| | Exploring Modern Sentiment Analysis Approaches in Python What are the current approaches for analyzing emotions within a piece of text? Which tools and Python packages should you use for sentiment analysis? This week, Jodie Burchell, developer advocate for data science at JetBrains, returns to the show to discuss modern sentiment analysis in Python. REAL PYTHON podcast
Topological Sort A Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) is a common data structure used to contain a series of related items that must have certain order or dependency. Topological sorting is used to help find where you might start processing to get in order handling of the items in a DAG. REDOWAN DELOWAR
Essential Python Web Security This series explores the critical security principles every Python web developer needs. The first post delves into fundamental security best practices, ranging from general principles to specific Python-related techniques. MICHAEL FORD
Quiz: How to Remove Items From Lists in Python In this quiz, you’ll test your understanding of removing items from lists in Python. This is a fundamental skill in Python programming, and mastering it will enable you to manipulate lists effectively. REAL PYTHON
Python 3.14.0 Alpha 3 Is Out CPYTHON DEV BLOG
Articles & Tutorials Programming Sockets in Python In this in-depth video course, you’ll learn how to build a socket server and client with Python. By the end, you’ll understand how to use the main functions and methods in Python’s socket module to write your own networked client-server applications. REAL PYTHON course
Python Decorators: A Super Useful Feature Python decorators are one of Hashim’s favorite features. This post covers some examples he’s used in his projects. It includes the Prometheus Histogram Timing Decorators and OpenTelemetry (OTel) Manual Span Decorators. HASHIM COLOMBOWALA
A Practical Example of the Pipeline Pattern in Python “The pipeline design pattern (also known as Chain of Command pattern) is a flexible way to handle a sequence of actions, where each handler in the chain processes the input and passes it to the next handler.” JUAN JOSÉ EXPÓSITO GONZÁLEZ
Best Shift-Left Testing Tools to Improve Your QA The later in your development process that you discover the bug the more expensive it is. Shift-Left Testing is a collection of techniques to attempt to move bug discovery earlier in your process. ANTONELLO ZANINI
Merging Dictionaries in Python There are multiple ways of merging two or more dictionaries in Python. This post teaches you how to do it and how to deal with corner cases like duplicate keys. TREY HUNNER
Django Quiz 2024 Adam runs a quiz on Django at his Django London meetup. He’s shared it so you can try it yourself. Test how much you know about your favorite web framework. ADAM JOHNSON
Top Python Web Development Frameworks in 2025 This post compares many of the different web frameworks available for Python. It covers: Reflex, Django, Flask, Gradio, Streamlit, Dash, and FastAPI. TOM GOTSMAN
My SQLAlchemy Cookbook The post contains an embedded JupyterLite notebook containing a cookbook for SQLAlchemy. It focuses on the patterns you use in everyday ORM coding. JAMIE CHANG
Django: Launch pdb When a Given SQL Query Runs Here’s a technique for using pdb within Django through hooking specific SQL queries. This uses database instrumentation in the Django ORM. ADAM JOHNSON
Projects & Code Brought to you by Real Python for Teamssponsor Online Python training created by a community of experts. Give your team the real-world Python skills they need to succeed → py-spy: Sampling Profiler for Python Programs GITHUB.COM/BENFRED
markitdown: Convert Files and Office Documents to Markdown GITHUB.COM/MICROSOFT
enlighten: Progress Bar for Python Console Apps GITHUB.COM/ROCKHOPPER-TECHNOLOGIES
statsmodels: Statistical Modeling and Econometrics in Python GITHUB.COM/STATSMODELS
htmy: Async, Pure-Python Rendering Engine GITHUB.COM/VOLFPETER
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