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Why Static Languages Suffer from Complexity (2022) (hirrolot.github.io)
138 points by mpweiher 9 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 148 comments

> Dynamic languages, on the other hand, suffer from these drawbacks to a lesser extent, but they lack compile-time checks.

I.e. "The two or three popular dynamic programing languages I know don't have any compile-time checks".

Even my modest dialect (utterly not focused on type at all) Lisp can do a thing or two:

  1> (compile-toplevel '(let (x) (cons a)))
  ** expr-1:1: warning: unbound variable a
  ** expr-1:1: warning: cons: too few arguments: needs 2, given 1
  ** expr-1:1: warning: let: variable x unused
  #<sys:vm-desc: 8da2ac0>
  2> (compile-toplevel '(awk ((let (x y) (rng x y)) (prn))))
  ** expr-2:1: warning: rng: form x
                             is moved out of the apparent scope
                             and thus cannot refer to variables (x)
  ** expr-2:1: warning: rng: form y
                             is moved out of the apparent scope
                             and thus cannot refer to variables (y)
  ** expr-2:1: warning: unbound variable x
  ** expr-2:1: warning: unbound variable y
  ** expr-2:1: warning: let: variable y unused
  ** expr-2:1: warning: let: variable x unused
  #<sys:vm-desc: 8e6f3c0>
  3> (compile-toplevel 'foo.bar)
  ** expr-3:1: warning: qref: bar isn't the name of a struct slot
  ** expr-3:1: warning: unbound variable foo
  #<sys:vm-desc: 8e8dc80>
Common Lisp implementations like SBCL have sophisticated type inference.

Dynamic programs can do things wrong in ways that are statically obvious.

You can catch the low hanging fruit, sure. But that ends up being pretty useless at scale, because your "checks" can't be relied upon. Or, worse, the programmer ends up having to understand the rules of your type system without having any way to probe or express the types of parts of their program, since your language is pretending that it doesn't have a type system.

Common Lisp certainly isn't "pretending that it doesn't have a type system", this is the chapter about it in the language's specification: http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/04_.ht...

That seems to describe something rather different from a type system. A type system is something that associates "types" with terms in your language, i.e. expressions have types. That's writing about some system for associating sets (not types) with values, which is a thing that you can do, but it's never going to be an adequate way of doing compile time checks; to get reliable compile time checks you end up having to implement an actual type system, and if you pretend you only have a sets-associated-with-values system then that will go badly.

Hang on, so "integer", "string", and "(function (integer) string)" aren't types? Could you maybe explain what a type is? Because I'm completely lost in this discussion.

> Hang on, so "integer", "string", and "(function (integer) string)" aren't types? Could you maybe explain what a type is? Because I'm completely lost in this discussion.

It's not about what the types themselves are, it's about how they relate to the rest of the program. A type is something associated with terms (roughly, expressions) in a language - you have to have rules for assigning types to every term, or to put it another way you have to exclude terms that you can't type from your language. So saying 2 is of type integer and + is of type integer -> integer -> integer is a start, but for those to be types you need to be able to say that (2 + 2) is of type integer, not just that 4 is of type integer once you've evaluated it.

> A type is something associated with terms (roughly, expressions) in a language

Unless you replace is with can, you're just spewing dogma, not computer science.

Under a particular paradigm, we can choose to associate types with the nodes in the program's abstract syntax tree, and to have types nowhere else. Then within that paradigm, when we say type, we refer to information attached only to the nodes in the program, and nowhere else.

While that is valid, it doesn't speak to everything that type is or can be.

Even, say, the .jpeg suffix on a file is a type, in a certain context.

> Unless you replace is with can, you're just spewing dogma, not computer science.

Words have to mean something if we're to communicate at all.

> Under a particular paradigm, we can choose to associate types with the nodes in the program's abstract syntax tree, and to have types nowhere else. Then within that paradigm, when we say type, we refer to information attached only to the nodes in the program, and nowhere else.

This stuff predates programming, it goes back to formal language research. That's what type means! If you want to mean something else you should say something else.

Even dynamically typed languages like CL have type systems. However, CL implementations are under no obligation to statically check that a program is type-safe. Those checks are deferred until run time — hence the author’s complaints.

> can't be relied upon

Oh? Which ones?

I believe I can fix that, but I can't make a move without a repro test case.

Unfortunately the repro test cases tend to be urgent production issues.

If the language was able to reliably check types, surely they would express that as an actual language feature. If the language creators don't trust their type system enough to call it a type system (and regard any uncaught error as a bug) then why should any mere user do so?

The lisp type systems are usually completely solid at runtime - you get errors on misuse of values, not data corruption - but the language can express constructs which are not checkable before execution, as it does not yet know whether the data it is operating on will hit type errors.

The soundness question is different to the checking ahead of time question but the two are usually conflated under the name "type system".

> The lisp type systems are usually completely solid at runtime - you get errors on misuse of values, not data corruption

That's memory safety, a valuable property but nothing to do with types. If you have a sound type system then you can use that as part of your language's memory safety strategy, but that's not the only way to accomplish that.

> The soundness question is different to the checking ahead of time question but the two are usually conflated under the name "type system".

Misusing "type system" to talk about something that checks some runtime property of values is sadly common, but hopefully HN can rise about such muddled thinking.

> That's memory safety, a valuable property but nothing to do with types.

No, it isn't. It's safety of the kind which asserts that a value of a certain type can only be operated on by suitably typed functions and operators.

The underlying memory may be safe either way: with or without the bad type punning. E.g. if a fixnum integer were treated as a character, that wouldn't be a memory problem, since they aren't heap allocated and both occupy a valid cell of the same size.

All type safety is "bit safety" at the implementation level, because in the actual semantics of the running program, objects are represented by bits, and type safety ultimately prevents bits intended to be interpreted and used one way as being used in a different way.

Memory safety is related to type safety because bits can represent pointers, and pointers can be valid or invalid, or point to objects of only so many bytes and no more.

All type checks related to pointers are providing some measure of memory safety, because if we use a non-pointer object as a pointer, or an object of one size as an object of a different size (all of which are type mismatch errors), we may end up with corruption or a crash.

> All type safety is "bit safety" at the implementation level, because in the actual semantics of the running program, objects are represented by bits, and type safety ultimately prevents bits intended to be interpreted and used one way as being used in a different way.

Nope. Programs can be interpreted by humans, or by non-bit-based mechanical computers. Type safety can be used to enforce a wide range of properties you might want, which don't necessarily have any connection with "how bits are interpreted" beyond the trivial sense in which that's true of everything you can say about a program.

We're using different definitions for "type". Which explains the above discussion but otherwise doesn't really get us anywhere. I'd guess your "type system" is a syntactic property of a language with strong termination properties, but you might have something else in mind.

The runtime property of values being checked by the "type system" is the "type" of the value. Something like "you're adding a number to a list, error". Where 'a number' means 'is an element of the set of numbers', possibly defined implicitly by a predicate or possibly explicitly by an enumeration of elements of that set.

When the error is reported (e.g. 'compile time' for some phase separation thing) is one property, which errors are detected is a different one. You could define "type" as compile time detection of syntactic errors, with some hand waving around what errors are, but that's not the only useful definition.

For concrete examples, lisp and python have similar type systems, and forth and assembly have similar type systems, but python's one isn't very similar to assembly. SML is a different thing again. They all have constraints on values that can occur in various contexts.

A type system associates types to terms in a language; I wouldn't call it "syntactic" although I'm not sure what exactly you mena by that.

The system you're describing sounds rather unlike a type system, but in any case it's certainly not what a given lisp implementation is using at compile time, which was the original context of this dicussion. The thing that is being used at compile time in the original comment is almost certainly a type system (because at compile time one has the expression tree, especially in a lisp, and one needs information that there is no other reasonable way of determining); having a quite different thing called a "type system" only adds to the programmer's confusion when trying to understand what the thing that is being done at compile time does and doesn't guarantee.

A purely static type system is sometimes regarded as syntactic. Type errors caught without executing the code are issues of bad syntax. It's not purely context-free syntax of tokens having the right phrase structure rules; it's an enhanced syntax in which syntactic nodes of the program have type terms. Type terms are also just syntax. E.g. (array 100 int) is compatible with another (array 100 int) by comparing syntax, the same way that we could tell that (add x y) and (add x y) are the same syntax.

A static type system associates the syntactic nodes in a program with type.

A dynamic type system associates run-time objects with a type.

I don't see what is so difficult.

It's all objects anyway: in a static compiler, the terms are objects, and get associated with a type. The program graph or tree is dynamically typed while inside the compiler.

The terms of a dynamically typed program can be identified as having type, and diagnosed as well as optimized accordingly. Just if that analysis is incomplete, the program can be compiled and executed anyway, with the safety net of dynamic typing catching whatever hadn't been diagnosed. (Or even what had been, in cases when the diagnostics are warnings.)

> The program graph or tree is dynamically typed while inside the compiler.

No? This is getting into implementation details, but the compiler will need to form a typed AST at least once in order to typecheck the program (technically we can consider that part of the parsing stage - as you say, it's syntactic in a sense - but either way it has to be done), and will generally keep it in that form for at least some of the analysis stages; like any other program you can do this in a more or less typesafe representation (e.g. maybe you allow a function call node to have any kind of children, but you make it easier for yourself if you represent that only callable things can be called). Of course it eventually needs to be lowered into executable form, but that can happen quite late in the process.

> The terms of a dynamically typed program can be identified as having type, and diagnosed as well as optimized accordingly. Just if that analysis is incomplete, the program can be compiled and executed anyway

But you have to actually represent that in the compiler somehow! Your "analysis is incomplete" AST nodes still have to be compiled, and whatever checking/diagnostics you're doing still has to run on them. So there will be a type (in the true sense, something associated with terms in your language) that your compiler ascribes to them, your compiler really does have a type system that it's using when analysing programs - it's just that this type system is not visible or accessible to you, and is confusingly almost-but-not-quite the same as the "dynamic type" system that your language also has.

So you're not saying that the demonstrated diagnostics cannot be relied upon, but rather that you require some other diagnostics which you believe are not there.

Diagnostics which have not been made requirements in a language, and are therefore not implemented, indeed cannot be relied upon to be there, and we can write test cases which show that some situations would benefit from those diagnostics (all else being equal, which it usually isn't). Under TDD, we can write a test case that fails for something that is not implemented and not a requirement (but about to become one).

That's a different claim though.

> So you're not saying that the demonstrated diagnostics cannot be relied upon

I am saying that. You can't rely on something that's not part of the specification (formal or otherwise). If I call an unknown function and f(2, 3) = 5 and f(7, 8) = 15, I would still be crazy to trust that f is the plus function if it wasn't actually documented or specified as such, even if I haven't come up with a concrete test case where it isn't yet.

That's only if you don't design your language to be easily inferred. While I don't know the case for SBCL, a language like Elm has very heavy type inference that you can rely on better than most type systems.

> While I don't know the case for SBCL, a language like Elm has very heavy type inference that you can rely on better than most type systems.

Bullshit. Either it's a sound type system (perhaps with some escape hatches) - in which case why would you ever not expose it as a real static type system - or it's not and you can't rely on it.

(There is no contradiction between having good inference and having a real static type system; e.g. if you're using Hindley-Milner then you have "perfect" type inference where you could remove all the type annotations from your program and it will still be correctly typed. But it's still very useful to have a syntax for annotating expressions with their types!)

Common Lisp is strongly typed, it's just that types follow values rather than bindings. This presents some code generation challenges, but it will warn on correctness just fine.

And of course if you really want an ML style BDSM type system in Common Lisp there's Coalton[1].

[1] https://github.com/coalton-lang/coalton

> Common Lisp is strongly typed, it's just that types follow values rather than bindings.

Then they're not types. Types go on terms, i.e. expressions, not on values.

> This presents some code generation challenges, but it will warn on correctness just fine.

Warn on correctness it may, but it's simply impossible for a setup like that to reliably error on incorrectness at compile time; a Turing-complete language like Common Lisp cannot determine any nontrivial property of expressions (in a way that works in all cases) without evaluating them. If your types go with your values then you can't check your types without evaluating your values, at which point compile time is long gone.

They have been called types (and type errors, etc) for ages in dynamic languages, it's estabilished terminology.

Interesting article. I agree that this double language phenomenon of "biformity" can be a source of complexity, but I actually think the majority of complexity comes from one level higher: the paradigm, as the paradigmatic level is ultimately where assumptions about the modeling of problem spaces lie.

The go example in the article is actually an instance of this: kubernetes went ahead and implemented an oop system in golang—why? because they felt go's assumption about the problem space (that it can be modeled and solved as imperative programs) was not a good fit for their actual problem space.

Haskell's assumption of purity leads to a problem/solution space that's a good fit for problems that are primarily themselves pure and mathematical, but leads to complexity when it comes to having to solve problems that are not in this space (having to use monads or effects for io)

Java's problem/solution space assumes you can model everything as objects and classes and runs into complexity when we attempt to use it for problems that are actually better modeled by other means.

Many languages that are "multiparadigm" or "general purpose" really have an underlying problem/solution model driving the organization of programs. When our particular problem is not a good fit for this model, we have to contort and wind up spending more time dealing with language constructs themselves than actually expressing our problem and solution. Couple this with the fact that languages have different performance properties, which may also be a constraint you need to satisfy and things get...complicated. A lazy pure language might be the best modeling system for your problem (e.g. dealing with infinite sequences) but a non-starter due to memory constraints (not enough resources).

> kubernetes went ahead and implemented an oop system in golang

I don’t think this was ever an objective, can you clarify what you mean by “oop system” and where we implemented it?

We aggressively used composition of interfaces up to a point in the “go way”, but certainly in terms of serialization modeling (which I am heavily accountable for early decisions) we also leveraged structs as behavior-less data. Everything else was more “whatever works”.

> why? because they felt go's assumption about the problem space (that it can be modeled and solved as imperative programs)

You’d have to articulate which subsystems you feel support this statement - certainly a diverse set of individuals were able to quickly and rapidly adapt their existing mental models to Go and ship a mostly successful 1.0 MVP in about 12 months, which to me is much more of the essential principle of Go:

pragmatism and large team collaboration

Presumably, the poster is referencing the patterns described in this talk: https://archive.fosdem.org/2019/schedule/event/kubernetesclu...

> Unknown to most, Kubernetes was originally written in Java. If you have ever looked at the source code, or vendored a library you probably have already noticed a fair amount of factory patterns and singletons littered throughout the code base. Furthermore Kubernetes is built around various primitives referred to in the code base as “Objects”. In the Go programming language we explicitly did not ever build in a concept of an “Object”. We look at examples of this code, and explore what the code is truly attempting to do. We then take it a step further by offering idiomatic Go examples that we could refactor the pseudo object oriented Go code to.

I have a lot of respect for Kris but in this context, as the person who approved the PR adding the “Object” interface to the code base (and participated in most of the subsequent discussions about how to expand it), it was not done because we felt Go lacked a fundamental construct or forces an imperative style. We simply chose a generic name because at the time “not using interface{}” seemed to be idiomatic go.

The only real abstraction we need from Go is zero-cost serialization frameworks, which I think is an example of where having that would compromise Go’s core principles.

I have nothing against go or kubernetes, I was simply citing the linked article in the thread, which at one point states:

> Golang] Kubernetes, one of the largest codebases in Golang, has its own object-oriented type system implemented in the runtime package.

I would agree that Golang is overall a great language well-suited for solving a large class of problems. The same is true for the other languages I cited. This isn't about immutable properties of languages so much as it is about languages and problems fitting or not fitting well together.

That’s fair - as the perpetrator of much of that abstraction I believe that highlighting the type system aspect of this code obscures the real problem we were solving for, which Go is spectacularly good at: letting you get within inches of C performance with reasonable effort for serialization and mapping versions of structs.

I find it amusing that the runtime registry code is cited as an example for anything other than it’s possible to overcomplicate a problem in any language. We thought we’d need more flexibility than we needed in practice, because humans involved (myself included) couldn’t anticipate the future.

But do you really need "near c" performance for a container orchestrator? I would think your bottleneck will be talking to etcd

Our bottleneck was serialization of objects to bytes to send to etcd. Etcd cpu should be about 0.01-0.001 control plane CPU, and control plane apiserver CPU has been dominated by serialization since day 1 (except for brief periods around when we introduced inefficient custom resource code, because of the generic nature of that code).

Huh, I'd have guessed that distributed synchronization of etcd (which goes over the network and has multiple events, and uses raft, which has unbounded worst case latency) would be the limiting step.

Kubernetes at this point is a general api server that happens to include a container scheduler.

> having to use monads or effects for io

Speaking as a Haskell programmer, this is not a problem. You put “IO” in the function signature and “do” in the body, and that’s workable. Or some other Monad. You get so many choices, which is its own problem, but “having to use monads” is not a problem in practice.

There are other problems that make Haskell hard to work with. This just happens to not be it.

Sure, it was just an off the cuff example. And while I agree that monads are not horrible by any means I think you are oversimplifying a bit. Monad transformers, the mtl library, ect. all exist after all... Even if using monads is relatively painless I wouldn't say that it's easier than using a language that allows you to freely execute side effects wherever for programs that are highly interactive.

`IO` is all you need if you want to freely execute side effects wherever. `mtl` and friends are for when you want to restrict which effects are available where.

Haskell does let you freely execute side effects. It just asks you to label any function that does so. People get tripped up by it because it's different, but in practice, it's absolutely trivial.

Would there be so many ineffective tutorials and bad analogies if having to use monads really wasn't a problem?

The problem with monads is that they’re a term from abstract algebra. Haskell’s documentation talks about them from that perspective (including monad laws), which makes them quite natural for anyone who’s studied some abstract algebra in university.

Unfortunately, most programmers trying to learn Haskell have not taken any abstract algebra courses, so these definitions and laws are deemed insufficient. Regular people want to know the exact nature of a thing — not just a list of mathematical properties that hold — and so they insist that there must be something more. But there’s nothing there!

This is FUD. You don't need to have studied abstract algebra to understand the monad laws. Basic high school maths is more then sufficient.

EDIT: Apologies, I missed the subtle point this post was making!

> This is FUD

I think chongli is actually in agreement with you

Weirdly once i stopped trying to understand what a monad was, i had no problem using them.

The reason that there are so many tutorials and analogies is because monads are relatively easy to understand, but unfamiliar, and they allow you to do a bunch of math (which you don’t have to do). Not hard enough to cause Haskell programmers any problems.

Surely people never overcomplicate simple things, right?


> There are other problems that make Haskell hard to work with.

What are the biggest or most important ones in your opinion?

I'm not who you asked but I think the clearest example is lazy evaluation. Anecdotally speaking as someone who's helped teach a few classes in Haskell, students often have problems with laziness until they really adapt to the functional paradigm, and even then continue to have some problems.

The other common problem I see is not actually a Haskell problem but merely a problem Haskell exacerbates: many students fail to think through their types prior to starting an implementation. I frequently had students in office hours trying to force their way through a problem and when questioned about the types were unable to reason at the type level intuitively. I suspect this reflects larger problems in my university's undergraduate program, but I figured I'd comment on it anyway.

I can testify, to my embarrassment, to the same experience.

> good fit for problems that are primarily themselves pure and mathematical, but leads to complexity when it comes to having to solve problems that are not in this space (having to use monads or effects for io)

I've only heard that from people who haven't written Haskell or have written 1 app without soliciting code review.

lol. people get so upset when even very gentle criticism is leveled at their pet language (which in large part is positive! I literally said Haskell is a great fit for a whole area of application)

I have written a lot of haskell and it is my favorite language. It is a great language for domains that can be mathematically modeled and such applications can be very practical (e.g. programming language compilers) It is objectively better than pretty much every other language at this. As I also mentioned, Haskell is likewise great for anything that naturally benefits from lazy execution. That said, is it as convenient to write certain classes of applications in haskell? No. I think you'd have to be a delusional fanboy to argue otherwise. You can be a big fan of a language and its ideas while still recognizing that it is not an all-encompassing solution or the best for every possible problem. This language fanaticism mindset is not rational nor what you want from engineers who should be deciding what language to use based on how well its properties fit constraints and not because its their personal favorite.

> That said, is it as convenient to write certain classes of applications in haskell?

Certain classes, of course. GPUs, high-performance computing, compile-to-javascript, GUIs- Haskell isn't terrible but there are better alternatives.

But usually what people mean when they go on about how Haskell is "mathematical" and "not pragmatic" is that it's worse than C/Java/Python for ordinary general purpose programming: CRUD, web backends, command line tools, etc. And this simply isn't true.

> people get so upset when even very gentle criticism is leveled at their pet language (which in large part is positive! I literally said Haskell is a great fit for a whole area of application)

As a real world programmer your comment is just another "Haskell isn't good for real world IO heavy problems" argument that ironically doesn't hold up in the real world.

Your concession of "good for pure and mathematical" just evokes "ah yeah, the ivory tower language unsuitable for real world applications". It ends up making your view seem balanced and authoritative while bolstering your overall point that you shouldn't use Haskell for serious non-academic things.

Haskell isn't my pet language, it's the language that pays my rent :)

> Haskell's ... complexity when it comes to having to solve problems that are not in this space (having to use monads or effects for io)

Absolutely the opposite in my experience! Haskell is the best language for effect-heavy code precisely because of the fine-grained control over effects that it provides.

Very well said!

This is why I think devs should know multiple languages, and at least one language from each major paradigm. You don't want a toolbox with only one kind of tool in it.

> Java's problem/solution space assumes you can model everything as objects and classes and runs into complexity when we attempt to use it for problems that are actually better modeled by other means.

That's an old understanding by now. Just use interfaces and forget about inheritance.

i have to be totally honest that I understand about 5% of this post

nonetheless, I will offer my obviously uninformed opinion on the topic (hey, it's hacker news):

a big problem w/ static languages is that the developers of these languages are not willing to compromise type-safety for simplicity: there are very few 80/20 type systems out there that just say "Well, that's too hard to deal w/ you can bail out to unsafe code" when the implementation gets too crazy.

My experience here is with going through the java generics cluster and helping write a statically typed scripting language that integrates w/ it effectively.

As a positive example of what I'm talking about with respect to an 80/20 type system, consider a type system that supported covariant generics + function types that were contravariant wrt their argument types and covariant wrt their return types.

This, I believe, would capture most of the correctness value of types and certainly provide good infrastructure for code completion and tooling, and it would be very simple to implement. It would not, however, be sound, and, thus, would be laughed out of any serious statically typed language discussions.

> a big problem w/ static languages is that the developers of these languages are not willing to compromise type-safety for simplicity: there are very few 80/20 type systems out there that just say "Well, that's too hard to deal w/ you can bail out to unsafe code" when the implementation gets too crazy.

Well, this is the internet, so there will always be someone to disagree with you. In this case, I get to be one of those people for you! Yay, you. :)

I find that most statically typed languages do bail out on type safety for simplicity for very many cases.

Take arithmetic. Just about every statically typed language allows you to add two `int32`s together to get another `int32` with no acknowledgement in the type system that this operation my fail (overflow/underflow). Some languages will wrap the value around, and some will actually abort, but those are "runtime" decisions and not in the static type systems.

Similarly, most languages allow us to compare IEEE float values for equality with no complaints from the type checker.

Most languages allow us to index an array and assume that we will always receive a value.

It's funny that you mention Java's generics, because they are kind of implemented in the exact 80/20 way you describe. Java's generics are type-erased at compile time, so all of these generic values and functions actually end up working in terms of `Object` (the base/root reference type) and doing runtime casts where needed. The only reason that's possible is because of the JVM's type system allowing for all of that loosey-goosey stuff.

> Some languages will wrap the value around, and some will actually abort

What if a language had clamped int and modular mod types ? Overflow on mod would work as advertised and, if you disabled abort, overflow on int would be closer to its virtual value than if wrapped.

  mod32 m = UINT_MAX+1
  //-> 0
  int32 i = INT_MAX+1
  //-> INT_MAX

Ada offers modular types (ranging from 0 to modulus-1 as expected) with the overflow and underflow behavior you want, but not a clamped type as you describe it. So you can get the first but not the second behavior.

So, Ada modular types are just like C uint ?

Except that it allows for an arbitrary modulus. For instance, you can have:

  type Whatever_Name is mod 10;
Removing restrictions is nice, lets the language and its type system actually express parts of the program logic unlike the inexpressive type system C provides.

Ok that's nice. Would one call that a dependent type ? I guess I would naively implement this by appending %10 to all assignments to a Whatever_Name.

No. Dependent types go further and allow you to do things like express that the length of an output vector/array is the same as some input number. That is, depends on some value (as in a runtime value). This mod type is fixed at compile time.

I don't know of any language that has these types, i personally find them not so handy. What would e.g. happen if you mix both types? If you want mod or clip functionality for a certain part of an algo, it is easy enough to make a function that does it, you can overload the + operator if you want the algo code to read or write more easily. Also, in C it is simply modulo (straight what the CPU does) and in python there's simply no overflow, every int is an object that can be as big as needed. Both takes are consistent and rather straightforward to understand.

As for saturated arithmetic you can (as in many languages) overload operators (with added post condition that you can check at runtime, or prove statically, if you kept the SPARK provable subset of Ada).

> What would e.g. happen if you mix both types?

Like in

  int32 y=INT_MAX
  mod32 x=1
? You'd get y==INT_MAX. Or did you mean something more involved ?

> you can overload the + operator

I fail to see the need. (Sorry I'm a bit tired). In this thread context of static languages, your compiler knows the target type of an assignement (clip/mod) and so applies the right correction.

> in python there's simply no overflow, every int is an object that can be as big as needed

I guess there's a huge speed penalty in wrapping values into objects.

I'm not sure if the target type is always clear.


What is the target type for x+x?

You could argue that you can have the same problem with operator overloading. But then again, it is best to implement the class just for a specific (type of) algo whithin which you use the overloaded + operator (or maybe better another symbol, resembling a + sign) in an unambiguous way. Also the class might have more functionality specifically suited for that type of algo. The benifits are less ambiguity and, that normal operations keep being fast (directly use the cpu arithmetic functions); the code is only slower where clipping or something the like is needed.

Python is indeed slow and resource intensive, that's where libraries like numpy fit in. It uses vectorized native types (numpy ints and floats are native machine types), together with vector operations running in a precompiled low level language. Python only sees the 'outside' of the vectors as python objects.

I once wondered why my language did not have native support for fixed point type operations. Once i started implementing custom types for and a class supporting fixed point, i noticed the sheer amount of design choices that were needed. A concise generic implementation of it is nearly impossible.

(Hoping you see this. HN's lack of reply-alert is not super practical)

> What is the target type for x+x?

There's no 'target' except the assigned 'y'. The compiler would just do

  y = CLIP((x+x)+y)
with x and y cast to int64 in the expression or smth like this.

> i noticed the sheer amount of design choices that were needed

I was just imagining these types. You are most certainly right that it would be pretty involved to get right.

Okay that type of 'target' i have never seen in pactice, it would mean that if you would write the same equation using 2 statements, the casting would be different because you then would have 2 targets. Anyway, there are endless ways of designing a language, all with pros and cons. Nice exercise of thought.

Rust has those types as Saturating<u32> and Wrapping<u32>.

For the time being, one of the goals of Valhala is to fix that, which is also another reason why it is taking so long to re-ingenier value types, without breaking the world of compiled jars in Maven Central.

late to reply to this, but the problem w/ java generics is they picked the wrong 80 and the wrong 20...

> a big problem w/ static languages is that the developers of these languages are not willing to compromise type-safety for simplicity: there are very few 80/20 type systems out there that just say "Well, that's too hard to deal w/ you can bail out to unsafe code" when the implementation gets too crazy.

Very few? Many languages allow you to cast references to other types at will.

C# does one better with its ‘dynamic’ keyword, which makes it much clearer where you are using runtime method lookup. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/advanced-top...:

“The dynamic type is a static type, but an object of type dynamic bypasses static type checking. In most cases, it functions like it has type object. The compiler assumes a dynamic element supports any operation”

I think Swift copied that. https://docs.swift.org/swift-book/documentation/the-swift-pr...:

“When you mark a member declaration with the dynamic modifier, access to that member is always dynamically dispatched using the Objective-C runtime.“

I do like c#'s dynamic and unsafe bits.

it clearly telegraphs that someone is doing something either clever, stupid, desperate or all three.

F# goes even further than c# and allows you to embed IL. Which allows you to do really fun things.

In C# plenty of things embed IL, they just use the Reflection.Emit APIs to do that and don't have a direct embedded DSL.

An advantage to C#'s dynamic over Reflection.Emit is that it uses System.Linq.Expressions under the hood. There's a lot of cool advantages to do that, including higher level caching and sharing a lot of the same infrastructure of IQueryable (and IQbservable, the Q there is not a typo). The DLR remains an underappreciated bit of great .NET engineering. (It doesn't help that most of the Iron languages went to maintenance bitbuckets.)

(In a past life I did some amazing things with the DLR.)

I'm very curious about F#. Can you give some code examples of how this allows dynamic typing?

You rarely, if ever, need it, except for performance considerations. https://youtu.be/NZ5Lwzrdoe8?t=2364 This is the one thing that comes to mind, for me.

Add Dart to your list.

Not sure what you're getting at? Even in Haskell you can easily pass data around as untyped maps of maps if you want. But usually you don't. But maybe you're talking more about when generics and obsession with not duplicating any code ever makes that part of the type system needlessly complex

i'm talking about the type system itself: keeping the type system implementation itself simple rather than just offering an unsafe work-around

this means foregoing system-enforceable type safety and features in some cases as the language level, in order to keep the type system fast and understandable to normies.

The type system can be understandable to normies while the implementation is not. I would rather have a type system that is correct and consistent, with the complexity hidden away, than to have to know where the boundary is in the 80/20 system, which seems like the perfect place for bugs to enter your code.

Agreed. Consistent is WAY better for me than inconsistent. One of the reasons I hate TypeScript so much is that it provides type safety except when it doesn't, and it takes a lot of experience to actually track down the MANY (non-obvious) places where it doesn't.

Could you provide some examples of where it doesn’t (assuming strict = true)?

I could provide a novel, but I'll try to keep it to just a few.

Class methods have incorrect variance, even with the 'strictFunctionTypes' setting: https://www.typescriptlang.org/tsconfig#strictFunctionTypes. What's even more insane is that interface/type methods will have different variance depending on the syntax used to write them:

    type SafeFoo = {
        // This will have correct type variance
        foo: (x: string | number) => void
    type UnsafeFoo = {
        // This will have incorrect type variance
        foo(x: string | number): void
The `readonly` feature doesn't fully work for object types:

    type Foo = {
        foo: number
    type ReadonlyFoo = {
        readonly foo: number
    function useFoo(f: ReadonlyFoo) {
        // f.foo = 4 // compile error
        const f1: Foo = f
        f1.foo = 4 // trololol, I just mutated the input even though I promised it was readonly
Classes are kind-of also an interface, which leads to inconsistent/surprising behavior:

    class Foo {}
    function useFoo(f: Foo) {
        if (f instanceof Foo) {
            console.log('Cool, a Foo.')
        } else {
            console.log('Uh, wut?')
    useFoo(new Foo()) // prints: 'Cool, a Foo.'
    useFoo({}) // prints: 'Uh, wut?'
"TypeScript is structurally typed"... except when it's not. In my above example with the class pseudo-interface, you can "fix" it by including a private field in the class:

    class Foo {
        #nominal: undefined
    function useFoo(f: Foo) {
        if (f instanceof Foo) {
            console.log('Cool, a Foo.')
        } else {
            console.log('Uh, wut?')
    useFoo(new Foo()) // prints: 'Cool, a Foo.'
    useFoo({}) // This is now a compile error!
Record types are incorrectly typed/handled. A Record<string, string> implies that for ANY string key, there will be a string value. What you almost always actually mean is: Record<string, string | undefined>. Yes, there is a compiler setting (https://www.typescriptlang.org/tsconfig#noUncheckedIndexedAc...) to make all array and record accesses treated as possibly undefined, but that should only be necessary for arrays. The Array type has only one type parameter: the codomain. It has no way of communicating what the domain is (what indexes have values). A Record, on the other hand, DOES allow us to specify both the domain and codomain, so when I write Record<string, string> I'm telling the type system that every string key will be mapped to a string value. Therefore, it should not allow me to assign something that clearly cannot fulfill that contract to it, but it does:

    const x: Record<string, string> = {}
In a type system sense, Record<K, V> is more-or-less equivalent to a function type: (K) => V. Imagine if TypeScript handled actual functions similarly:

    const x: (s: string) => string = (s) => {}

There's more, but like I said, I don't want to spend all day typing...

Wow, thanks for providing those examples! I’ve been using TypeScript for a while and haven’t ever taken care to notice when the type system is failing me.

Agreed. Leave out the inheritance, covariance, contravariance, and nullable types.

Leave the type system simple enough that you can take a rest and let the computer do the typing work for you.

hard agree on nullable types

just make everything non null and use option/maybe to indicate absence

wayyyy simpler

> Leave out ... covariance, contravariance

This means giving up on first-class functions.

Isn't this only true in a type system with subtyping? If it does apply to a type system without subtyping I would genuinely like to know if you have any references for it. I was under the impression that variance, as a concept, was immaterial for anything else.

Additionally, why would having only invariant functions mean leaving 'first-class' functions? Even assuming subtyping relations between types (simple or complex), invariant functions would still be 'first-class', just not acknowledging of the subtyping relation.

Parametric polymorphism gets you subtyping for function types even if you don't have it in general. `forall a . a -> a` is a subtype of `T -> T` for any particular `T`, for instance. And if you don't have subtyping or polymorphism, then talking about "leaving out" co/contravariance doesn't really make sense: there's nothing left to vary.

Nothing left to vary -> no variance -> no co/contravariance.

So... first-class functions with no covariance, contravariance?

Not that a big a deal, honestly.

Can you please explain why

Function types are contravariant in their inputs. It's the prototypical case, really.

> As a positive example of what I'm talking about with respect to an 80/20 type system, consider a type system that supported covariant generics + function types that were contravariant wrt their argument types and covariant wrt their return types.

Java and C# are that with respect to array types. Arrays in both are covariant , which is unsound since arrays are mutable, and erroneous uses are checked at compile time.

Dart is exactly the language you describe: All generic type parameters are treated covariantly and we use runtime checks to preserve soundness. It's... OK. It works out mostly OK in practice because the generic types that users happen to use variantly are conveniently used in a safely covariant way: Reading stuff out of Iterables and Maps.

But there is a significant performance cost to the runtime checks needed to preserve soundness. And when you using a type in a covariant way incorrectly, it is deeply confusing to users.

I think the right 80/20 approach is to do what C# 2.0 and just make all generics invariant.

>there are very few 80/20 type systems out there that just say "Well, that's too hard to deal w/ you can bail out to unsafe code" when the implementation gets too crazy.

This is what I love so much about Objective-C (and superset languages in general, including Typescript). You can play around all you want in ARC world, but drop straight down into C whenever it gets too bloated.

TypeScript is obviously one of those 80/20 languages, and I like programming in it accordingly. But fighting the type system is one of the easier tasks a programmer could spend their time on if reliability was significantly improved via type safety. For example, null pointer static checking is a bit of a pain but has a significant pay off that probably makes it worth it.

TypeScript is like this (can just give up and `as any` anything).

I find that 99% of my `as any` are due to some type definition limitation. The remaining 1% is due to something not expressable in typescript (or not worth it).

An actual positive in my book. If you consider back propagation of constraining types wrt the derivative of developer effort you get smooth gradients.

Program works and is correct, but developer gets yelled at by its IDE (IntelliJ does) until there's a proof of it to some degree.

I wish that types and proofs were more progressive. For example in Java, why can't we have the compiler tell us what's missing for proving a variable does not escape and we have to wait runtime to see if we had the optimization?

Sometimes we'd like to guarantee it, and not just get it opportunistically.

> (can just give up and `as any` anything)

You should never do this: `any` is infectious. Assert the particular type judgement you want instead: `as number`, `as ({dispatch: () => void})`, etc.

Interesting. I think that many statically typed languages bail out too early! That's obviously a subjective view, but I suspect there's a large enough group of people who feel this way which is why much stricter and more unforgiving static type systems are developed and popularized.

> there are very few 80/20 type systems out there that just say "Well, that's too hard to deal w/ you can bail out to unsafe code" when the implementation gets too crazy

Scala is built on an OO/imperative functional foundation, with powerful enough types to build pure FP constructs on top. The problem with tradeoffs is not that the language won't let you, but in the culture: it's hard to get different Scala programmers to agree on tradeoffs when weighing type safety and FP purity against code complexity.

Like auto type conversions. Instead of barfing when assigning a Float to an Int, just auto round? Or but then if assigning a string to a float, then barf. Does this get 80%? I think anything beyond the simple cases, static enforcement is better, or you could be just getting garbage.

> Instead of barfing when assigning a Float to an Int, just auto round?

Rounding involves a loss of data. If an operation would result in data loss, that operation should not be automatic. It should only be possible by the dev intentionally choosing it.

Technically float + float can result in data loss.

True, but that's a case where you're doing it on purpose by choosing to do floating point math, where that's standard behavior. That's a bit different than data loss resulting from an assignment operation, where data loss is not standard behavior.

> Instead of barfing when assigning a Float to an Int, just auto round?

Because you can’t really round many floats to Int.

A float can be larger than 10^38. If you ‘round’ that to a 64-bit signed integer, you have to return something that’s smaller than 10^19.

For doubles, it’s even worse. They can be larger than 10^308.

I think that indicates that “just auto round” isn’t an option.

The option “if a reasonable conversion exists, make it, otherwise bail out” IMO is a lot worse than having a way to try that conversion and somehow indicate to the programmer when it failed.

Guess that is what I am asking. The original post was highlighting it is easier using non-strict types. Like Python. So I was asking, what would that look like, you still loose data, have problems. At least with static checking, the compiler will catch it and then you can add explicate casting.

no, i don't think that's where the type system implementation complexity usually explodes, in fact that's a more complicated type system than requiring explicit type conversions (which I am usually in favor of, except in cases of toString)

Auto round is rarely the operation you want.

Guess that is what I am asking. The original post was highlighting it is easier using non-strict types. Like Python. So I was asking, what would that look like, you still loose data, have problems. At least with static checking, the compiler will catch it and then you can add explicate casting.

Dynamic languages have the same type of complexity, but you are not aware of it because it is well hidden.

That's a big no-no for building applications.

> Dynamic languages have the same type of complexity, but you are not aware of it because it is well hidden

I would say you can ignore it until it fails in production.

I would HOPE it fails in production. Even better is if you don't validate your response data and suddenly send the wrong data, no data or in the wrong format.

Your consumers will love you for it.

Of course you can build your own schema + validation logic... or just accept static types and get it for free.

> I cannot imagine a single language without the if operator, but only a few PLs accommodate full-fledged trait bounds, not to mention pattern matching. This is inconsistency...Combining statics and dynamics in a single working solution is also complicated since you cannot invoke dynamics in a static context. In terms of function colours, dynamics is coloured red, whereas statics is blue.

Yeah, but unless you have some fancy totality checker, that's just the way it is.

> Idris: The way out?

Yeah okay, like that.

> A hypothetical solution should take the best from the both worlds. Programming languages ought to be rethought.


You can have static checking, "uniformity", or simplicity.

Choose two.

One could argue that Idris ends up a lot simpler, through being uniform, than a language like C++ or LiquidHaskell that has to implement the same thing multiple times because of that separation between compile- and runtime.

The lack of union between validating and executing things has been bothering me relatively often, on several different contexts, for many years already.

Want to write some CRUD? The relationship between the code and the database is left hanging, and as a result not only the system is prone to failure, but you also have to repeat yourself all the time.

Want to write a simulation library? The language won't help you checking the simulation data at all, you have to do that yourself.

Want to describe some system for DevOps? There's a reason people use shitty custom languages for it instead of just reusing a dev one. Part of that reason is that you can check things compiling the custom language, but that implies you write the entire compiler.

And the list goes on. Somehow it always eluded me that the entire definition of a dependent type system is one that solves this kind of problem. I guess I'm learning Idris soon.

Whenever I see like this, I ask, "have you ever worked on a team? Have you ever worked code without anyone who originally wrote it being around?"

Dynamic typing only works small / solo projects and those that love to be obscure for fun.

The things they want to do are...largely ill-advised. Because the problem they talk is about is less static typing, but structural vs normal (or transparent vs abstract) types. You can't "reverse an Automobile" for good reason!

It is good they are aware of dependent types, but

> Additionally, Idris features computational effects, elaborator reflection, coinductive data types, and many-many stuff for theorem proving. With

This is attacking a strawman. Yes, Idris is a kitchen sink. But they also don't need any of those features. They could have used Agda for the example, and Agda is quite a small language!

And still, I return to the stuff at the top. Reflection, breaking parametricity, etc. are all banned for good reason -- their midwit meme is off it is Zig etc. which are the midwits. Monotonicity (e.g. with traits) and parametricity are important metatheoretic properties for reasoning about code.

Bottom line is this person wants to do things I would reject in code review regardless of the language.

Author writes about types being applied for ergonomy, which is interesting. Types add static information that can be used by IDEs. But there are other reasons for using type systems: correctness and performance (unboxing, optimization)

This is an amazing article. It is the best advert for Idris and Zig, and it is very convincing.

The gist, for those who lack the patience, is that a programming language should not have separate languages for defining code to run at compile-time, i.e. types (which can be code, because the type system could be [should be!] Turing complete), and code to run at run-time. That having the same language for both is not just very powerful, but that it leads to less repetition and less frustration and -most importantly- lower cognitive load.

TFA is a masterpiece.

I’ll stick with decidable type systems and compilation, thanks. Having to decide whether to kill my compiler because it’s either gone into an infinite loop or it’s got exponential blow up is not very reassuring.

Dependently typed languages can still develop a degree of biformity via 'tactic' languages. In Coq, for example, you have Gallina and Ltac, which are basically separate languages.

This occurs because even with an elegant theorem proving system, you eventually want proof search, and proof search = macros.

I'm not sure there is a way out.

That said, if dependently typed languages had passable ecosystems I'd use them as is. Not sure if that is more stubbornness than good sense.

I always assumed that complex type systems were driven by enabling better optimization through program analysis since there is more information about guarantees to work with.

This is a fun one. A type system designed to maximise error diagnostics for the programmer is different to one designed to maximise information conveyed to the compiler. Most people seem to think in terms of the former, which in extreme cases leads to things like typescript where all the information gathered during typechecking is discarded before the underlying javascript takes over.

Well, if you want to go empirically, I guess type systems are mostly driven by academic opportunities to study type systems.

But people are driven to them for several reasons. They are a flexible tool that you can use to make your programs shorter, easier to read, less repetitive, faster to run, less prone to mistakes, easier to modularize, etc. (But, of course, not all of those at the same time.)

That's basically wrong. Type systems are driven by something that is much harder and much more valuable than optimization: writing correct programs. Optimization is "strictly" less important than correctness, which means that there is no amount of improvement to optimization that is worth any loss of correctness.

Okay, okay, there are a million caveats and side-notes to this, as there always are. This topic could (and does) fill textbooks. Let's get just a few out of the way:

* Accepting lower precision in results is, of course, often done in the name of optimization. In these cases, there is a narrow band of "acceptable" outcomes; a small level of acceptable error that is still called "correct enough", so I'd argue correctness is still massively at a premium. In 3D games, very minor graphic artifacts on the level of 1% loss of "quality" are acceptable if it means a 5x speedup; 2% is probably not. So accuracy is "merely" 5,000 times more important. Getting within a factor of 10^-6 of the "true" result is acceptable in numerical analysis if it results in a 10x speedup, so accuracy is "merely" 10,000,000 times more important.

* New graduates and entrants into software development massively over-prioritize optimization and performance, largely because the techniques to accomplish it are a lot more generic (and therefore teachable, and therefore over-represented in their classes) than the techniques to get correct behavior, which is highly specific to every domain. O(n^2) vs. O(log(n)) matters, but as long as you're hitting the correct complexity classes, performance is just not a big deal -- almost always, almost nobody cares. The (1 - almost)^2 times it does matter, you often drop down a safety level and work around the type system.

* Static type systems have massively more power to help ensure correctness (by proving certain classes of errors aren't happening) than to improve optimization. You can mathematically prove that your type system prevents X, Y, and Z, and it's up to the programmer to decide if that's worth the restrictions your type system imposes. But optimization? That's all done through thousands of unrelated heuristics that may or may not help, increase the "quirkiness" of your compiled code, are a big source of compiler bugs, and depend on how the programmer writes the code. It is theoretically impossible (halting problem) to prove that any given heuristic is actually helping. Note that you can have a (valuable and loved) type-checker that is not actually a compiler (e.g. TypeScript's).

As a rough, 90% correct soundbite: correctness is hard for people but easy for compilers; performance is easy for people but hard for compilers.

This is why the few people who are working on bleeding-edge performance tasks are not using higher-level languages that are pushing the boundaries of type theory. They are using C and assembly.

> Optimization is "strictly" less important than correctness, which means that there is no amount of improvement to optimization that is worth any loss of correctness.

Hmmm. Well, I wouldn't go that far as to say never, not on a warming earth, anyway.

Incorrect, optimized (but non-critical) code that fails .1% of the time, but consumes 1% of the resources of a correct alternative may actually be preferable from a global warming perspective.

> Incorrect, optimized (but non-critical) code that fails .1% of the time

Only if it fails in known, predictable ways. In that case, I think it falls under the accuracy tradeoff where you define a narrow band of acceptable correctness (99.9% accurate), and correctness is "merely" orders of magnitude more important than performance. If your code fails in unpredictable ways 0.1% of the time, you basically cannot use it. It doesn't matter if it's non-critical: an idle clicker game that has a 0.1% chance of bricking the user's computer or deleting some random data from their system is not usable.

We're still waiting for the Big Functional Language that will actually provide a noticeable benefit in correctness in a real world context.

The statement is correct to an extent. Yes, there are extra information you can give to a compiler that can enable some optimizations.

What’s not true is that just having more information automatically means better optimized.


> whenever you introduce a new linguistic abstraction to your language, it may reside either on the statics level, on the dynamics level, or on the both levels. In the first two cases, where the abstraction is located only on one particular level, you introduce inconsistency to your language; in the latter case, you inevitably introduce the feature biformity (...)


> One possible solution I have seen is dependent types. With dependent types, we can parameterise types not only with other types but with values, too. In a dependently typed language Idris (...)

Great article overall!

What's a bit sad is that now with Zig/Idris you can finally easily make a type checked printf but in the meantime Python use fstrings which are much more ergonomic than prinf and AFAIK you can't make statically checked fstring in Zig nor Idris..

Peter Norvig demonstrated it well using design patterns as an example.

Design Patterns in Dynamic Languages http://norvig.com/design-patterns/design-patterns.pdf

> People in the programming language design community strive to make their languages more expressive, with a strong type system, mainly to increase ergonomics by avoiding code duplication in final software;

I’ve never heard this, thought the reason was to eliminate classes of errors at compile time and to make large-scale refactoring easier, among other things. Or did I just miss this rationale?

Here’s the lede:

> Let us think a little bit about how to workaround the issue. If we make our languages fully dynamic, we will win biformity and inconsistency 13, but will imminently lose the pleasure of compile-time validation and will end up debugging our programs at mid-nights. The misery of dynamic type systems is widely known.

The only way to approach the problem is to make a language whose features are both static and dynamic and not to split the same feature into two parts. Thus, the ideal linguistic abstraction is both static and dynamic; however, it is still a single concept and not two logically similar concepts but with different interfaces 14. A perfect example is CTFE, colloquially known as constexpr: same code can be executed at compile-time under a static context and at run-time under a dynamic context (e.g., when requesting a user input from stdin.); thus, we do not have to write different code for compile-time (statics) and run-time (dynamics), instead we use the same representation.

One possible solution I have seen is dependent types. With dependent types, we can parameterise types not only with other types but with values, too. In a dependently typed language Idris, there is a type called Type – it stands for the “type of all types”, thereby weakening the dichotomy between type-level and value-level. Having such a powerful thing at our disposal, we can express typed abstractions that are usually either built into a language compiler/environment or done via macros. Perhaps the most common and descriptive example is a type-safe printf that calculates types of its arguments on the fly, so let give us the pleasure of mastering it in Idris 15!

Overall, the design of Zig’s type system seems reasonable: there is a type of all types called type, and using comptime, we can compute types at compile-time via regular variables, loops, procedures, etc. We can even perform type reflection through the @typeInfo, @typeName, and @TypeOf built-ins! Yes, we can no longer depend on run-time values, but if you do not need a theorem prover, probably full-blown dependent types are a bit of overkill.

Everything is good except that Zig is a systems language. On their official website, Zig is described as a “general-purpose programming language”, but I can hardly agree with this statement. Yes, you can write virtually any software in Zig, but should you? My experience in maintaining high-level code in Rust and C99 says NO.

Zig can still be used in large systems projects like web browsers, interpreters, and operating system kernels – nobody wants these things to freeze unexpectedly. Zig’s low-level programming features would facilitate convenient operation with memory and hardware devices, while its sane approach to metaprogramming (in the right hands) would cultivate understandable code structure. Bringing it to high-level code would just increase the mental burden without considerable benefits.

Final Words

Static languages enforce compile-time checks; this is good. But they suffer from feature biformity and inconsistency – this is bad. Dynamic languages, on the other hand, suffer from these drawbacks to a lesser extent, but they lack compile-time checks. A hypothetical solution should take the best from the both worlds.

Programming languages ought to be rethought.

Interesting article but I disagree with conclusion.

Namely these two do not compute:

> if you choose the C-way manual memory management, you will make programmers debugging their code for long hours with the hope that -fsanitize=address would show something meaningful

> Zig can still be used in large systems projects like web browsers, interpreters, and operating system kernels – nobody wants these things to freeze unexpectedly.

But Zig isn't meaningfully safer than C. So you still get to debug code for long hours hoping you'll spot the error.

Zig isn't meaningfully safer than C

it's not? why would anyone bother using it then?

Because it's not Rust/C. And it does have some nifty features like tagged unions and comptime.

Here is Zig UB in a nutshell

    const std = @import("std");

    pub fn main() !void {
      const warning1 = try powerLevel(9000);
      const warning2 = try powerLevel(10);

      std.debug.print("{s}\n", .{warning1});
      std.debug.print("{s}\n", .{warning2});

    fn powerLevel(over: i32) ![]u8 {
      var buf: [20]u8 = undefined;
      return std.fmt.bufPrint(&buf, "over {d}!!!", .{over});

I haven't my used Zig much, but I suspect that in practice Zig is much safer, even if only because it's more expressive.

> Or did I just miss this rationale?

Nope, you're spot on: better refactoring and increased correctness are the biggest motivators for type systems to exist... I don't even know what the author means by suggesting that a strong type system avoids code duplication (as someone who has used type systems for decades)!! Can someone illuminate?

Maybe the author is referring to generics - compile time generated code. But I'm with you. Code correctness is easily the biggest benefit for me, followed by fearless refactoring. The difference between refactoring a large Python project, and a Haskell project is staggering.

Good type systems don't avoid code duplication in themselves, but they make it possible to write highly polymorphic code safely. More safely, in fact, than less polymorphic code.

The starting premise (paraphrasing here) "strong typing to avoid duplication" for me is simply false. In my experience its main purpose is to reduce mistakes, increase discoverability/predictability and allows for easier refactoring

also strong typing and static typing are two different things

>the statics level is where all linguistic machinery is being performed at compile-time. Similarly, the dynamics level is where code is being executed at run-time. Thence the typical control flow operators, such as if/while/for/return, data structures, and procedures, are dynamic

int x = getFizBuz(1) is static, (or should be, in a smart enough compiler) despite `getFizBuz` having if/else in it's definition (if (x % 3 == 0)).

This can happen in the real world. For example `button(size: 10)` could have some size dependent logic in its constructor that could be inlined. Any function that is called with static arguments could be inlined and run control flow at compile time.

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