| | Issue #190: Cages Weekly dose of all things Python. | | Hey Everyone, We are getting close to issue 200! Thanks for sticking with us and enjoy your weekend! Share an article with us and if it lands in newsletter get highlighted as a contributor in the newsletter! Like what we are doing? Check us out on twitter! | | News PyCaribbean Announced! PyCaribbean is the first Python Conference on the caribbean, it will be held on Feb 20-21th 2016 in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. The call for proposals will be open until November 20th. pycaribbean.com Shared by @pycaribbean Matplotlib 1.5 released Latest version include pandas DataFrame support, new colour maps, seaborn styles and more! matplotlib.org Shared by @mgrouchy DSF announces winner of the 2015 Malcolm Tredinnick Memorial Prize Congrats to Russell Keith-Magee for winning this award for his contributions to the Django community and ecosystem! djangoproject.com Shared by @mgrouchy PyPy 4.0.0 Released Lots in this release (besides the new versioning scheme) including SIMD Vectorization, bug fixes, performance improvements and More! Click through for the full release notes! blogspot.ca Shared by @mgrouchy Django REST framework 3.3 Released! Version 3.3 of the fantastic Django Rest Framework has been released. This marks the final work in the Kickstarter funded series. Click through for detailed release notes! django-rest-framework.org Shared by @mgrouchy Discussion Python Mistakes That Most People May Have Made At One Point Or Another reddit.com Shared by @mgrouchy VIM and Python - a match made in heaven reddit.com Shared by @mgrouchy | | Projects chromote Drive google chrome from Python using the Remote Debugging Protocol 1.1 API github.com Shared by @mgrouchy brainstorm Brainstorm is an attempt to make working with neural networks fast, flexible and fun. github.com Shared by @mgrouchy mysql_utils Tools for managing MySQL from the Pinterest Team. github.com Shared by @mgrouchy worldengine World generator using simulation of plates, rain shadow, erosion, etc. github.com Shared by @mgrouchy pdfx Useful tool, extracts links from a PDF and optionally downloads all referenced PDF's. github.com Shared by @mgrouchy borg A deduplicating backup program. Optionally, it supports compression and authenticated encryption. Click through for more info and a nice screencast demo. github.com Shared by @mgrouchy oscrypto A compilation-free, always up-to-date encryption library for Python that works on Windows, OS X, Linux and BSD. Supports the following versions of Python: 2.6, 2.7, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, pypy and pypy3. github.com Shared by @myusuf3 libtree github.com Shared by @mgrouchy devourer Devourer is a generic API client for Python 2.7 and 3.3+ featuring a simple, declarative interface. github.com Shared by @mgrouchy notedown notedown separates your markdown into code and not code. Code blocks (fenced or indented) go into input cells, everything else goes into markdown cells. github.com Shared by @myusuf3 agate A Python data analysis library that is optimized for humans instead of machines. github.com Shared by @mgrouchy figgypy A simple configuration parser for Python! github.com Shared by @myusuf3 filteralchemy Declarative query builder for SQLAlchemy github.com Shared by @mgrouchy Articles Comparing wxPython and Tkinter Discussion between the two big desktop interface libraries in Python! activestate.com Shared by @myusuf3 Deploying a Django App with No Downtime A nice primer of the problems and some solutions required to achieve zero downtime deploys in your Django applications. medium.com Shared by @mgrouchy Image Duplicates Detection in Python Nice article that goes over the duplication detection for images in Python. pHash FTW! 7webpages.com Shared by @myusuf3 VIM and Python - a match made in heaven Nice look at how to get your Vim set up optimally for writing Python code. Especially great jumping off point if you are new to vim. realpython.com Shared by @mgrouchy Python 101: Lambda Basics Wondering about Lambdas? Just trying to wrap your head around the syntax? Check out this post and learn all the basics of Python Lambdas. pythonlibrary.org Shared by @mgrouchy | | | | | | |