Issue #17

Now is better than never.

June 8, 2012

Now is better than never.
Tornado 2.3, DjangoCon Europe, and much more. 

Issue #17 : Now is better than never. 


Friday, June 8th, 2012

Hi Pythonistas,

The stickers have arrived. We will be sending them out next week to all the people we contacted. 

We are on the look out for new sponsors. Postmates our first sponsor has allowed us to do awesome things like get stickers, and keeping the mailchimp from breaking our legs. If you are interested in sponsoring Pycoder's Weekly simply reply to this email. 

If you want a sticker send us a self addressed stamped envelope to (while supplies last):

44 Byward Market Square, Suite 210
Ottawa, Ontario Canada 
K1P 7A2

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Mahdi and Mike
News and Developments.
Mezzanine 1.1 and Cartridge 0.5 released (
Version 1.1 of Mezzanine the Django CMS has been released, lots of great improvements in this latest version, if you are running on a older version maybe its time to update, or if you are looking for a CMS this one is worth checking out.

A Django Podcast - Deployment for Humans with Kenneth Reitz (
Django Podcast this week talks about deployment with Kenneth Reitz, for Humans of course.

Tornado v2.3.0 Released (
Tornado is an open source version of the scalable, non-blocking web server, has released a new version with tons of improvements.

PyPy 1.9 Yard Wolf Released (
The latest version of the PyPy Python interpreter has been released. Plenty of new features and bug fixes. Get it!

Mercurial Mirrors Provided by Atlassian (


Postmates is a small team with a huge vision that is changing local commerce.
They are currently hiring Python and iOS Engineers in San Francisco, California.

Why was PEP-3103 rejected? (
Who knew switch statements were a topic that divided so many people? Pep 3103, inclusion of switch statements,  was rejected and the author of the post asks for the /r/python communities opinion on this. Great discussion.

Which Python static site generators are the best? (
Static site generators are all the rage these days. Github ships with Jekyll support and both github and Heroku make it easy to host your own static sites for free. Now everyone and their brother are making static site generators. Check out this discussion for the best Python ones that are available.

Glue (
CSS Sprites made super duper easy. Beautiful commandline tool for making CSS Sprites. Look at all the time you saved during load times.

Pymaging (
If you have ever used PIL, or had to compile its dependencies somewhere, you likely have felt some pain. Pymaging looks to solve this problem as it is a pure Python imaging library. Pip install and you are off to the races! Kudos to Jonas Obrist for making this happen.

picplz backup script (
As some of you may know, the image service picplz is shutting down on July 3rd. If you have your pictures up there, it is time to back them up before they are gone forever. This script can help you get your pictures backed up from picplz so if you need to do this you should probably check this script out.

dear (
Very awesome. Dear is an audio analysis framework. If you have been looking for a good Python based audio analysis framework this looks like it fits the bill.

Python Tools for Visual Studio - 1.5 Beta (
This is awesome for all of you Python coders out there on Windows. Python tools 1.5 beta for Visual Studio, has lots of great features and built in Django support. If you are a Visual Studio user check it out.

How to convert decimal numbers to words with Python (

Backbone.js for Django Developers (
Good article on backbone.js for Django developers. It outlines the similarities between backbone.js and Django in a hope to ease the learning curve. Good read.

Eval Really is Dangerous (
We all have heard that eval() is dangerous. Ned really lays out how dangerous it is and that nothing is impossible when it comes to eval(). Good in-depth article on the dangers of eval.

Flasky Goodness (
These are slides from Kenneth Reitz’s DjangoCon Europe talk entitled Flasky Goodness. This talk is pretty great, it gives a great overview of all the good that the people working on the Flask framework are doing and what Django developers can learn from them when writing applications.


Pycoder's Weekly Issue # 18
June 15th, 2012


This mailing list has been hand picked by Mahdi Yusuf and Mike Grouchy


Postmates is a small team with a huge vision that is changing local commerce.
They are currently hiring. Check out their open positions here!

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