Real Python + PSF Fundraiser Sale

Sale Ends In:

Supporting the growth of Python and its community is important to us, and we’re happy to participate in the PSF’s end-of-year fundraiser campaign.

The Python Software Foundation (PSF) was hit hard this year when PyCon 2020 had to be cancelled because of COVID-19.

The financial impact of the pandemic affects the PSF’s ability to continue regular operations and maintain core Python infrastructure including the Python Package Index (PyPI), the grants program, and other community support.

And that’s why we wanted to help:

For all sales during this event, we’ll donate a portion of all revenue to the PSF.

So you’ll get a discount on our Python training products, and the money raised in this fundraiser will help the PSF fund the tools and initiatives that Pythonistas use everyday.

In other words, your contribution directly supports the development of CPython, the official Python documentation, Pip + PyPI, and other important Python open-source projects.

Level Up Your Python Skills
Here’s What’s On Sale:

Charity Sale Ends In:

Unlock the inner workings of the Python language, compile the Python interpreter from source code, and participate in the development of CPython.

With this book you’ll get one step closer to truly mastering Python, enabling you to write beautiful & idiomatic code that’s also fast and efficient:

(We’ll donate 50% of all sales to the PSF.)

Go from beginner to intermediate in Python with this complete curriculum, up-to-date for Python 3.9.

Python Basics includes exercises, interactive quizzes, and sample projects, so you’ll always know what to focus on next in order to build a strong Python foundation:

(We’ll donate 50% of all sales to the PSF.)

Level up with unlimited access to our vast library of Python Tutorials and Video Lessons, and hang out with the RP Team on our members-only Slack Community:

(We’ll donate 20% of all sales to the PSF.)

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About Real Python

Real Python is an online learning platform and expert community for Python software developers. We offer interactive online classes and in-depth tutorials created by a team of subject matter experts.

Real Python is fundraising donations for Python Software Foundation, a 501(c)(3) corporation; 50% of each book sale and 20% of each annual membership sale made between December 1, 2020 and December 31, 2020 will be donated to Python Software Foundation. Please contact with questions about how funds raised through this promotion will be allocated.