Writing Idiomatic Python What are the programming idioms unique to Python? This course is a short overview for people coming from other languages and an introduction for beginners to the idiomatic practices within Python. You’ll cover truth values, looping, DRY principles, and the Zen of Python. REAL PYTHON course
Notes From the Meeting on Python GIL Removal Between Python Core and Sam Gross “During the annual Python core development sprint we held a meeting with Sam Gross, the author of nogil, a fork of Python 3.9 that removes the GIL. This is a non-linear summary of the meeting.” ŁUKASZ LANGA
Analyze Code-Level Application Performance Across Your Entire Environment With Datadog APM Datadog’s distributed tracing and APM generates flame graphs from real requests, enabling you to visualize app performance and pinpoint hard-to-reproduce problems in your production code. Without switching tools, you can pivot to related logs and metrics for full context. Try Datadog APM free → DATADOGsponsor
PEP 660: Editable Installs for pyproject.toml Based Builds (Wheel Based) “Now that PEP 517 provides a mechanism to create alternatives to setuptools, and decouple installation front ends from build backends, we need a new mechanism to install packages in editable mode.” PYTHON.ORG
Django 4.0 Beta 1 Released Check out the work-in-progress development release notes for more details. DJANGO SOFTWARE FOUNDATION
PyCon US 2022: Conference Website Launched PyCon US 2022 takes place in Salt Lake City, Utah from April 27, 2022 to May 5, 2022. PYCON.ORG
Vicky Twomey-Lee Awarded the PSF Community Service Award for Q3 2021 PYTHON SOFTWARE FOUNDATION
Discussions What Is Your Most Controversial Python-Related Opinion? “I like lambdas.” REDDIT
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Articles & Tutorials The Composition Over Inheritance Principle “In Python as in other programming languages, this grand principle encourages software architects to escape from Object Orientation and enjoy the simpler practices of Object Based programming instead.” BRANDON RHODES
Using the “not” Boolean Operator in Python In this step-by-step tutorial, you’ll learn how Python’s “not” operator works and how to use it in your code. You’ll get to know its features and see what kind of programming problems you can solve by using “not” in Python. REAL PYTHON
How to Quickly Label Data for Machine Learning With Toloka, you can control the accuracy and speed of data labeling to develop high performing ML models. Our platform supports annotation for image classification, semantic segmentation, object detection, named entity recognition, sentiment analysis, speech recognition, text classification → TOLOKA AIsponsor
Using the len() Function in Python In this tutorial, you’ll learn how and when to use the len() Python function. You’ll also learn how to customize your class definitions so that objects of a user-defined class can be used as arguments in len() . REAL PYTHON
PEP 670 [Draft]: Convert Macros to Functions in the Python C API “Converting macros and static inline functions to regular functions makes these regular functions accessible to projects which use Python but cannot use macros and static inline functions.” PYTHON.ORG
A NASA TV Still Frame Viewer in Python Spacestills is a Python program for viewing NASA TV still frames. It’s a learning project based on the PySimpleGUI GUI framework. PAOLO AMOROSO
A New, Free Python Code Quality & Security Scanner With Real-Time Scanning Like Grammarly for your code. Scan your Python code for quality & security issues, and get fix advice in your IDE. Get started with Snyk for free. SNYK.IOsponsor
Storing Data on a Cassette Using Arduino and Python (Differential Manchester Encoding) ZENINSTRUMENTS.BLOGSPOT.COM
What the global Statement Really Means in Python LUCA CHIODINI
Building a Recommendation Engine Inside Postgres With Python and Pandas CRAIG KERSTIENS
Forgot to Set Up a Custom Exception Hook? Perhaps It Is Not Too Late ANDRE ROBERGE
Projects & Code noaa-apt-decoder: Decoding NOAA Weather Satellite Images Using Python GITHUB.COM/JCH15
nMigen: Python Toolbox for Building Complex Digital Hardware GITHUB.COM/NMIGEN
traviscli: Semantically Version Your Python Project on TravisCI GITHUB.COM/HASII2011 • Shared by Humberto Sanchez II
Ordained: An Opinionated Template for Python Packages BRYAN WOOD • Shared by Bryan Wood
staircase: Data Analysis and Manipulation With Mathematical Step Functions STAIRCASE.DEV • Shared by Riley Clement
django-dynamic-admin-forms: Add Simple Interactions to Django Admin PYPI.ORG
fork-purger: Delete All of Your Forked Repositories on Github GITHUB.COM/REDNAFI • Shared by Redowan Delowar
DearPyGui 1.0.0: A GPU Accelerated Python GUI Framework GITHUB.COM/HOFFSTADT
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