| | Create a Tic-Tac-Toe Python Game Engine With an AI Player In this video course, you’ll create a universal game engine in Python for tic-tac-toe with two computer players, one of which will be an AI player using the powerful minimax algorithm. You’ll give your game library a text-based graphical interface and explore two front ends. REAL PYTHON course
A Priority-Expiry LRU Cache Without Heaps or Trees This article covers how to implement an LRU cache using only the Python standard library. It does so the hard way, staying away from heaps and binary search trees. ADRIAN
Snyk’s Ethical Hacking 101 Workshop ⚡ | February 8, 2024 | 11:00am ET Join Snyk’s Ethical Hacking 101 Workshop and learn how ethical hacking can help you identify security weaknesses in your systems before attackers do 🤖 Get live support in the hands-on lab ✅ as you find and fix vulnerabilities 🛠️ and ✅ learn the process of responsible disclosure. Register today → SNYK.IOsponsor
Debugging Python Tips for debugging Python, based on a talk done at PyCon Sweden. Learn how to be better at debugging your Python code! JUHA-MATTI SNTALA
DSF Calls for Applicants for a Django Fellow DJANGO SOFTWARE FOUNDATION
Wagtail 5.2.3 Released WAGTAIL
Articles & Tutorials Ten Python datetime Pitfalls It’s no secret that the Python datetime library has its quirks. Not only are there probably more than you think, but third-party libraries don’t address most of them! Arie created a new library to explore what a better datetime library could look like. ARIE BOVENBERG • Shared by Arie Bovenberg
Exploring the Role of Static Methods in Python Python is a versatile language, supporting multiple programming paradigms, including procedural, object-oriented, and functional programming. This article discusses static methods, but from a functional programming perspective. BOB BEDERBOS
Performance Analysis of Python’s dict() and {} This article delves into the details behind the choice of calling dict() or using {} directly in your code. It covers the underlying structures in the interpreter as well as performance. KAMIL RUSIN
My Django Roadmap Ideas Thibaud Cola is the newest Django Software Foundation member and this post describes his ideas for the Django roadmap session for 2024. Learn what might be coming in future Django core. PAOLO MELCHIORRE
Python’s Magic Methods: Leverage Their Power in Your Classes In this tutorial, you’ll learn what magic methods are in Python, how they work, and how to use them in your custom classes to support powerful features in your object-oriented code. REAL PYTHON
Filter a list in Python This tutorial explains the different methods for filtering a list in Python. It shows you how to use the filter() function, list comprehensions, and good old loops. SOUMYA AGARWAL
Projects & Code Brought to you by Real Python for Teamssponsor Online Python training created by a community of experts. Give your team the real-world Python skills they need to succeed → datamapplot: Creating Beautiful Plots of Data Maps GITHUB.COM/TUTTEINSTITUTE
marimo: A Reactive Notebook for Python GITHUB.COM/MARIMO-TEAM
niquests: Requests but Multiplexed GITHUB.COM/JAWAH
unidep: Unified Pip and Conda Dependency Management GITHUB.COM/BASNIJHOLT
falco: CLI and Guides for the Modern Django Developer GITHUB.COM/TOBI-DE
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