April is adopt Pytest Month Working together with helpers and partners, the Pytest project is looking to drive adoption in April. Check out the link for more details and sign up to be a helper or partner if you or your project fit the bill. pytest.org Shared by @mgrouchy
Pyston 0.3: Self-hosting Sufficiency Pyston 0.3 is out and now all its internal scripts can be run on Pyston. This is a huge milestone for the fledgling Python implementation. Click through to follow along. pyston.org Shared by @mgrouchy
Python Release Python 3.4.3 Python 3.4.3 has many bugfixes and other small improvements over 3.4.2. Linked is the entire changelog if you are looking for a list. python.org Shared by @mgrouchy
geocoder geocoder is a geocoding library, written in python, simple and consistent. github.com Shared by @myusuf3
argcomplete This provides easy, extensible command line tab completion of arguments for your Python script. This definitely needs to support docopt. github.com Shared by @myusuf3
unicode_mayo Incredibly useful project here. If you ever had problems dealing with unicode strings in your project check this out. In your development environment, use it as a wrapper around unicode strings to see if they're accidentally coming in to contact with byte strings. github.com Shared by @mgrouchy
compose Compose is a tool for defining and running complex applications with Docker. github.com Shared by @myusuf3
audiogrep This is insanely cool. lets you search through audio for different words. I would recommend you check out this blog post as well for what is possible. awesome project! github.com Shared by @myusuf3
reinforce A 'plug and play' reinforcement learning library in Python. Infers a Markov Decision Process from data and solves for the optimal policy. github.com Shared by @mgrouchy
django-hijack Django-hijack allows superusers to hijack (=login as) and work on behalf of other users without knowing their credentials github.com Shared by @myusuf3
The problem with packaging in Python A look at some of the problems with packaging in Python, including interface issues amongst other things. Also a look at what a solution or the potential promised land looks like. ionelmc.ro Shared by @mgrouchy