Issue #131

One Point Seven

Sept. 5, 2014

One Point Seven
Django 1.7 Released, unp, quantum mechanics with Python and much more.

Issue #131: One Point Seven

Weekly dose of all things Python.
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Python Software Foundation Matching Donations to PyPy this Month
The PSF is matching donations to PyPy for the month of September up to $10, 000. If you wanted to donate to support PyPy this is a great time to contribute!
Shared by @mgrouchy

Django 1.7 Released!
This release boasts some major changes including built-in migration system, newly refactored concept of Django applications and more after the jump!
Shared by @myusuf3


"Python Without Colons" Encoding.
This is quite the hack! Definitely worth the peek in the source
Shared by @myusuf3


Full-Stack Senior Python Developer (New York, NY) 
Posted By GP Renewables & Trading LLC. Promoted


A command line tool to easy unarchive archives in many formats such as .7Zip, .Zip, .rar, .tar, .bz2 and others.
Shared by @mgrouchy

A library to be used to search, download and process Landsat 8 satellite imagery.
Shared by @mgrouchy

Source for interesting article on twitter communities most followed. Check out the entire article here
Shared by @myusuf3

An Achievement framework for creating and tracking achievements in your python application.
Shared by @mgrouchy

Search and stream torrents, differently with Tribler.
Shared by @myusuf3

Colour: Colour Science for Python
A Python colour science package implementing a comprehensive number of colour theory transformations and algorithms.
Shared by @mgrouchy

BankAPI is a secure decentralized messaging system to send files/messages between banks and other types of financial institutions.
Shared by @myusuf3


An introduction to agent-based models: simulating segregation with Python
A detailed introduction to agent-based models and an implementation of the Schelling model in Python. The author uses this model help understand segregation in multi-ethnics cities.
Shared by @alexissantos

IPython (Jupyter) widgets: An image convolution demo
Convolution is one of the fundamental concepts of image processing. In this post the author demonstrates image convolution with iPython widgets and scikit-image.
Shared by @mgrouchy

Performing exploratory analysis in Python (using Pandas)
Nice tutorial to get you start exploring and analyzing your data with Python and Pandas.
Shared by @mgrouchy

Web Scraping with Scrapy - first steps
Wondering how to get started in web scraping? This article is for you! The author will get you scraping web pages in no time with scrapy.
Shared by @mgrouchy

How to Build a Kick-Ass Mobile Document Scanner in Just 5 Minutes
I really love this blog, python and image processing. This time the author builds a mobile document scanner! Awesome post!
Shared by @myusuf3

Mining Youtube Analysis Ice Bucket Challenge
Youtube analysis of the ever so popular IBC.
Shared by @myusuf3

Introduction Python To Scala
Awesome Gitbook for the Python developer learning Scala.
Shared by @myusuf3

Taking Time with Delorean
Tutorial of how to manipulate Time's in Python with the Delorean library.
Shared by @mgrouchy

Quantum Mechanics with the Python
Solving some quantum mechanics equations with Python.
Shared by @mgrouchy

API Testing: Quick, Dirty, and Automated
Shared by @mgrouchy

psutil and MongoDB for System Monitoring
Very nice detailed tutorial to set up psutil and MongoDB for system monitoring. The tutorial takes you right from setting up tooling and getting your data to displaying your data on a webpage.
Shared by @mgrouchy

Obey the Testing Goat!
Hate having your integration tests riddled with arbitrary sleep statements. The testing goat might just have a solution to you!
Shared by @myusuf3

Every mock.patch() is a little smell
Using mock.patch() a lot in your tests? In this post the author suggests that this is a code smell and that you may want to consider using the dependency injection pattern when writing your code so you don't have to use mock.patch() so much.
Shared by @mgrouchy

Writing a PyCon Proposal
Awesome article on what a proper PyCon Proposal should contain.
Shared by @myusuf3

Building a text editor with PyQt: Part 1 - Tutorial
Building a text editor is a huge project but this article will get you on your way with Python and PyQT.
Shared by @mgrouchy
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