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Ask HN: How much was Python used from 1991 to 2006? What for?
13 points by jstx1 on Nov 27, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 13 comments
Question inspired by the recent discussion (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=29354474) that mentioned how Python wasn't a big deal before it had a data science / ML ecosystem. Right now in addition to data science there's also web backend stuff with Django, Flask, FatAPI. What else are people doing with it now? What about 20 years ago?

People who were using Python back then, what was your experience?

I started using Python full time in 1998 for cheminformatics. One of the first projects I did was to make a high-level/"Pythonic" interface to an existing C library. I described it in Dr. Dobb's Journal, at https://www.drdobbs.com/cpp/making-c-extensions-more-pythoni... .

Going back in time to 1994, we had a molecular dynamics visualization tool called VMD. It had a home-grown scripting language. I had ideas for a new programming language designed for molecular modeling (because "tiny languages" was the Unix philosophy I had picked up). After looking around, I realized 1) I didn't know how to really make a new domain-specific programming language, and 2) there were existing programming languages that could be embedded in an application, and extended with domain-specific features.

I choose Tcl, because it was a very similar, but better, than our home-grown scripting language. And it was easy for people to learn. (Yes, easier than Python.) I considered Python, but was thrown off by the whitespace. And Perl wasn't a good fit. (Perl 4 C extensions were hard to do).

Instead, another visualization package, UCSF's Chimera, was the first to have Python integration. In ... the mid-1990s?

In 1997 I was doing more Perl work for bioinformatics. I had to read the advanced Perl book to figure out Perl5 objects. I wrote the equivalent program in Python, and it was just so much easier, even for a neophyte Python programmer. But bioinformatics at the time was Perl-oriented (see "How Perl Saved the Human Genome Project" - the author, Lincoln Stein, also wrote CGI.pm and developed ... OraPerl was it? One of the Perl4 branches with RDBMS support), and a Python product in that market was a no-go.

In 1998 I had the chance in a greenfield project to start with Python. Like I said, we used a C library, the Daylight toolkit, which has an object-like data model exposed as opaque integer handles. Python's support for C extensions was outstanding, Dave Beazley had already shipped SWIG, which simplified the process, and Roger Critchlow had developed "DaySWIG" to generate binding for Tcl, Python, and Perl.

But that meant programming at the C level, including garbage collection. Something like 20% of the Daylight toolkit calls were to "dt_dealloc()", to have the Daylight toolkit free an "object". Attributes were function based, eg, dt_charge(atom) instead of atom.charge.

My high-level interface replaced manual garbage collection with Python's, which was a perfect fit for Python's reference count system. And I used __getattr__ and __setattr__ to make object properties accessible via attributes.

This quickly became the base for chemistry development in the company because it was so much easier than using the C library API. (FWIW, the company was doing machine learning in the late 1990s. I mostly worked on the parts which integrated the ML tools to molecular structure. https://patents.google.com/patent/US6904423B1/en is a patent showing some of the times of ML done. The part "A more representative feature of the molecules is the maximum common substructure (MCS) that is contained in all of the molecules in a hot spot" uses MCS code I started.)

I still kept in touch with bioinformatics. In 2000 I co-founded (with Jeff Chang) the Biopython project. Python was starting to make in-roads in bioinformatics, mostly in labs that didn't already have a strong Perl presence.

Perl never had a strong presence in biomolecular or pharmaceutical structure software, I think because expressing graph data structures (where nodes are "atom" objects, with atom properties, and edges are "bond" objects, with bond properties) was much header in Perl than Python.

Another company, Combichem, used Python extensively in-house as a replacement for shell scripting. That is, their user base wanted commands which accepted filenames as input and output, rather than passing Python data structures around. They also used Python (backed by wxPython) to build GUI tools. Several people left Combichem and started Rational Design, with a new code based influenced by their experience with Combichem. That code still exists as RDKit ("RD" = "Rational Design").

I started getting consulting jobs because I knew Python and pharma/biotech companies wanted people with Python experience. I worked on a projects for AstraZeneca in Sweden to integrate a large number of molecular property prediction tools into a CGI (!) application. That had to work with command-line executables, Perl programs, R libraries, NumPy analyzes, and more. See https://www.python.org/success-stories/python-for-collaborat... .

So for me, I would say much of pharmaceutical early drug discovery R&D was using Python by 2006. Certainly by 2002 or so I didn't get had to explain what Python was at conferences.

For another talk about Python in the physical sciences in the 1990s, see Dave Beazley's talk (yes, the same Beazley) at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4RSht_aV7AU . ("Keynote talk, presented live at PyData Global, October 28, 2021. In this talk, I give an oral history from the early days of scientific Python and describe how Python ended up being used on a Supercomputer at Los Alamos.")

In 1996 we were using Python 1.4 to build Rocketmail, which later became YahooMail. As a sysadmin I came from a Perl background but was not a fan of Perl 5, so in addition to doing sysadmin stuff I started playing around with Python. It turned out to be a smart/lucky choice for me and Python has ended up being the language that I have use for the vast majority of my coding over the following decades.

Python was the first programming language (outside of ti-basic) that I was able to master, after trying to learn c and java. I learned it to script blender games, which had a very fun little game engine.

Blender's use of python was quite extensive, as a way to quickly retool the program as an animation studio experiences many changing requirements from clients. Fun fact, blender and python both have dutch roots.

I think Python's main acceptance came from it's uses as an embedded scripting language, and as a perl or bash replacement for automating computing tasks. Tools like scons to replace make, or PIL to do image processing were pretty big deals. You would often hear about such and such replacing their complicated patchwork of tooling and manual processes with something more organized built in python.

I had a CMS system for several sites all in python 1.x, my users could do almost PHP-ish page scripting and i had an apache server with embedded interpreter and all sorts of fancy crap. Never opened and published any of that code but it served us admirably, and I'm still proud of it. Especially stretching Python out to people who "were not coders" and didn't want to be, but did want to make simple "if / then / else" and loop constructs.

I did some early parallel python work, which i did get to publish some of but cant find a link for now. "Vmaps" did python object views into mmap() blocks and had sparc and intel atomic operation wrappers too. It was in FreeBSD ports 'til like 2007. I like to think it positively influenced the evolution of NumPy, though I never really talked to "official" python folks.

That was pretty much my interpreter and script level tool for hacking the wild ass DB code i was running on a couple of big rack sparcs for an ultimately failed and foolish project. It was a lot of fun making big iron dance like that on the laughable budget i had. Most of the actual parallel work in that really happened at the C level but it was all entangled with my skinned, pinned, and re-imagined python interpreter. remember "stackless"? that were kind and sane by comparison.

Earlier I had some interesting USPS Bulk Mail sorting and label printing software, all in python, which in hindsight I should've tried harder to sell off.

Python 1.4: Desktop payment applications. Simple cgi-based dynamic website. System management scripts. Early Plone websites. Asynchronous desktop applications using Twisted.

I first encountered Python use in the late 90s when I worked at VA Linux Systems (then VA Research) when folks like the late, great John Goebel (who would later join SLAC) were using it in HPC.

There also was the anecdote of when Sourceforge got to host Python, which gave a nice ringside as when the nascent community started growing at a rapid clip. It branched into a bunch of places, encroaching on areas previously using Perl and PHP.

One of the big applications for it back then was as a Perl replacement, because people were getting tired of writing/maintaining Perl scripts that end-users couldn't easily parse/read/interpret/modify.

I started learning Python in 2003/2004, when I was at the university. I was looking for a language to make basic scientific calculations (I remember that I made a simple genetic algoritm to optimize an antenna array), quick system tasks (renaming files, transforming files format, etc.) or very simple GUIs (using Tkinker). If I remember well it was Python 2.2.

I started using Python in 2003, I think. Quickly built a desktop GUI for our embedded device. numpy was just gaining traction and Travis Oliphant had landed on the idea of funding it by selling a the book. Python replaced MATLAB for me after that.

Education. The big hype for Python in the early aughts was that it was simple and legible enough for nearly anyone to learn to code. All my classes (except for Operating Systems) were in Python.

Zope and Plone. Lots of sites built quickly and easily.

In 2005. We used Python to extract video info from websites, preprocessed the data for a video search app.

Out of school in 2001 I wrote a web scraper in Python for a contract job.

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