Komodo 9.1 Released This release boasts a ton of new features such as package manager integration and shell scopes! As a pycoder's subscriber we are extending you 15% discount with PYCODERS15 in June! komodoide.com Shared by @myusuf3
crashreporter CrashReporter creates reports from the traceback if your python code crashes. The reports can be uploaded directly to the developers via email or FTP. github.com Shared by @mgrouchy
supycache A decorator that enables caching of a functions return values either in memory or using a dedicating caching server like Memcached or Redis. github.com Shared by @mgrouchy
scripthookvpy3k Cool! Plugin for Grand Theft Auto V which allows you to execute Python 3 scripts in game! github.com Shared by @mgrouchy
ob-ipython For your Emacs users. From the README - "An Emacs library that allows Org mode to evaluate Python code blocks using an IPython kernel." github.com Shared by @mgrouchy
data-science-ipython-notebooks This is a pretty incredible project that continually updates python notebook showing off functionality of pretty awesome open source projects! github.com Shared by @myusuf3