DjangoVillage -The Italian Python Conference The Italian Django conference will be taking place in Orvieto, Italy June 13-15, 2014. If you plan on attending the call for proposal deadline is March 31st, so time to get your submission in is running out. Shared by @maxpippi
rumps Ridiculously Uncomplicated Mac OSX Python Status Bar Apps! Got a little status bar app you want to write you can do it in Python now! Shared by @myusuf3
django-carton This is a simple and lightweight application for shopping carts and wish lists, easy to drop in and integrate with your app! Shared by @myusuf3
compilebot Very cool for those redditors out there! compilebot will execute python source code in reddit comments and provide the result! Shared by @myusuf3
bleach Bleach is an HTML sanitizing library that escapes or strips markup and attributes based on a white list. Legit name too. Shared by @myusuf3
Who needs a database? Interesting thought experiment about completely knocking a database from the stack, this obviously has some issues but interesting to see how it comes together. Shared by @myusuf3
pytest session scoped fixtures You can specify session scope in pytest which allows you to specify if a fixture will only run once per test session and be available across multiple test functions, classes and models. In this article the author shows with examples how this works. Shared by @mgrouchy
Reviewing Django REST Framework Nice review of Django REST Framework. Definitely to be considered when choosing which REST API Framework you want to go with for your next project. Shared by @mgrouchy