spaCy A library for text processing(NLP) in Python and Cython. Shared by @mgrouchy
smart_open This is useful. A utility to help with streaming large files from S3 and HDFS. Shared by @mgrouchy
ptpython An attempt to make a better Python REPL, includes features like autocompletion, multiline editing, syntax validation and more. Shared by @mgrouchy
x84 A python telnet/ssh server for modern UTF-8 and classic cp437 network virtual terminals. Shared by @mgrouchy
polytester Polytester is a simple, easy-to-use multi-language test runner. Groovy logo too. Shared by @myusuf3
mkcast Very cool. This tool allows you to create GIF screencasts of a terminal allowing you to overlay key presses. Shared by @mgrouchy
powerstrip A tool for prototyping docker extensions. Powerstrip is a configurable, pluggable HTTP proxy for the Docker API which lets you plug multiple Docker extension prototypes into the same Docker daemon. Shared by @mgrouchy
debops A collection of Ansible playbooks, scalable from one container to an entire data center. Shared by @mgrouchy
Type hinting in Python: focus on readability Interesting take on Python's approach to the new type hinting feature and how it currently focuses on improving code analysis tools at the cost of code readability. The author suggests an alternative approach. Shared by @mgrouchy