| | Synthetic Data Vault (SDV): A Python Library for Dataset Modeling Creating realistic data for testing applications can be difficult, especially when you have complex data requirements and privacy concerns make using real data problematic. Enter Synthetic Data Vault, a tool for modeling datasets that closely preserves important statistics, like mean and standard variation. ESMAEIL ALIZADEH
Python enumerate(): Simplify Looping With Counters Once you learn about for loops in Python, you know that using an index to access items in a sequence isn’t very Pythonic. So what do you do when you need that index value? In this tutorial, you’ll learn all about Python’s built-in enumerate(), where it’s used, and how you can emulate its behavior. REAL PYTHON
Profile, Understand & Optimize Code Performance You can’t improve what you can’t measure. Profile and understand code behavior and performance (Wall-time, I/O, CPU, HTTP requests, SQL queries). Install in minutes. Browse through appealing graphs. Supports all Python versions. Works in dev, test/staging & production → BLACKFIREsponsor
Reproducible and Upgradable Conda Environments: Dependency Management With conda-lock If your application uses Conda to manage dependencies, you face a dilemma. On the one hand, you want to pin all your dependencies to specific versions, so you get reproducible builds. On the other hand, once you’ve pinned everything, upgrades become difficult. Enter conda-lock . ITAMAR TURNER-TRAURING
Regular Expressions and Building Regexes in Python In this course, you’ll learn how to perform more complex string pattern matching using regular expressions, or regexes, in Python. You’ll also explore more advanced regex tools and techniques that are available in Python. REAL PYTHON course
PyInstaller 4.1 Supports Python 3.8 and 3.9 PYINSTALLER.READTHEDOCS.IO
Discussions My Students Challenged Me to Write the Smallest Graphical User Interface That Includes Actual User Interaction REDDIT
Advantages of Pattern Matching: A Simple Comparative Analysis PYTHON.ORG
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Articles & Tutorials 10 Python Skills They Don’t Teach in Bootcamp Here are ten practical and little-known pandas tips to help you take your skills to the next level. NICOLE JANEWAY BILLS
Using Python’s bisect module Python’s bisect module has tools for searching and inserting values into sorted lists. It’s one of his “batteries-included” features that often gets overlooked, but can be a great tool for optimizing certain kinds of code. JOHN LEKBERG
Python Developers Are in Demand on Vettery Get discovered by top companies using Vettery to actively grow their tech teams with Python developers (like you). Here’s how it works: create a profile, name your salary, and connect with hiring managers at startups to Fortune 500 companies. Sign up today - it’s completely free for job-seekers → VETTERYsponsor
How to Use Serializers in the Django Python Web Framework Serialization transforms data into a format that can be stored or transmitted and then reconstructs it for use. There are some quick-and-dirty ways to serialize data in pure Python, but you often need to perform more complex actions during the serialization process, like validating data. The Django REST Framework has some particularly robust and full-featured serializers. RENATO OLIVEIRA
Sentiment Analysis, Fourier Transforms, and More Python Data Science Are you interested in learning more about Natural Language Processing? Have you heard of sentiment analysis? This week on the show, Kyle Stratis returns to talk about his new article titled, Use Sentiment Analysis With Python to Classify Movie Reviews. David Amos is also here, and all of us cover another batch of PyCoder’s Weekly articles and projects. REAL PYTHON podcast
Formatting Python Strings In this course, you’ll see two items to add to your Python string formatting toolkit. You’ll learn about Python’s string format method and the formatted string literal, or f-string. You’ll learn about these formatting techniques in detail and add them to your Python string formatting toolkit. REAL PYTHON course
Spend Less Time Debugging, and More Time Building with Scout APM Scout APM uses tracing logic that ties bottlenecks to source code to give you the performance insights you need in less than 4 minutes! Start your free 14-day trial today and Scout will donate $5 to the OSS of your choice when you deploy. SCOUT APMsponsor
When You Import a Python Package and It Is Empty Did you know Python has two different kinds of packages: regular packages and namespace packages? It turns out that trying to import a regular package when you don’t have the right permissions causes Python to import it as a namespace package, and some unexpected things happen. PETR ZEMEK
Python Extensions with Rust and Go Python extensions are a great way to leverage performance from another language while keeping a friendly Python API. How viable are Rust and Go for writing Python extensions? Are there reasons to use one over the other? BRUCE ECKEL
Split Your Dataset With scikit-learn’s train_test_split() In this tutorial, you’ll learn why it’s important to split your dataset in supervised machine learning and how to do that with train_test_split() from scikit-learn. REAL PYTHON
IPython for Web Devs This free, open-source book will help you learn more about IPython, a rich toolkit that helps you make the most out of using Python interactively. ERIC HAMITER
Add a New Dimension to Your Photos Using Python Learn how to add some motion and a third dimension to a photo using depth estimation and inpainting. DYLAN ROY
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yappi: Yet Another Python Profiler GITHUB.COM/SUMERC
topalias: Linux Bash/ZSH Aliases Generator GITHUB.COM/CSREDRAT
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SDV: Synthetic Data Generation for Tabular, Relational, Time Series Data GITHUB.COM/SDV-DEV
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