Call for Proposals
PyGotham TV is back! We're hosting an online-only event again this year, looking for both traditional tech talks, and short film submissions for the PyGotham Film Festival. See below for more info about both formats in this year's PyGotham.
Unfortunately, our Call for Proposals is over. For the latest information about PyGotham, head to the main PyGotham site.
The TV Format
We're accepting two kinds of proposals this year: standard tech talks, which should be 10 or 25 minutes long, and short films, which can range from 5 to 15 minutes. All talks and films will be pre-recorded, and presented in a single track during the conference.
PyGotham has always asked for talks covering “anything that would be of interest to the Python community”, and this year is no different. So long as your talk or film’s topic is relevant to members of the Python community, it’s up for proposal and consideration. PyGotham typically includes presentations on topics such as web and systems development, machine learning and data science, tech ethics, and community building. These categories of topics (and more) are all still welcome at this year’s festival, and we invite presenters to view them through a different lens than they normally might.
For your inspiration, here are some example films from the first PyGotham TV:
- A Monte Carlo Murder Mystery: A Holmes-Watson-PyMC3 adventure!
- Former Hacker Reviews Iconic Python/Rust Hacking Scenes From Movies & TV
- I am the very model of a modern Django ModelForm
- The Detective Has Arrived
We understand that not everyone has experience recording and editing videos, but rest assured that we will be providing resources to assist with this. As in previous years, we'll again provide professional speaker coaching free of charge. Stay tuned for more details.
Who should propose? What topics are OK?
Anyone interested in speaking is encouraged to propose a talk. There are no restrictions on topics, but we recommend they be of interest to Pythonistas.
We are looking for speakers of all different speaking and Python experience levels, from first-timers to veterans. Our audience will be equally diverse, so feel free to cater your talk to any level.
Everyone, no matter their job, age, background, or level of experience has something interesting to share. Even you! You've developed a technique, or discovered a library, squashed a bug or solved a problem. Whatever it may be, PyGotham wants to hear your story. Won't you share it with us?
Looking for Ideas?
One of the best ways to come up with an idea is to think about something you want to learn about. It’s a great way to learn about the topic and you’ll be able to share your insights with the audience.
Another great source of topics is challenges you’ve recently overcome. Did you recently use a unique profiler to identify a performance bottleneck? Perhaps you had to dive deep into a protocol or library and discovered something everyday users might not know. Stories like these are usually full of great tips and tricks to share.
Still looking for ideas? Here are some ideas to help get you started:
- What’s new in web frameworks this year
- How to design software for safety and reliability
- Ethics of big data and software development
- Effective use of linters and other static analysis tools
- Recent changes to standard Python tools
Also see the talks from 2020, 2020, and 2019 for ideas.
Talk Selection
PyGotham’s review process happens in two phases: immediately after the CFP closes, we will have a round of public voting on anonymized proposals, so that we can get a feel for which of the talks are of greatest interest to our audience. After that, the program committee will assemble the final schedule using the ratings as a guide.
We will share information on how to sign up for voting on the PyGotham website near the end of the CFP.
OK, I'm sold!
Fantastic! If you have an idea, turning it into a proposal is a snap -- why not propose a talk right now?
About PyGotham TV 2023
PyGotham TV 2023 is taking place October 6-7, with a single track of talks presented online.
PyGotham is a New York City based, eclectic, Py-centric conference covering many topics. There’s a diverse speaker list, and some things which will be quite different. PyGotham attracts developers of various backgrounds and skill levels from the New York metropolitan area and beyond. Activities include two full days of talks and lightning talk sessions.
PyGotham began in 2011 and was comprised largely of the NYC Python community. Since then, the conference has taken place (almost) every year and grown significantly. While the conference has gotten larger, PyGotham has always been and remains a conference for developers and run by developers.
PyGotham is a production of Big Apple Py and made possible by a very generous and overworked group of volunteers. To reach them, send a message to organizers@pygotham.org.