Issue #580

Facial Recognition, PyPI 2FA, Kivy, and More

June 6, 2023

Facial Recognition, PyPI 2FA, Kivy, and More
#580 – JUNE 6, 2023 VIEW IN BROWSER
The PyCoder’s Weekly Logo
Build Your Own Face Recognition Tool With Python
In this tutorial, you’ll build your own face recognition command-line tool with Python. You’ll learn how to use face detection to identify faces in an image and label them using face recognition. With this knowledge, you can create your own face recognition tool from start to finish!

Securing PyPI Accounts via Two-Factor Authentication
PyPI has already added two-factor authentication for high volume projects, but now they’ve announced that all package maintainers must upgrade to 2FA by the end of 2023. This post talks about why the decision was made and what your 2FA options are.

Companies like GitLab, Snowflake, and Slack Scan Their Code for Vulnerabilities Using Semgrep
Scan your code and dependencies for security vulnerabilities for free with Semgrep - the trusted OSS tool used by top companies like GitLab, Snowflake, and Slack. No security expertise needed, simply add your project and let Semgrep do the work in just minutes →

Using Kivy for GUI Development
Kivy is an open source Python library for developing desktop and mobile GUI development. It is supported on Windows, Linux, macOS, Android, and iOS. This article introduces you to Kivy and teaches you how to build your first GUI with it.

Python Software Foundation Board of Directors Nominations


How Do You Deal With Large Python Code Bases?

Articles & Tutorials

Getting Normally Distributed Random Numbers With NumPy
In this tutorial, you’ll learn how you can use NumPy to generate normally distributed random numbers. The normal distribution is one of the most important probability distributions. With NumPy and Matplotlib, you can both draw from the distribution and visualize your samples.

Python 3.13 Removes 20 Stdlib Modules
Core developers are busy working on PEP 594, removing dead batteries from Python 3.13. This long post in the discussion forum highlights what work has been completed so far.

Write Code as if Failure Doesn’t Exist
Temporal is an open source programming model that can simplify your code, make your applications more reliable, and allow you to deliver more features faster. Check out the Temporal Python SDK Developer’s Guide to learn more and get started →

The Many Problems With Celery
“Celery is the de facto solution for background workers and cron jobs in the Python ecosystem, but it’s full of footguns.” This article describes the problems and offers some solutions.

Making the Global Interpreter Lock Optional
Sam Gross has outlined in the past on how to make the GIL optional in CPython. He presented at the Python Language Summit, updating on his progress and future plans in the project.

Makefile Tricks for Python Projects
Richard likes using Makefiles. They work great both as simple task runners as well as build systems for medium-size projects. This is his starter template for Python projects.

Using pyproject.toml in Your Django Project
A quick tutorial on how to use a pyproject.toml file inside of your Django projects to specify dependencies.

Interacting With Kubernetes Using Python
Discover the power of Kubernetes combined with Python! This guide delves into using the Python SDK for interacting with Kubernetes deployments and services.
FAIZANBASHIR.ME • Shared by Faizan Bashir

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Connect, Integrate & Automate your data from any other application or tool in real-time, on-premise or cloud, with simple data access to more than 250 cloud applications and data sources. Learn more at

What Is the Standard Library For?
This posting summarizes a conversation at the Python Language Summit proposing that guidelines be defined for when something should be added to the standard library.

Django REST Framework Authentication
Details how to add authentication endpoints to Django REST Framework with django-allauth and dj-rest-auth.
NIK TOMAZIC • Shared by Michael Herman

Projects & Code

Brought to you by Real Python for Teamssponsor
Online Python training created by a community of experts. Give your team the real-world Python skills they need to succeed →

lmql: A Query Language for Language Models

DbgE: IPdb-based Debugger With Sub-Expression Breakpoints
GITHUB.COM/ARANEGA • Shared by vincent

Bevy: Dependency Injection Framework

django-docker-quickstart: Django-Docker Starter Kit

PentestGPT: GPT-empowered Penetration Testing Tool

📆🐍 Upcoming Python Events

LambdaConf, Estes Park, CO
September 16-19, 2023

STL Python
June 7, 2023

Weekly Real Python Office Hours Q&A (Virtual)
June 7, 2023

Python Meeting Düsseldorf
June 7, 2023

Python Atlanta
June 8, 2023

PyDay La Paz 2023
June 10 to June 11, 2023
Happy Pythoning!
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