| | Python Governance Vote Results (Dec 2018) After a vote by the 94 core Python developers, the Steering Council Model (PEP 8016) won. The steering council is a 5-person committee with broad authority over Python. For example, it can accept or reject PEPs or enforce or update the code of conduct. PYTHON.ORG
Real-Time Software With MicroPython Should you use MicroPython for real-time projects? This article tests the real-time behaviour of MicroPython on the PyBoard and Nucleo F429ZI embedded boards, focusing on GPIO latency. I was really surprised by Juan’s results. JUAN SOLANO
Become a Python Guru With PyCharm PyCharm is the Python IDE for Professional Developers by JetBrains providing a complete set of tools for productive Python, Web and scientific development. Be more productive and save time while PyCharm takes care of the routine. JETBRAINSsponsor
Generating Random Data in Python (Guide) Covers a handful of different options for generating random data in Python, and then builds up to a comparison of each in terms of its level of security, versatility, purpose, and speed. REAL PYTHON
State of Python in 2018 In this article the author lays out what he sees as promising directions for the community, and how he would like to see it grow. Interesting read with a list of good and bad developments that have happened to Python and its community in 2018. DANIEL KATS opinion
You Can’t Build an iPhone With Python Coding != Computer Science. A discussion of the narrow definition of engineering perpetuated by boot camps and other coding initiatives. BHAVYA KASHYAP opinion
pipdeptree: Display the Dependency Tree of Installed Python Packages Since pip freeze shows all dependencies as a flat list, finding out which are the top level packages and which packages do they depend on requires some effort. pipdeptree shows you exactly which transitive dependencies get pulled in by each package. VINEET NAIK
Python, Signal Handlers, and Exceptions “Never ever, ever raise a regular exception in a Python signal handler.” Great write-up of how and why this can bite you in your own Python programs. TOSHIO KURATOMI
Python Application Dependency Management in 2018 We have more ways to manage dependencies in Python applications than ever. But how do they fare in production? An opinionated review through a DevOps lens. HYNEK SCHLAWACK • Shared by Ricky White
8 Reasons Python Sucks “I hate Python. I hate it with a passion. If I have the choice between using some pre-existing Python code or rewriting it in C, I’d rather rewrite it in C.” As you may have guessed, I disagree with that assessment. But it’s always a good idea to try and understand “the other side” and what developers are struggling with. NEAL KRAWETZ opinion
First Impressions of GPUs and PyData The opportunities and challenges of integrating GPUs into traditional data science workloads. MATTHEWROCKLIN.COM
Discussions Does Guido Ever Find Himself Surprised by the Python Standard Library? Even the most experienced developers frequently consult the docs. Similar tweet by Jacob Kaplan-Moss, co-creator of Django. TWITTER.COM/GVANROSSUM
Professional Django Devs: What Does the Rest of Your Stack Look Like? REDDIT
Python Is Now the Programming Language With the Most Questions on Stack Overflow Per Month I guess the jury’s still out on whether that’s a good sign or a bad sign ;-) Also see the related discussion on Reddit. STACK OVERFLOW
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Articles & Tutorials Python 3.7.2rc1 and 3.6.8rc1 Now Available for Testing CPYTHON TEAM
My Python Development Environment (2018 Edition) “For years I’ve noodled around with various setups for a Python development environment, and never really found something I loved—until now.” Uses pyenv, pipsi, and pipenv. JACOB KAPLAN-MOSS
Thonny: The Beginner-Friendly Python Editor All about Thonny, a free Python Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that was especially designed with the beginner Pythonista in mind. It has a built-in debugger and allows you to do step-through expression evaluation. REAL PYTHON
A Peer-to-Peer Learning Community for Python Enthusiasts PythonistaCafe is an invite-only, online community of Python and software development enthusiasts helping each other succeed and grow. Think of it as a club of mutual improvement for Pythonistas. We discuss a broad range of programming questions, career advice, and other topics every day → PYTHONISTACAFEsponsor
Limiting Query Results Per Group Using Lateral Joins With SQLAlchemy and PostgreSQL Have you ever faced with a task when you needed to limit results of a SQL query per group? For example, select the three most popular articles of every author? This article explains how to achieve this using lateral joins in PostgreSQL. ILLIA VOLOCHII
What’s the Future of the Pandas Library? Pandas is a popular library for data analysis, manipulation, and visualization with an estimated 5 to 10 million users. What’s next for Pandas? KEVIN MARKHAM • Shared by Kevin Markham
Python 3 Comes of Age Python 3 recently celebrated its 10th birthday. This article looks at Python’s growing popularity and how the wider Python community is embracing the future of the language. MORGAN PERRY
Incrementally Improving the Performance of a Python Script Author takes a competitive programming problem, solves it with a basic implementation, and then iteratively improves the solution to make it run faster. NOAH Ó DONNAILE
Python in Visual Studio Code (Dec 2018 Release) New Python features in VS Code: remote Jupyter support and exporting Python files as Jupyter Notebook. MICROSOFT.COM
Working With Django Apps in VS Code + Azure for Productive Cloud Development Django Fellow and core maintainer of the Django project Carlton Gibson shows the entire lifecycle of a Django REST Framework application. MICROSOFT.COM • Shared by Dan Taylor video
How to Do Just About Anything With Python Lists “How do I do X with a list in Python?” Various examples and code snippets. JEFF KNUPP
Using Feedparser, Difflib and Plotly to Analyze Blog Tags PYBITES
Projects & Code pipsi: Pip Script Installer Install Python-based CLI stuff (like youtube-dl, awscli, doc2dash, …) without those projects’ dependencies messing up your global Python environment. ARMIN RONACHER
feedsubs: Web-Based RSS Feed Reader Built With With Django + Python 3 NICOLAS LE MANCHET
awesome-python-applications: List of Open-Source Python Apps MAHMOUD HASHEMI • Shared by Python Bytes FM
pytm: A Pythonic Framework for Threat Modeling GITHUB.COM/IZAR • Shared by Izar Tarandach
vpn-at-home: Self-Hosted OpenVPN Deployment and Management App Built with Django and Vue.js. GITHUB.COM/EZAQUARII
pyjanitor: Extending Pandas With Convenient Data Cleaning Routines READTHEDOCS.IO • Shared by Python Bytes FM
Python Machine Learning Notebooks on Various Topics GOKU MOHANDAS
photomosaic: Make Photomosaics, GIFs, and Murals Using ML & Similarity Search GITHUB.COM/WORLDVEIL
pytext: A Natural Language Modeling Framework Based on PyTorch FACEBOOK RESEARCH
PyPy.js: Run PyPy in the Browser via WebAssembly PYPYJS.ORG
📆🐍 Upcoming Python Events Berlin Python Pizza A micro conference organized by the Python Berlin Community. Feb 23, 2019 in Berlin, Germany. Django Girls Bangalore Django Girls is a one-day workshop about programming in Python and Django tailored for women. Feb 19, 2019. | | | | | |