Issue #98

2 vs. 3

Jan. 10, 2014

2 vs. 3
EuroPython 2014 call for proposals, Python 3.4.0b2  and much more. 

Issue #98: 2 vs. 3


Friday,  January 10th, 2014


Hi Pythonistas!


Happy New Year Everyone! Lets get this going!


We have attempted to dodge the all consuming arguments about which is better Python 2 vs. Python 3. What we have also done is brought you the best projects and articles that were caught in the mushroom cloud of Python 2 and Python 3 debate.


Do what makes sense for you.


Issue One Hundred is coming up soon. We are super excited, stay tuned.


As always, if you have any questions, comments, gripes or suggestions just hit reply to this email.


To keep up with all the breaking Python news you should probably follow @pycoders on twitter.


Like what we are doing? Support us on Gittip.

Mahdi and Mike 
News and Developments.

Call For Proposals: EuroPython 2014

You. Your friends. Your friends' friends. Do it. Submit a proposal.


Python 3.4.0b2 Released (

This is a preview release, and its use is not recommended for production settings. Details after the jump.


Oscar 0.6 Released (

Oscar is an ecommerce framework for Django designed for building domain-driven applications, this release boasts a bunch of new features and improvements.

From our sponsors:


Why Python 2 Is The Better Language for Text and Bytes (



rabbitpy  (

A thread-safe pythonic RabbitMQ client library. It aims to provide easy and simple to use interface for interacting with RabbitMQ.


quietnet  (

This project is insanely cool. NSA got you bummed checkout this ultra frequency chat program, it may annoy your cats and dogs.


python-future  (

A easy, clean Python 2 /3 compatibility library. Use this to help ease the transition from your code from Python 2 to 3.


ec2  (

Syntactic sugar on top of boto to make working with EC2 instances and security groups a joy.


yowsup  (

Create custom whatsapp clients with the yowsup python library that have all the capabilities of the official whatsapp client.


mpld3  (

This is a minimal interactive viewer for matplotlib graphics built on D3, still in the proof of concept stage, but still worth the look at this notebook.


easyAI  (

Interested in creating AI for two player games like Tic Tac Toe, Connect 4, and  Reversi pure-Python artificial intelligence framework, here you go.


Looking for an awesome employer? Looking to hire incredible python development talent? You will definitely want to checkout the Pycoder's Job Board.


How You Implemented Your Python Decorator is Wrong.  (

A matter of fact post about Python decorators.


An Introduction to Mocking in Python (

Mocking is a useful strategy when writing tests. In this post the author gives you an introduction to mocking a simple guide to using the Mock library.


Scaling Mercurial at Facebook (

Scaling our favorite Python version control system at Facebook.


Managing Events with Explicit Time Zones (

Dealing with user time zones in Django can be a pain, in this post the author gives a useful strategy for capturing user events with a time zone for later display.  


Must-Have Django Packages (

Over at DevCharm they have a nice wiki page with the Django packages that are must haves for any Django project.



Pycoder's Weekly Issue # 99
January 17th, 2014


This mailing list has been hand picked by Mahdi Yusuf and Mike Grouchy

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