| | News and Developments. coverage.py v3.5.3 Released (nedbatchelder.com) Take a look at the changelog here. Python 3.3.0 Released! (python.org) It’s here finally! PythonBrasil[8] (pythonbrasil.org.br) PythonBrasil is the largest Brazilian gathering for the community using open-source Python. It is a annual vibrant meeting ground to inspire, debate, motivate and connect face to face. From our sponsors:  | Tame your Infrastructure! Datadog brings together metrics and events from your python app, clouds, OSes, DBs, caches, web servers, and more so you know what to fix. Get started in minutes, for free.![]() | Discussions. How to set up the perfect Python development environment? (reddit.com) Projects. pyscale (github.com) General purpose Python framework for writing highly scalable applications. Pretty interesting concept definitely worth a look. facebewk (ventolin.org) Facebook has been less than agile with their python library. Facebewk is designed to minimise the number of HTTP requests, while providing a developer-friendly, dynamic representation of data pulled from the API. pep8online (pep8online.com) Paste your code and submit to check if your code passes the pep8 bar. tendenci (github.com) Tendenci is a content management system (CMS) designed for organizations with powerful features for event registration, membership management, and email communication. geturl (github.com) A cool CLI tool for sharing files quick and easily. Provide a path. Get a URL. Backed by filepicker.io friendly-find (github.com) friendly-find is the friendly file finder.It's meant to be a more usable replacement for find(1). If you've used ack, then ffind is to find as ack is to grep. This is still a work in progress. PyPi Lens (chrismwayne.com) This is so awesome for those of you on Ubuntu. This project adds a Pypi lens to Unity so you can see the projects you have installed and what’s available on PyPi. Check out the video here. Articles. Python's Future: A Global Perspective (boredomandlaziness.org) In this article Nick Coghlan talks about direction he see’s Python going in the future. From the sounds of this article Python’s future is very bright, so check it out. Writing idiomatic Python (jeffknupp.com) Python 3 Video Tutorial Series (youtube.com) Looking to familiarize yourself with Python 3? Take a look at this Python 3 video tutorial series. Quick authentication on pyramid with persona (compiletoi.net) With the recent release of persona, Mozilla’s identity system for the web, lots of tutorials are popping up on how to use persona with your favorite web framework, project, etc. This article takes you step by step through the process of implementing authentication in your Pyramid app with persona. Ruby -vs- Python (bitboxer.de) Lets just leave this here without comment. Feel free to email us with what you think! Weighted random choice (blogspot.ca) Comtypes: How Dropbox learned to stop worrying and love the COM (dropbox.com) Need to interact with Windows API’s that use COM from Python? Check out this blogpost by the Dropbox team about using Comtypes which are built on top of ctypes that allow you to interact with these API’s. Securing Pyramid with Persona and MACAuth (rfk.id.au) | | | | | |