jan ? STACK OVERFLOW
Why Is -11 % 5 Equal to 4 ? How well do you know the modulo operator? REDDIT
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Articles & Tutorials Concurrency in Python for Network I/O What’s the best way to request 20,000 URLs in Python? Compare the performance of synchronous requests, multiprocessing, threading, and asyncio to find out which method is the fastest and why. ABHISHEK NAGEKAR
Keyword-Only Arguments In Python Keyword-only arguments have been around for a while in Python, but you don’t see them used very frequently. Learn why keyword-only arguments are useful, and why you might want to start using them in your own code. LUKE PLANT
The Cloud Python Developers Love DigitalOcean is the cloud provider that makes it easy for developers to deploy and scale their applications. From Flask and Django apps to JupyterHub Notebook servers, DigitalOcean enables Python developers to focus their energy on creating software → DIGITALOCEANsponsor
Python Community Interview With Russell Keith-Magee Russell Keith-Magee is a Django core developer and the founder and maintainer of the BeeWare project. In the interview, he talks about his mission to help Python become a feasible option for writing and packaging mobile applications, his PyCon 2020 talk, and more. REAL PYTHON
Debugging a Containerized Django App in VS Code Learn how to create a VS Code run configuration to attach to a Docker container and modify manage.py to start a ptvsd (Python Tools for Visual Studio Debug Server) debug server so that you can debug a containerized Django Project in VS Code. J-O ERIKSSON • Shared by J-O Eriksson
Profile, Understand & Optimize Python Code Performance You can’t improve what you can’t measure. Profile and understand Python code’s behavior and performance (Wall-time, I/O, CPU, HTTP requests, SQL queries). Browse through appealing graphs. Blackfire.io is now available as Public Beta. BLACKFIREsponsor
A Beginner’s Guide to Pip What is pip? In this beginner-friendly course, you’ll learn how to use pip, the standard package manager for Python, so that you can install and manage additional packages that are not part of the Python standard library. REAL PYTHON video
Fil: A New Python Memory Profiler for Data Scientists and Scientists Fil is a Python memory profiler specifically designed for batch processing applications that read in data, process it, and write out the result. ITAMAR TURNER-TRAURING
API Request Caching With Python & Redis REDOWAN DELOWAR • Shared by Redowan Delowar
Projects & Code Brought to you by Real Python for Teamssponsor Online Python training created by a community of experts. Give your team the real-world Python skills they need to succeed → einsteinpy: Community Python Package for General Relativity GITHUB.COM/EINSTEINPY
filprofiler: Memory Profiler for Data Batch Processing Applications Written in Python GITLAB.COM/PYTHONSPEED
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