Issue #99


Jan. 17, 2014

Django BDFL's no more, Pandas 0.13.0 and much more.

Issue #99: Gretzky
Friday,  January 17th, 2014


Hi Pythonistas!


Issue #100 coming next week! We have a great issue for you this week, enjoy!


As always, if you have any questions, comments, gripes or suggestions just hit reply to this email.


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Mahdi and Mike

News and Developments.


Python 2 vs 3 Usage Survey! (

There was a survey launched by the Python community, the answers aren’t surprising. Questions are interesting though.


Django BDFLs No More. (

Adrian and Jacob are both retiring as BDFLs of Django, they will still be involved but will no longer hold the titles of co-BDFL.


Pandas 0.13.0 Released! (

Experimental stuff looks very promising. A few API changes, the full set of updates after the jump!

Tornado 3.2 Released (


From our sponsors:


Getting Beyond Syntax (




picamera (

Python Interface to the Raspberry Pi Camera Module.


django-sql-explorer (

This is pretty awesome for playing around and looking at data! Django SQL Explorer is designed to make the flow of data between people in your company fast, simple, and confusion-free.


CommonRegex (

This is pretty swag. Find all times, dates, links, phone numbers, emails, ip addresses, prices, hex colors, and credit card numbers in a string.


gitver (

A very simple, lightweight, tag-based version string manager for git, written in Python. Attempts to simplify generating version numbers.


webalchemy (

A modern Python 3 web framework powered by pythonium and tornado whose main idea is to allow you to write all server-side code and automate the client using proxy objects.


booby (

A standalone data modeling and validation library.


django-push-notifications (

A minimal Django app that implements Device models that can send messages through APNS and GCM. (

Make Python package setup a breeze with Sets up your directory structure, a base and optionally set up sphinx documentation.


Python Jobs.


Software Engineer (Python) (Chicago, IL)

at ParkWhiz.

>>> Post Or Find More Python Jobs


pytest: no-boilerplate testing (part 2) (

Pytest is an incredible testing tool that makes writing tests easy and intuitive without all the usual testing boilerplate. Pydanny gives a great two part tutorial to get your project up and running with pytest. If you haven’t already, check out part 1.


Weird Green Bug (

Interesting post about diagnosing and fixing/avoiding a deadlock in Gevent.


The Open Function Explained (

Really detailed explanation of Python’s `open` function.  


Making Python’s __init__ method magical (

Awesome article on Python __init__  and object attributes.


Parallelism in one line (

In this post the author gives a great tip about accomplishing simple tasks with parallelism simply using Python’s `multiprocessing.Pool` class and its map function.


Why Are There So Many Pythons? (

Answers to the question “Is Python interpreted or compiled?” and information about different Python implementations contained in this post.


Pycoder's Weekly Issue #100
Jan 24th, 2013


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