Issue #367

PyPI Sustainability, #PyCon2019, Why Guido Stepped Down, and More

May 7, 2019

PyPI Sustainability, #PyCon2019, Why Guido Stepped Down, and More
#367 – MAY 7, 2019 VIEW IN BROWSER
The PyCoder’s Weekly Logo
This Was PyCon 2019
PyCon 2019 in Cleveland was an amazing experience! A big Thank You to all of the organizers and volunteers who made it happen! At the link above you’ll find a list of tweets from the conference to give you a sense of what it was like there. Also check out the talk recordings on YouTube.

Guido Says Social Media Played a Part in His Decision to Step Down as BDFL
“I did not enjoy at all when the central developers were sending me hints on Twitter questioning my authority and the wisdom of my decisions, instead of telling me in my face and having an honest debate about things.”
TFIR.IO • Shared by video

Logging for Scientific Computing: Debugging, Performance, and Trust
“You’ve run your batch process with your scientific model, and after hours and hours it spit out a result. And the result is wrong.” Itamar’s article has some valuable tips on how to debug this type of situation in your own Python programs.

Find a Python Job Through Vettery
Vettery specializes in developer roles and is completely free for job seekers. Interested? Submit your profile, and if accepted, you can receive interview requests directly from top companies seeking Python devs. Get started →

A Discussion of PyPI’s “Business Model”
Challenges in making a package index turn a profit and what happened in the JavaScript community with NPM. Recommended reading!

Deterministic and Statistical Python Profiling
This post discusses some of the current profiling tools and techniques for Python apps: “The official documentation has a whole section on the subject, but we shall go beyond that and have a look at some alternative solutions, especially in the area of sampling profilers.” Nice read!
GABRIELE TORNETTA • Shared by Gabriele Tornetta

Make Your Own GeoIP API, With Python
This article shows you how to maintain your own GeoIP database and how to implement an API around it. Very cool, I had no idea this data was available for free.

sorted() vs sort() in Python
Learn how to sort various types of data in different data structures, customize the order, and work with two different ways of sorting in Python.

Python Jobs

Senior API Developer

Senior Python Engineer

Python Engineer in Healthcare

Senior Backend Python Developer

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Articles & Tutorials

Defining “Main” Functions in Python
Learn how to use the “main function” pattern in Python, as well as some best practices to organize your code so it can be executed as a script and imported from another module.

Teaching Python Podcast
A new & fun Python podcast hosted by two middle school teachers learning and teaching Python. Kelly & Shawn, nice meeting you at PyCon!

Stop Reviewing Code Manually
Take the hassle out of code reviews—Codacy flags errors so you can fix them quickly. Address security concerns, code duplication, code complexity and drops in coverage, directly from your workflow. Click here to get started →

Building a RESTful API with Flask
“In this tutorial, we’ll be learning and creating RESTful APIs with Flask. To follow along with this tutorial, you should already have a good grasp of Python, Flask, and SQLAlchemy.”
SHAJIA ABIDI • Shared by Shajia Abidi

Remote Python Development in Visual Studio Code
New feature that allows you to edit locally and have your code and tools are running remotely inside of Docker containers, remote SSH hosts, and the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL).

Distributed Python Systems With RabbitMQ
An intro to the benefits of distributed systems and how to move to distributed systems using RabbitMQ. Learn the fundamentals of RabbitMQ and how to interact with it using Python.
DENIS OREHOVSKY • Shared by Denis Orehovsky

Innovate Software at OSCON
Join the O’Reilly Open Source Software Conference (OSCON) this July to see what’s shaping software development—from AI and cloud technology to distributed computing—and learn how to put it to work for you. Save 25% with code PYCODER.

Reinventing the Wheel: Discovering the Optimal Rolling Shape With PyTorch
“How could ancient Sumerian wheel builders have calculated the ideal shape without modern computers and software? We may never know. Luckily, with today’s technology, it is relatively easy to rediscover the wheel’s optimal shape.” ;-)

Python Context Managers and the with Statement
Learn how context managers and the “with” statement work in Python, including the difference between class-based and function-based context managers.

Format Python However You Like With Black
Quick overview of the Black code formatter, one of my favorite developer productivity tools.

An Introduction to Functional Programming With Python

Projects & Code

zfsp: ZFS Implemented in Python, From Scratch
This is incredible, a clean-room reimplementation of the ZFS filesystem in Python, without reading the original C source code. Quote: “It seemed like it might be a fun project.”

Pykka 2.0 Released: Actor Model for Python
Pykka is a Python implementation of the actor model. The actor model introduces some simple rules to control the sharing of state and cooperation between execution units, which makes it easier to build concurrent applications.

django-axes: Protect Django Login Against Brute Forcing
GITHUB.COM/JAZZBAND • Shared by Aleksi Häkli

dictfier: Serialize Python Objects to Plain Dictionaries
GITHUB.COM/YEZYILOMO • Shared by Yezy Ilomo

AsyncIO-powered Python DSL for Running Commands Locally, on Docker, or Over SSH

datasette: A Tool for Exploring and Publishing Data

netdev: Async Multi-Vendor Library for Interacting With Network Devices

📆🐍 Upcoming Python Events

PyladiesFest Kampala 2019
May 6 to May 11, 2019

Python Atlanta
May 9, 2019

Python Miami
May 11 to May 12, 2019

Edmonton Python User Group
May 13, 2019

Dominican Republic Python User Group
May 14, 2019

PyData Bristol Meetup
May 16, 2019

PyLadies Dublin
May 16, 2019
Happy Pythoning!
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