| | Faster Python 3.13 Plan This brief outline highlights the plan for the faster CPython project for the 3.13 release. Includes PEP 669, PEP 554, improved memory management, and more. Associated Hacker News discussion. GITHUB.COM/FASTER-CPYTHON
Volunteering, Organizing, and Finding a Python Community Have you thought about getting more involved in the Python community? Are you interested in volunteering for an event or becoming an organizer? This week on the show, we speak with organizers from this year’s PyCascades conference about making connections, learning new skills, and rationing your time. REAL PYTHON podcast
The 25th Edition of the Developer Nation Survey Is Now Live Participate in the latest Developer Nation survey, accessible to all developers and no-code software creators, to share what you desire the most. Is it improved documentation, a genuine DevOps culture, alternative tools, or novel technologies the top priorities for developers at present? Start now → SLASHDATA LTDsponsor
AsyncIO: Why I Hate It Charles is the creator of Peewee ORM and often gets the question “when will it support asyncio ?” In this opinion piece he talks about why he doesn’t like asyncio and the alternatives he prefers. CHARLES LEIFER opinion
PyPy v7.3.12 Released PYPY.ORG
Discussions Is Parallel Programming Hard? HACKER NEWS
Tips for Creating Effective Documentation? ASK SLASHDOT
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Articles & Tutorials Migrate to .readthedocs.yaml Configuration The Read the Docs site has announced the new requirement that all builds must move to using a .readthedocs.yaml configuration file, version 2. There are some test windows where they will be temporarily enforcing the change, but the final release date is September 25, 2023. Read on for details on how to migrate your project. READTHEDOCS.COM
Using and Creating Global Variables in Your Python Functions In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to use global variables in Python functions using the global keyword or the built-in globals() function. You’ll also learn a few strategies to avoid relying on global variables because they can lead to code that’s difficult to understand, debug, and maintain. REAL PYTHON
Scan Your Python Code for Free, Eliminate up to 98% Less False-Positive Compared to Other Tools Scan your code and dependencies for security vulnerabilities with Semgrep - the trusted OSS tool used by top companies like GitLab, Snowflake, and Slack. No security expertise needed, simply add your project and let Semgrep do the work in minutes. Add Semgrep to CI/CD and scan every PR → SEMGREPsponsor
Dependency Tracking for Python Function Calls Tracking the code and data accessed by a function call can be used to draw dependency graphs, for debugging and profiling, and for cache invalidation. This article shows you a variety ways of doing it, as well as some initial ideas that don’t work very well. ALEX MAKELOV
Extract Text From a Multi-Column PDF Learn how to use a PyMuPDF utility for detecting multiple columns in pages and extracting text along these columns. This can be useful for processing documents that have complex layouts, such as reports, newspapers, magazines, or academic papers. ARTIFEX.COM • Shared by Harald Lieder
pytest Fixtures Are Magic! Fixtures are building blocks for good tests and can increase development speed. The main issue with writing tests is setting up necessary data before the test, but pytest fixtures make it easier by injecting necessary data into your tests. FRANK WILES
Don’t Say “Simply” Use Pyenv, Poetry or Anaconda This article talks about the issues often introduced to newer Python coders by adapting more complicated package management mechanisms, and why sticking with pip is often the better choice. BITE CODE
Learn the Latest AI Capabilities with Python 3.11 via OpenVINO™ 2023.0 Looking for more AI optimizations with Python 3.11? Check out OpenVINO™ DevCon for monthly workshops on how you can improve your AI applications with OpenVINO Toolkit’s 2023.0 release. Register. Learn. Connect. INTEL CORPORATIONsponsor
Cython vs CPython: Comparing the Speed Difference This article does a speed comparison between Cython and CPython using eleven different benchmarks. And although, as expected, Cython is faster, it isn’t in every scenario. SIDDIQI
Django Views: The Right Way An opinionated guide on how to write views in Django by one of the core Django devs. Spoiler alert: he isn’t very fond of class-based-views. SPOOKYLUKEY.GITHUB.IO
Projects & Code Brought to you by Real Python for Teamssponsor Online Python training created by a community of experts. Give your team the real-world Python skills they need to succeed → Shreddit: Remove Your Comment History on Reddit GITHUB.COM/X89
pymg: A Better Display for Stack Traces GITHUB.COM/MIMSEYEDI
faker-file: Create Files With Fake Data GITHUB.COM/BARSEGHYANARTUR
jsonformer: Generate Structured JSON From Language Models GITHUB.COM/1RGS
pyvibe: Generate Styled HTML Pages From Python GITHUB.COM/PYCOB
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