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Common Python Packaging Mistakes

I think we can all agree that packaging a Python project is harder than it should be. With numerous guides & tutorials out there, people still make mistakes. Some of these mistakes break a project, some just make it less attractive, and some even cause a project to step on the toes of other projects.

As the admin of the wheel-analysis and -browsing site Wheelodex, I see a number of poorly-built wheels each morning as I peruse the day’s new entries. This eventually motivated me to create check-wheel-contents — a program for scanning a wheel for many of the below problems plus several others — in an attempt to get people to clean up their wheels, yet still the poorly-packaged projects persist.

In yet another attempt to get people to fix their broken packages, here now are some of the more frequent types of mistakes I see — along with advice on how to avoid & correct them — in no particular order.


Unless otherwise specified, references to packaging configurations assume that the project is using setuptools and that configuration is being placed in instead of setup.cfg. Consult the appropriate documentation if your project is structured differently.

Avoiding General Mistakes

First, some general advice that will help you avoid (or at least detect) the vast majority of packaging errors.

Look at Your Built Distributions

Before you upload your sdist and wheel (especially if it’s your first release for the project in question), actually take a look at what files are inside and make sure that everything you want to include is in there. An sdist is either a tarball (*.tar.gz) or a zipfile (*.zip), so its contents can be listed with one of these two commands:

# Tarball
$ tar ztf projectname-version.tar.gz

# Zipfile
$ zipinfo

At time of writing, the exact layout of an sdist has yet to be standardized, but if you’re building with a recent version of setuptools, the contents are structured as follows:

  • Everything in the sdist is inside a top-level directory named {projectname}-{version}/. This directory contains a copy of your package code, the project’s file, and various other files from your project directory; see here for more information on what gets included by default.

  • There exists a PKG-INFO file containing the project metadata. For historical reasons, this does not include project dependencies.

  • Next to your Python package, there is a {projectname}.egg-info/ directory containing more metadata, including a copy of PKG-INFO, a SOURCES.txt file listing the files in the sdist, and a requires.txt file listing your project’s dependencies. Other files may be present depending on what features your project uses.

If your sdist is missing some files from your project directory or contains some files that you don’t want in there, then (assuming you’re building your project with setuptools), you can adjust what gets included via a file and rebuild.


Exactly what files should and should not be included in an sdist is, for the most part, largely a matter of opinion, but your sdist needs to include your Python code and anything from your project directory that’s needed to built a complete wheel. The files that setuptools includes by default should generally be left in there, and most people will recommend also including tests and documentation. Things that should generally be left out include *.pyc files, repository metadata like .gitignore and .hgtags, and (except in special circumstances) anything that you wouldn’t commit to version control.

Wheels (*.whl), meanwhile, are just zipfiles with a funny extension, so you can list their contents with zipinfo. The basic layout of a wheel is as follows:

  • Your Python package is located at the root of the wheel, rather than inside a directory.

  • There exists a {projectname}-{version}.dist-info/ directory containing metadata: a METADATA file describing the project (similar to an sdist’s PKG-INFO, but including dependencies), a WHEEL file describing the wheel version and tags, and a RECORD file listing the files in the wheel and their hashes. Licenses included in the wheel with the license_files setting also end up in this directory. Other files may also be present depending on what features your project uses and the versions of setuptools and wheel used to build the wheel.

  • If your project includes any files that are installed outside of site-packages — headers, scripts, data files (not to be confused with package data), etc. — they are stored in a {projectname}-{version}.data/ directory. Files in this directory are organized into subdirectories named after the distutils scheme keys (purelib, platlib, headers, scripts, or data) that map to the files’ install locations.


Aside from the *.dist-info/ and *.data/ directories, a wheel should only contain Python packages & modules, consisting of code and data files. Files like your project’s, pyproject.toml, setup.cfg, etc. do not belong in a wheel.

Controlling what gets included in a wheel is more involved than for an sdist (when using setuptools, at least); consult documentation elsewhere on how to do this.


Do NOT try to fix your sdists or wheels by manually adding, removing, or editing the files inside, as this is likely to make the sdist/wheel invalid. Instead, change your project configuration and create new built distributions until you get what you want — and be sure to delete the build/ directory in between builds!

Installations are Not Namespaced

A key thing to understand about how Python packages are installed is that (almost) all of the files in a wheel are simply placed directly in site-packages/; the only subdirectories present will be the directories that are already in the wheel. This means that, if your wheel has a foo/ directory at the top level containing, then will be installed to site-packages/foo/; nothing is added to the path to separate it from other packages’ foo/ files. Properly namespacing your files must be done by putting everything under a directory (normally your top-level Python package) with a name the same as or similar to the name of your project — which is the standard practice anyway. Where problems arise is when a top-level file or directory in a wheel has a name that other projects are also likely to use, in which case files end up overwritten with the wrong content and bugs result.

See pip issue #4625 for pip’s attempts at handling file collisions whenever they arise.

Top-Level tests/ Directory in Wheel

The first (and probably most common) Python packaging mistake occurs when you put your tests in a tests/ directory at the root of your project (outside of your Python package) and then include this directory in your project’s wheels. The tests/ directory then ends up placed at the top-level of your wheel’s filesystem, and, as stated above, this means that it will be installed at site-packages/tests/. The problem comes from the fact that “tests/” is a name that everybody uses for their tests and too many other projects also include a top-level tests/ directory in their wheels. As a result, site-packages/tests/ becomes a mish-mash of code from different packages, some files even overwriting each other, and if someone tries to run those tests, chaos will ensue. (And if you don’t expect people to be running your tests from your installed project, why are you including tests in the wheel in the first place?)

The most common reason why tests/ ends up included in wheels is because the project’s author used find_packages() in their but didn’t use the function’s exclude argument. find_packages() works by searching for directories in the project root (or in the directory passed as the where argument) that contain an file, and then it searches those directories for any subdirectories that also contain an file, and so on until it runs out of directories with files. Sometimes, people put an file in tests/ (Whether this is necessary depends on the test framework being used), and so find_packages() with the default arguments picks it up and adds it to the project’s list of packages, resulting in it being included in the wheel.

To avoid this, you have five options:

  1. Remove the files from your tests/ directory and its subdirectories. Whether this is doable depends on your test framework.

  2. Use find_packages()’s exclude argument to exclude tests/ and its subdirectories like so:

    packages=find_packages(exclude=["tests", "tests.*"])

    Note that we list both "tests" and "tests.*". Listing just "tests" would exclude tests/ but not its subdirectories, so we need to also list "tests.*" in order to exclude everything.

  3. Use find_packages()’s include argument to include only your Python package and its subpackages like so:

    packages=find_packages(include=["packagename", "packagename.*"])

    As with exclude, we list both the package name and the package name followed by “.*” so that all subpackages of the package will be matched & included.

  4. Move your tests/ directory inside your Python package directory so it’s no longer at the top level.

  5. Switch your project to a src/ layout, where your Python package directory is located inside a directory named src/ and everything else — including tests/ — is outside of src/. With this layout, simply write your packages line as packages=find_packages("src"), and find_packages() will only look at what’s in src/.

    Note that you will also need to add package_dir={"": "src"} to your setup() arguments in order for setuptools to grok your layout. More information about the src/ layout can be found here and here.

The second most common reason why tests/ ends up in wheels is that the project author used the exclude argument to find_packages() but listed only "tests" and not "tests.*", and so the subdirectories of tests/ (inside an otherwise-empty tests/ directory) ended up in the wheel. Both "tests" and "tests.*" need to be included in the exclude list in order to exclude the entire tests/ hierarchy.

Besides tests/, it is also a problem to include a top-level directory named test/ (singular), docs/, examples/, data/, or similar, as such directories are also often included in wheels despite the clashes that will result.

Do note that, when it comes to sdists, it’s perfectly fine to have a tests/ etc. directory at the base of your project, as sdists themselves are not installed, they’re just used to build wheels, which are what actually get installed.

Top-Level README or LICENSE File in Wheel

Similarly to the above mistake involving tests/, it is also a bad idea to include your project’s README.rst/ or LICENSE file (or CHANGELOG or really anything that’s not a Python module or *.pth file) at the root of your wheel, as it will collide with the READMEs and LICENSEs of other projects that do the same thing.

This mistake is particularly common among projects built using Poetry, where simple usage of the include option adds files directly into both the sdist and wheel. To include a file in only the sdist, one needs to change the include option from this form:

include = [""]

to this form:

include = [
    { path = "", format = "sdist" }

If you do want to include your README or LICENSE in your wheel, the correct way is as follows:

  • For README, the file’s contents should already be used as the project’s (long) description, in which case the contents are already included in the project metadata, which is stored in PKG-INFO (for sdists) or *.dist-info/METADATA (for wheels), and thus there is no need to include the README as a separate file. If you need to be able to retrieve the README’s contents at runtime, this can be done by using importlib.metadata or similar to fetch the project’s description.

  • Licenses and related files belong inside a wheel’s *.dist-info directory. If using setuptools with wheel 0.32 or higher, licenses can be placed there by passing them to the [metadata]license_files option in setup.cfg; see the wheel documentation for more information.

    At time of writing, Poetry does not support adding license files to a wheel’s *.dist-info directory, but PR #1367 would change that.

Project Description Doesn’t Render

The Python Package Index (PyPI) supports project (long) descriptions written in three possible formats: reStructuredText (the default if no format is specified), Markdown (either GitHub Flavored Markdown or CommonMark), and plain text. Markdown and plain text are lenient formats; anything you write in them is valid. However, documents written in reStructuredText can be malformed, producing errors & warning messages when rendered. When a project with a malformed reStructuredText description (either because it uses reStructuredText incorrectly or because it’s actually Markdown that wasn’t declared as Markdown) is uploaded to PyPI, PyPI does one of the following two things:

  • If the project does not declare a Content-Type for its malformed description, PyPI will fall back to displaying the source of the description as though it were plain text.

  • If the project explicitly declares the malformed description’s Content-Type as reStructuredText (i.e., as the MIME type text/x-rst), PyPI will reject the upload.

Neither situation is desirable, but at least the latter gives you the chance to correct your project description before it’s released on PyPI, while the former situation means your project’s PyPI page shows an ugly, unprofessional-looking description until you make a new release.


When using setuptools, you may find that your project’s long description has been mangled somewhat, with a bunch of “Field: Value” entries added to the bottom and various information missing from the listing on the left side of the PyPI project page. This happens whenever you include a newline in your project’s summary/short description, thereby triggering setuptools bug #1390. Always make sure that no newlines end up passed to the description argument of setup()!

There are two things you can do to avoid uploading a project with a malformed description to PyPI:

  • Set your description’s Content-Type appropriately. If you’re using reStructuredText, this will cause PyPI to reject any uploads with malformed project descriptions. If you’re not using reStructuredText, setting the Content-Type is necessary in order for your description to be rendered properly.

    The content types for the supported formats are as follows:

    Markdown (GitHub Flavored Markdown):text/markdown or text/markdown; variant=GFM
    Markdown (CommonMark):text/markdown; variant=CommonMark
    Plain text:text/plain

    If your project is built using setuptools, you set the description’s Content-Type by setting the long_description_content_type argument to setup() to the appropriate value from the above table. Note that this requires setuptools 36.4.0 or higher in order to work (or 38.3.0 or higher if you’re setting it in setup.cfg).

  • Run the twine check command from twine on your sdist and wheel before uploading them. This command checks whether your project description can be rendered on PyPI before you actually upload it.

Project Description Not Included

It’s just embarrassing when this happens. A project without a long description just looks completely pointless; how am I supposed to know what it does or how to use it? Sadly, too many projects on PyPI lack long descriptions. Did the developer not care enough to write even a README? Did the developer forget to use the README as the long description or not know they had to?

If your project’s got a README — and really, a project that doesn’t have one isn’t ready to be released — and it’s written in reStructuredText, Markdown, or plain text (a safe bet), you can (and should) use it as your project’s long description by adding the following or similar to your

with open("README.extension", encoding="utf-8") as fp:
    long_description =

    long_description = long_description,

If your project isn’t in reStructuredText, you’ll also need to set long_description_content_type to the appropriate value in the table above so that the description renders properly on PyPI.

Python Package Not Included in Wheel

If not having a description is embarrassing, not having any code in your wheel is crippling. With a wheel like this, when people install your project, they get nothing! That’s certainly not what you want, is it?

Possible reasons why this can happen include:

  • You’re using find_packages() to autolocate your project’s packages, but you failed to add an file to the top-level package (and possibly also some subpackages). Solution: Add that

    • If your intention is to leave out the file in order to create a namespace package, you’ll need to use find_namespace_packages() instead.

  • Your project’s code is a single Python module (as opposed to a directory of modules) and you’re using the packages argument to setup() and/or find_packages() in an attempt to declare the module to setuptools. This is wrong. When your project is a single Python module, instead of the packages argument, you need to use the py_modules argument. Set py_modules to a list of strings where each string is the name of a top-level Python module without the “.py” extension. (Usually, you’ll just have one module to list here.) You can’t use find_packages() for this.

If your project includes any tests (which it should), you can implicitly test that your wheel contains your project code by testing against the installed version of your project instead of the copy in your repository. To do this, pip-install your package (ideally in a virtualenv, and not in development/editable mode!) before running the tests and ensure that the directory containing the repository copy of your code is not in sys.path when the tests run. Tox can help with the first part. The second part depends in part on your test framework, but you can guarantee your tests aren’t picking up the local copy by switching to a src/ layout (see above). With these two things in place, your tests will be forced to import your package from site-packages, where it’s in a form determined by the contents of the project’s wheel. If your wheel is missing code and your tests try to import that code, you’ll get an error when the tests run, and you’ll know that you need to fix something.

Subpackages Not Included in Wheel

Sometimes, a project’s top-level package directory and the files within get included in a wheel, but the subdirectories and their contents get left out. Admittedly, I don’t know how common this is, as you can’t determine whether a wheel is missing subpackages just by looking at its contents unless you also know what’s in the project’s repository. However, it’s an easy thing to mess up, and various packaging articles I’ve read frequently make reference to this problem, so it can’t be that uncommon.

There are two major reasons why one or more of your Python package’s subpackages might be omitted from wheels:

  • You’re passing a list of packages to the packages argument to setup() and the list fails to include every package & subpackage in your project. If your project’s top-level package is named “foo” and it contains two subdirectories named “bar” and “baz” that contain (directly or indirectly) Python source files, then bar and baz are subpackages of foo, and they all need to be included in the packages list:

    packages=["foo", "", "foo.baz"]

    If baz contains another directory named “glarch” that contains more Python source files, then "foo.baz.glarch" needs to be included in the list as well, and so on.

    Note that directories that only contain data files and no Python source files do not count as packages and should not be passed to the packages argument. They are instead package data directories; see below for advice on dealing with them.

    Of course, a simple alternative to listing every package explicitly is to just use the find_packages() function, which brings us to cause #2 …

  • You’re using find_packages() to autolocate your project’s packages, but you failed to add an file to one or more subpackages. find_packages() only counts something as a package if it contains an file, so you need to include that file in any subdirectory of your Python package that contains Python source files or contains a directory that contains Python source files.

As with omitting the package entirely from the wheel, proper testing practices can let you know when this happens in advance of a release.

Package Data Not Included in Wheel

Sometimes, you want to include non-Python data or resource files inside a Python package so that they can be used at runtime, but sometimes those files fail to end up in the final wheel. Like the omission of subpackages, it’s hard to know just how common this is, but even experienced Python programmers have made mistakes with package data configurations on occasion. This also happens to be yet another situation where testing the installed version of your code will help you out.

Setuptools provides two ways to specify package data. The first way is to configure so that the desired package data files are included in the sdist and then pass include_package_data=True to setup() so that all files inside the Python package that are included in the sdist are also included in the wheel. Pretty much the only way to make a mistake here is by not matching all of the files you want with commands; consult this reference if you run into problems.

The second way to specify package data is with the package_data argument to setup(). This argument takes a dict mapping package & subpackage names to lists of glob patterns defining what package data files to include in sdists & wheels. The biggest gotcha with this method is the fact that each glob pattern is only applied to the corresponding package and not any of its subpackages. This means that, with a package_data like this:

    "package": ["*.txt"],

*.txt files in package will be recognized as package data and included in the sdist & wheel, but *.txt files in package.subpackage will not. To include *.txt files in package.subpackage, you’ll need to either add a "package.subpackage": ["*.txt"] entry to package_data or else include all *.txt files in all packages & subpackages by using the empty string as a key: "": ["*.txt"].

No matter which method you choose, be sure to exclude *.pyc files from consideration as package data; see the next section for why.

Note that if you combine the two ways to specify package data by setting include_package_data=True while also using package_data, then the files matched by package_data will not be included in the sdist unless they’re already included by Getting this wrong can cause wheels built from an sdist to lack package data files.

See “Including Data Files” in the setuptools documentation for more information.

*.pyc Files Included in Wheel

When a Python source file is imported into a Python process, a *.pyc file containing compiled bytecode is created and (in Python 3) stored in a __pycache__/ directory so that future imports of the same file will be faster. These *.pyc files use a format that is specific to the OS, Python implementation, and Python version, and so it is pointless to share them. They do not belong in wheels (especially considering that pip already generates a host-appropriate set of *.pyc files when it installs a wheel), and yet too often people distribute wheels with *.pyc files in them.

Probably the most common reason why *.pyc files end up in wheels is that the project’s file contains “graft packagename”, “graft src”, or a similar line and include_package_data=True is passed to setup(). With this configuration, all files in the Python package directory when the wheel is built are added to the wheel. To prevent *.pyc files from being added, “global-exclude *.pyc” or similar needs to be added to the, ideally at the end of the file.

Alternatively, if the project specifies its package data with the package_data argument, including a "*" pattern in the package_data mapping is liable to cause *.pyc files to be included in the wheel. They should be excluded from package data by setting exclude_package_data to a dict that maps the appropriate keys to ["*.pyc"].

Rebuilding Wheels without Deleting build/

You should have noticed when building your project’s wheels that, in addition to creating a dist/ directory containing the output wheel, setuptools also creates a build/ directory containing a couple directories and a copy of your code. This build/ directory is an intermediate stage in the process of assembling a wheel; you should exclude it from version control and feel free to delete it at any time. In fact, it’s a good idea to delete it before running the command to create a wheel, especially if you’ve moved or renamed any files or directories in your code since the last time you built a wheel.

Consider the following scenario:

  • You build a wheel for your project, and you leave the build/ directory lying around afterwards.

  • You move, rename, and/or delete some files in your Python package, perhaps even renaming the package itself.

  • You build the wheel again — and when you do so, setuptools copies your new package tree into build/. Files that existed the last time the wheel was built overwrite their old copies in build/ successfully, but any old paths that have since been removed remain in build/.

  • As a result, your wheel ends up containing a mixture of your new and old code. In the case where you renamed your package, the wheel will contain both the pre-rename package and the post-rename package next to each other in their entirety, so you wheel has double the code with half of it under the wrong name.

This is clearly not desirable. The solution is to always delete the build/ directory before building a wheel, such as by cleaning your repository with git clean or similar, or by running python clean --all [1].

An even worse situation occurs if your uses find_namespace_packages() without any arguments. In this case, if you rebuild your package without first deleting the build/ directory, find_namespace_packages() will notice the .py files in build/ and assume that build/ is a namespace package, and so it’ll include build/ in your wheels — which means that build/ gets copied into build/, resulting in multiple package hierarchies in your wheels, with the problem compounding the more times you build your project without deleting the build/ directory. This particular problem can be mitigated by using the where, exclude, and/or include arguments to find_namespace_packages(), which have the same meaning as for find_packages().

Pinning Project Requirements to Exact Versions

There are a number of projects on PyPI where the dependencies are all of the form “foo == 1.2.3”, as opposed to “foo >= 1.2.3”, “foo >= 1.2, < 2”, or just “foo”. This is called pinning requirements. This makes sense when you’re developing a Python application that will be the primary project in its environment (in which case you often won’t be uploading it to PyPI), but it doesn’t make sense when you’re distributing a library for others to use alongside other arbitrary libraries. For one thing, your library is almost certainly going to work just as well with version 1.2.4 of foo [2], so why leave it out? For another thing, if someone wants to use your library with its pinned foo requirement alongside other libraries, sooner or later they’ll run into a situation where they’re installing both it and another project that requires a different version of foo (maybe even differing by one micro version!), and then problems ensue [3]. True, clashes between version dependencies in disparate projects can’t be avoided 100%, but they can be made to occur far less often if projects require generous version ranges instead of specific versions.

A general way to construct a decent version range for a requirement is to first determine the lowest version of the dependency that has all of the features you need and then use this version as the requirement’s lower bound. If the dependency follows or approximates semantic versioning, use the next major version (or the next minor version, if pre-v1) as the (exclusive) upper bound. If the dependency uses something like calendar versioning instead, things are less clear, but my preference is to leave out the upper bound and afterwards keep abreast of any future changes to the dependency. If any versions of the dependency inside the requirement’s bounds have known bugs that interfere with your project’s behavior, feel free to exclude them by adding specifiers of the form != X.Y.Z to the version range.


I’m very disappointed in all of you for making these mistakes so often, and I hope this article makes at least one Python package less broken. (I’d prefer it if all broken packages were less broken, but I know not to get my hopes up.)

Admittedly, most of these mistakes are due to users not using or understanding setuptools properly (aside from a Poetry anti-pattern that sneaked in at #2). Though flit and Poetry may promise to fix setuptools’ usability issues, people keep on using setuptools, and it keeps on outsmarting them. Hopefully sites like the Python Packaging User Guide eventually expand & become mature enough in the near future to cover — if not all the edge cases — at least the best practices that avoid them.


[1]Setuptools is currently trying to get people to move away from commands, so clean will be discouraged — and probably deprecated — at some indeterminate point in the future. Until that happens, though, don’t feel bad about using it if you need to.
[2]Unless foo is an unpredictable, compatibility-breaking mess, in which case you should probably reconsider depending on it.
[3]Currently, pip handles conflicting version requirements with a warning and picking one requirement to follow, but pip’s new dependency resolver due out in October 2020 (already available if you pass the right flag to pip) will react to such situations by searching for older versions of the installation candidates with non-conflicting requirements, and if it can’t find any, it errors out without installing anything.