Why is [] faster than list(), Django anti-patterns and much more.
Issue #166: Max
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imapy An attempt to make an IMAP library that has a nice interface and is easy to use. github.com Shared by @mgrouchy
clize A library that attempts to make command line argument parsing a zero effort endeavour. github.com Shared by @mgrouchy
cutter Some syntactic sugar for list like objects in Python to help ease list traversal. github.com Shared by @mgrouchy
keras Theano-based Deep Learning library (convnets, recurrent neural networks, and more). github.com Shared by @mgrouchy
pygrabbit PyGrabbit is a simple link scrapper It will try to return the best image(s) that represent the content on a given web page or not. github.com Shared by @myusuf3
img2xls Convert images to colored cells in an Excel spreadsheet. Because? Why not! github.com Shared by @myusuf3