The Ultimate Guide to Python Type Checking In this guide, you’ll look at Python type checking. Traditionally, types have been handled by the Python interpreter in a flexible but implicit way. Recent versions of Python allow you to specify explicit type hints that can be used by different tools to help you develop your code more efficiently. REAL PYTHON
Distributing Standalone Python Applications Packaging and distributing Python applications is a hard problem if you’re not targeting developers (who are comfortable with pip install -ing from PyPI). Gregory’s detailed article covers the current options for app distribution, such as PyInstaller and the Nuitka compiler. GREGORY SZORC
The First AI/Machine Learning Bootcamp With Job Guarantee Springboard has launched the first AI/machine learning bootcamp with a job guarantee. Master Tensorflow, Spark and more with the help of a machine learning expert who will sit down with you for weekly personalized calls. Benefit from personalized career coaching. Get a job or your money back → SPRINGBOARDsponsor
An Update on Python’s Governance A summary of the current state of Python’s governance as of the end of 2018 and what’s next, written by CPython core developer Brett Cannon. A must-read if you’re interested in the Python governance changes after Guido retired as Python’s BDFL. BRETT CANNON • Shared by Ricky White
Setting Up Vim as a Python IDE Installation instructions to provide an out-of-box Python IDE based on Vim and a curated set of community plugins. RAPPHIL.GITHUB.IO
Python 3 Statement: Sunsetting Legacy Python Support A pledge from various open-source projects to drop Python 2 support by 2020, plus progress updates. One more year left folks… PYTHON3STATEMENT.ORG
Discussions Pandas Dropping Python 2 Support TWITTER.COM/JAKEVDP
What Does a Person Mean Exactly When They Describe Code as Pythonic? REDDIT
While I Am Learning Python, What Else Should I Be Learning to Supplement My Resume? REDDIT
What Do Employers Look for in a Python Developer? TWITTER.COM/ANTHONYPJSHAW
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Articles & Tutorials Reverse Engineering the Godot File Format Parsing the pack file format of the free and open-source Godot game engine with hexdump and Python as a little personal challenge. Nice writeup! GOKBERK YALTIRAKLI
Analyzing Medium Story Stats With Python A Python toolkit for data science with article statistics. I find Medium to be a terrible blogging platform (more examples) but Will’s toolkit demoed in this writeup looks helpful. WILL KOEHRSEN
Modeling Polymorphism in Django With Python Modeling polymorphism in relational databases can be a challenging task, but in this article, you’ll learn several modeling techniques to represent polymorphic objects in a relational database using the Django object-relational mapping (ORM). REAL PYTHON
Develop a Real-Time App with Django Channels and Angular In this course, you will learn how to create a ride-sharing application that incorporates an Angular front-end with a Django back-end in a Docker container. The focus is on real-time communication between client and server, using Django Channels and Redis to send and receive JSON messages via WebSockets. Learn more → TESTDRIVEN.IOsponsor course
PyPy for Low-Latency Systems PyPy introduced two new functions (gc.disable() and gc.collect_step() ) that allow for more control over the garbage collector, making PyPy viable for low-latency use cases. PYPY STATUS BLOG
Experiments With the New Low Latency PyPy Garbage Collector How to get more stable performance and avoid frame drops when developing games with PyGame and PyPy. The idea is to manually trigger a GC pass after every frame. Interesting writeup. RENÉ DUDFIELD
Monkeypatching With Pytest This blog post describes what monkeypatching is and provides two examples of using it with pytest. Includes example code on GitHub. PATRICKSOFTWAREBLOG.COM
Using the Pandas Category Data Type Introduction to Pandas’ categorical data type and some of the benefits and drawbacks of using it. CHRIS MOFFITT
List of Sample Web App Ideas A great list of project ideas for project apps while you learn Python. Language agnostic, but all can (and should) be done with Python. FREECODECAMP.ORG • Shared by Ricky White
Learn Python From the Top 50 Articles for the Past Year (2018) MEDIUM.COM/@MYBRIDGE • Shared by Ricky White
PyDev of the Week: Mike Grouchy Interview with Mike Grouchy, one of the founders of PyCoder’s Weekly. MIKE DRISCOLL • Shared by Ricky White
Using JupyterHub as a Generic Application Spawner “You don’t have to use JupyterHub to spawn Jupyter notebooks. JupyterHub can in fact be used to spawn an arbitrary application, or when we are talking about Kubernetes, an arbitrary container image can be used for the per user environment that JupyterHub creates.” GRAHAM DUMPLETON
Projects & Code mypyc: Compiler From Type Annotated Python to C Extensions Mypyc is a compiler that compiles mypy-annotated, statically typed Python modules into Python C extensions. The focus is on making mypy faster through compilation. GITHUB.COM/MYPYC
litecli: CLI for SQLite Databases With Auto-Completion and Syntax Highlighting I love pgcli and this project is from the same team. GITHUB.COM/DBCLI
Brython: Python 3 → JS Interpreter Brython compiles Python 3.7(-ish) code and converts it to JavaScript, meaning you can run Python code in the browser with it. BRYTHON.INFO
profanity-check: Check for Offensive Language in Strings Uses a linear SVM model trained on 200k human-labeled samples of clean and profane text strings instead of an explicit blacklist. GITHUB.COM/VZHOU842
writango: Write, Publish and Let Your Audience Play Your Write-Up Like a Slide Presentation Write, publish and let your audience play your write-up like a slide deck presentation. Built with Django + ReactJS. GITHUB.COM/JOELEWIS
Coconut Programming Language Simple, elegant, Pythonic functional programming. COCONUT-LANG.ORG
Border-Patrol: Log All Imported Packages and Their Version for Debugging FLORIAN WILHELM • Shared by Florian Wilhelm
ptrepl: Turn Any Bash Command Into a REPL SARDORBEK IMOMAILEV • Shared by Sardorbek Imomailev
uncaptcha2: Defeating the Latest Version of ReCaptcha With 91% Accuracy GITHUB.COM/ECTHROS
django-etc: Tiny Stuff for Django That Won’t Fit Into Separate Apps GITHUB.COM/IDLESIGN
rests: Auto-Generate TypeScript Models for Django Projects GITHUB.COM/PETER-WOYZBUN
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