Issue #63

Two Scoops of Django

April 26, 2013

Two Scoops of Django
SciPy 2013, Gunicorn 0.17.4, Falcon and much more. 

Issue #62: Two Scoops of Django 
Friday,  April 26th, 2013



Hi Pythonistas!


Lots of great stuff this week.


Before you go off and get your weekly fill of Python, we would like to announce a little contest we will be running today through till Monday.


We will be giving away two hard copies of 2Scoops of Django by Daniel Greenfeld and Audrey Roy.


To be include in the draw you must:

1. Tweet at .@pycoders (be sure to include the dot.)

2. Include a link to the book (

3. something to set you apart (be creative.)


We will announce the winners later next week! To those of you who aren’ t the chosen ones there various formats and copies of the book available for online/offline consumption. Definitely an awesome read for any serious/aspiring Django developer!


As always, if you have any questions, comments, gripes or suggestions just hit reply to this email and let us know.

To the  keep up with all the breaking Python news follow @pycoders.

Support us on Gittip


Mahdi and Mike

News and Developments.


SciPy 2013 Tutorial Schedule (

Gunicorn 0.17.4 Released! (

This week has been so fast paced for the gunicorn crew two releases happened this week. Be sure to install the later version.

From our sponsors:


What concepts would a python developer benefit by learning Java? (

Worth a read! Tons of insight for those of us who didn’t go through Java purgatory.



pql (

Turn Python expressions into MongoDB queries with pql. It supports the gamut of expressions and types you would like to use.


Falcon Framework (

Falcon dubs itself as the high-performance cloud API framework. Falcon claims to easily serve up to 30 times as many requests on the same hardware as competing web frameworks. Sound interesting to you? Check it out.


macropy (

Macropy is an implementation of macros in Python. Check out the readme for a list of features and how to use them.


pip-accel (

This project doesn’t dwell too far from its name, this super charges the speed of your pip installs with the clever use of caches and even manages your virtualenvs. The numbers are impressive let us know what you think.


django-debug-toolbar-template-timings (

This is very useful. Template Timings simply adds another panel to Django Debug Toolbar that lists the amount of time it takes each of your django templates to render.


socode (

Very interestings. Socode is a social code experiment with four steps,  fork -> edit -> open a pull -> merge. Click through to check out the rules of the experiment.


pqauth (

pqAuth is an implementation of the Needham-Schroeder-Lowe Public-Key Protocol over HTTP. pqAuth allows web API’s and their clients to authenticate each other using SSH Keys.


binify (


pyreshark (


Python Jobs.


Software Developer III/Software Architect (Chicago, IL)

at ShopLocal


Python Software Developer (Petaluma, CA)

at Cyan, Inc


>>> More Python Jobs


Crossing the language barrier with RabbitMQ (


Emacs for Python (

There are plenty of articles out there about doing Python development with Vim or Sublime Text, here is a great, in-depth article about getting up and running developing Python on Emacs.


IPython in the age of data-driven journalism (

Excellent article by Fernando Perez on how IPython, is opening up the world to a more open and data based debates, plus some amazing visualizations.  


Plotting Time Series with Pandas, Vega and Vincent (

These is a very brief article showing you how to easily use Panda’s Time Series tools, vega’s visualizations and use Vincent to link them all together.  Put this all together and you get some pretty amazing stuff!


Python Number Conversion Chart (

This is a great reminder and reference if you are doing things like hex strings into binary data or converting hex strings to integers, etc. Check it out.


Multithreaded Python Tutorial with the “Threadworms” Demo (

Fantastic tutorial on threading in Python for beginning programmers. The author uses a multithreaded version of the “Nibble” or “Snake” game as an example to demonstrate the concepts behind threading.

Bootstrapping Virtualenv (


Pycoder's Weekly Issue # 64
May 3rd, 2013


This mailing list has been hand picked by Mahdi Yusuf and Mike Grouchy

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