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Hey Pug-People

From: user 2.
Sent on: 2009년 6월 9일 화요일 오후 12:40
I received an email from the production company here in Boston for Animal Planet's Dogs-101. Read we have a star among us?

Hello, this is Jessie Ward with Animal Planet's - DOGS 101

We are currently in production on Season Two of DOGS 101, a series for Animal Planet. DOGS 101 is the television encyclopedia of dog breeds. Each episode explores the history, purpose, temperament, amazing accomplishments, and curious facts about the most popular dog breeds in the world. A crucial theme of the series is the powerful love, the intense emotional bond that forms between dogs and their humans. We are looking for an uplifting human-interest story that is outside the norm to be featured on our upcoming season of DOGS 101 ? Ugly Dog/Cute Dog. This episode will feature dogs that have unusual characteristics, like the PUG, which is brachycephalic (pushed in face) ? we find this trait to be adorable. These stories look beyond the basic show dog, breeder stories, or general therapy dogs and focus on amazing feats, talents, strengths, or the special relationships between a PUG and its owner. Does your dog have an AMAZING skill or hobby? If so, I would love to hear from you. Some ideas include but are NOT limited to: ? Couples that have met through a PUG meet-up group and are now dating because of their PUGS,? College students who live in a pet friendly dorm and own a PUG,? PUGS that go to work with their owner everyday and help the business,? Famous people who own a PUG and passionate about the breed,? PUGS that have an unusually best friend,? PUGS that live full time on a boat, love to go fishing on a boat, surf, or have mad swimming skills,? PUGS that suffer from brachycephalic problems and are now recovering or being monitored closely ? this type of story would need a happy ending and the PUG must still be alive,? Dancing PUGS that compete against other dogs,? Current PUG - actor (star in a film, television, musical, ect.)? A PUG therapy dogs that works with one particular person (not a group) to show their personal connection and how the PUG helps this person,? Researchers who own PUG and are humanly studying the breed to solve hidden questions about the breed to fix healthy problems like being brachycephalic ,? PUGS that create art themselves

To find out more information about us, you can go to our website at: ? Thank you so much for your time and I hope to talk to you in the very near future!

J e s s i e L y n n W a r d]
Powderhouse Productions
212 Elm Street 3rd Floor
Somerville, MA 02144 USA
c. [masked]
f. [masked]
e. [address removed]

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